This one has potential voyeurism and abuse written all over it.
Dig this, a Wal-Mart in Idaho is proposing installing video security cameras in the head.
That’s right both male and female latrines will have video cams in there to make sure your safe, the alternative reason is that its supposed to deter retail theft.
However I can see some stock boys late at night with nothing better to do, before stocking already near bare bones shelves , sitting in a security monitoring office watching women go potty, as well as some of the fat clerks of female gender getting their rocks off watching some big burly guy whip out his slong taking a wiz. Yes I can see some real law suits. Why if Wal-Mart is so damn worried about retail theft do something community minded and kind, get those older senior citizen greeters at the damn door.
Wal-Mart from reports has lost mucho denarii over the last two financial quarters. Could loose more prior to the holiday sell it or loose it rush.
I can remember this guy who owned a motel in SLC on State street called the Alpine. He installed supposedly security cams in both the bathroom and the room itself. In behind the air conditioner vent covers. Ultimately this one old fat girl who should have been happy any body was looking, filed a voyeurism complaint with South Salt Lake Police, he was sentenced to 15 to 20 years.
What’s the difference here?
It’s a small business person protecting his rooms, and a retail giant looking to have some fun with their customers.
Heard from sources, that my buddy who minds the funds, is having some money troubles himself. According to one of our Knytes members, the GodFather, is selling a bunch of his equipment. Apparently he bought more than he needed or could afford.
Okay I say this, granted going after on air females in the Wolf’s Lair before we were fully grown on air was premature, Yes, some of our business methods may be questioned, but, dig this. Dixie Toewing aka The Hazzard County Garage of Idaho, is the oldest, single owner and still owned by the original creator and owner, toewing service in the Magic, translate Tragic Valley of Idaho. And one of the oldest toewing services in the region still in business under its own original, name from the same area, for over 30 years.
Now if you were going to trust your most valuable ride to transport it with a velvet touch , who are you going to trust? Yep you got it> and still backing the Knytes of Anarchy For that same 30 years. Into you, into your ride that’s us we are>
Nuff said.
Back to the action, on HazzardAyre Radio.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
At the working man's house hunger looks in but dares not enter.
--Benjamin Franklin
2 Corinthians 10:17-18“But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |