Monday, December 31, 2012

But how bad do you want it?


When I get applications from the internet or those inquiring about our on air jobs, I get the same questions, like can you tell me more about it? Why only gals, and why not butt smugly gals at that?

Then there is the need for extreme dedication, and how bad do they want to work in radio? More over media.

The ads I reluctantly put on CraigsList, are pretty straight forward, good lookin gals that look nearly as good as one of or all of the HeeeHaw Honeys, (HeeHaw TV show) because we’ll be on TV and that is the Hazzard County look. Yes we are on radio, but simulcasted on TV on two TV networks , both CST(Confederate Star TV) and soon to be on RFDTV come this fall.

Then there is the fact why only gals? Simple, the male people or on air talent is supplied by the members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, Hazzard County AyreWolvez .

But with women, one has to consider that real difference between the two genders. Women are, well, women. The are mothers, and of course the fact that mother nature jumps in and makes women cranky, are all factors.

Then there is the difference in women today as opposed to women of even 30 years ago. Back then women, like my own Mom would not let motherhood, come before dedication to ones profession or employment. Mom let me run by myself from 15:00 to 18:00 when both Mom and Dad got home. During the summer months, there was the gal across the street that got me into the heat of a gal in nylon stockings on their feet(read a few prior entries of HazzardAyre for deets on feets). Of course even when I was bouncing around inside mom’s belly, Mom still , irrigated 300 acres of farm ground with a shovel and plastic dams. Fed cows and critters on the farm, and drove truck while dad stacked hay, long b4 there were self loaders. And hey I turned out okay. Then I hear and read about the junk in the trunk of gals needing bed rest, not drinking while PG, or smoking, shyt Mom did both and I’m mentally light years past my peers, so must not be such a bad thing.

Together Mom and Dad wanted to build a good farm and company and they did, but it was because THEY wanted it.

I had to let one of my Interns go today, she just has too much going on. Her baby is sick, well of course, take a kid to Wendell where he was freezing, yea that’ll get em sick. You can tell em things but they do not listen. The fact that an extra $6k a month in her bank account was not enough to get her to budge, so hey, I ain’t waiting. I put off jobs and tasks that Charley needed me to do, last week , because these gals were all supposed to show up, be interviewed and begin training. They didn’t. I wasted time and got my ass chewed, that’s why Charley was a bit put off of getting me go fluid , no work, no pay in my case go fluid.

While;e I myself run my own company, there is at least 8 months to go to bringing the mighty Hazzard County Garage and all back to full heat. Until then Charley manages the money to keep me from doing stupid stuff, which I’m thankful for, but I’m here because I too, WANT IT.

My new hire and prospective new hires, seemingly don’t. One I can understand, her now thankfully ex old man beat the crap out of her, spit blood on her baby, and made her nearly miscarry. So yes I can understand her delay, and her job with HazzardAyre is secure. But the rest, from Twin Falls, to Buhl, to Nampa. Have no real excuse. Thing is, when the jobs are taken and filled , don’t ask me again, cuzz they will be not available.

Okay then gotta bitch about the thing of the Magic Valley Teen Center. Watch this go down nearly in flames.

Not wanting it too , since its foundation is a good one, give the teens here something to do and place to go, after school and on weekends. Great.

They asked me if the Knytes wanted to help. Outside of myself I had two others, the rest had prior commitments, plus the Knytes’ New Years bash itself. So I excused myself from that, and get told this morning , thanx but no thanx.

Naw we don’t play that.

I don’t think the Knytes or Dixie Toewing will be doing a big contribution there. At least not too soon.

So to Jenna, sorry, I’m a guy pal, but working here is not for you.

For the rest that have applied, ya’ll need to pull your heads out of you cautionary and Victorian butts and either get to the office/studio to apply, or say thanks and I’ll withdraw your name from those who just might REALLY WANT IT !!

Happy Hazzard County New Year Ya’ll



Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Isaiah 43:16, 18-19“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

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