Sunday, July 28, 2013

Just what is against the law anymore and how to get rid of Phlem.


So just what is against the law and what is permissible?

Its about blurred any more.

Of course there’s the obvious, and its presumed if you follow the Ten Commandments ya’ll should be okay, right? Really? Not so as much as we’d like to admit. Guys hooking up with and marrying other guys, yuck first, and two its not natural. The human body is made to accommodate the body of the opposite or other gender, not the same one. If you open air preach the lords word, you can be arrested, and especially if you open air preach that it’s a sin to be queer, my are you in for trouble. Its now labeled as a hate crime. Even a church can’t say to a newcomer that they know to be queers, hey Gays are not allowed here. Nope, can you say a picket line and CNN?

Then there is the crime of abortion. I say it’s a crime and is akin to murder. But hey in today’s society its supposed to be okay. If a hospital or private Doctor says no to a gal wanting one, except in the case of saving the mother, and it better be just that, but if that doc or Hospital says no, they can loose federal funds and accreditation.

Few weeks ago, before the Durango incident, Nancy’ kids started warming up to me. No , not that way, but wanted to give hugs and sit next to me on their couch. I shunned those kids away. These days if it ain’t your kid, you don’t dare warm up to any kid or any youth under the legal age, unless its in the direct eye of a Pastor, or their parents, even then its iffy. Being alone in uncomfortable settings is also a condition of the law being iffy. Alone at your home or in say a radio studio. One does not dare. Especially if one is in the same place. Oh yes we see kids going over to visit other kids on the Disney Channel. Like the episode of Shake It Up where the old guy wants to learn to dance, yea right? In that scenario in real life that old guy would be arrested post haste, if not severely questioned. There are other examples, but its one thing on TV, its another in real life, and on another world, the other world is the Tragic Valley of Idaho. As I look back on years gone by I can’t reason why Mom & Dad moved here in 1971. After all we had a really great home, I had friends even one gal who had a crush on me across the street who always wanted to smooch on my covering me with kids style lipstick. If I had known then what I know now, I could have just got out old Herman and said her Vickie, Kiss this.

I was 4.0 GPA, had a internship at the observatory at Hansen Planetarium , had a real girl in Peggy, Follett there, had friends, and was just starting to carve out a future in both broadcasting and the club then there. Although the club then had different foundation. More of scientific exploration that two wheels as in HD or in our case Suzuki. But hey.

I can remember that we came up here for some idiotic visit with my 3rd cousin Kathy’ parents Mick and Dave. The discovery of an old individualistic learning program at Hazzard High that was albeit prehistoric in today’s technology, but was computerized and had gobs of media as in TV and such. Mom & Dad thought and I’m sure that if reason had overcome short term consideration, we’d have stayed put. But nope here we came. From a world of nearly 20,000 even then, of Layton Utah where stores were within walking or bike distance, to a town of maybe 900 where McDonalds was nearly 35 miles away.

The first trip up was filled with disaster, like omens from God that Mom nor Dad wanted to heed. From the old Merc breaking a tie rod on I-15 as if the old Merc was saying I ain’t going and nor should you. But some fixing and off we came. With us dropping the Merc at a friends place in Snowville, to be retrieved later.

Simply put I never wanted to be here then, and I haven’t got much love for it now. Lets face it, Mom & Dad’s custom built home is so far away from me to rebuy that it’s a mission impossible. Most of those I grew up with have moved away from here, some way away from Idaho, with no intentions of coming back, if they do it’d be in one of the states more metro areas like Boise or Idaho Falls, not the damn Tragic Valley. Many of the gifts that Mom & Dad gave as far as boosts in commerce and environmental improvement have long been forgotten, and quite frankly if both on vehicle capability wise or the fact Charlie did not require me to be here to be my SSI Payee, I’d be gone with NO intention EVER to return.

But getting back on track here. Just what is legal, and not so any more? Even loving God, in many’s eyes is against the law. There is no prayer in schools, or many assemblies of Government. Used to be, there was a prayer gave at the beginning and end of City council meetings. No more even in LDS dominated Twin Falls. In God we Trust has been removed from our currency, and hades forbid if you say thanks to God in public. Dig this, two incidences. A young lady sits down, at the food court at the Magic Valley Mall, has her Subway sandwich and all in front of her. Starts to give God thanks for the food, somebody else overheard her, reported her and the lady was ushered out of the Mall. For saying grace on her lunch. First too many nosey people and two; can Mall management say you can’t worship here, even as to blessing your food? Second incident: Young boy at one of the new High Schools here, began his day, with a prayer in class. Teacher sent him to the Principal. End result the kid was suspended. For praying, before class started. Really? Has our society turned that much away from God?

Finally this morning, been having trouble with the phlem issue again, don’t think I have the flu, but here’s one for you. In the time I was in Burley , especially both Heyburn as well as out to the shop, the one redeeming value to both is, even with mice all over, was I had no phlem. Not even the flu. Could it be that Twin Falls has become polluted air quality wise that my weak one lung fills up with gunk? Why is it that if that’s so, and not just me, but why is it that there are no or very few environmental regulations in place for the greater Twin Falls area? Including vehicle emission testing. I ain’t saying Utah is much better, but at least they try to make it where you can breathe down there. Maybe its time our political leaders here need to take a strong look at air quality in the greater Twin Falls/Jerome area.

At 72 degrees, your up to date.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
I detest the man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart and speaks forth another.

Philippians 3:14“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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