Sunday, August 18, 2013

Don’t believe in the politicians, believe in the nation


The sun goes down the nyte rolls in, you can feel it starting all over again, your in your room, your out on the street can’t resist the midnight heat, Its HazzardAyre NyteMoves.

I hear and see so much hate and ah heck can’t describe it in words , but thing is many blame this economy on poor old Obamabeenlyin. First understand the economy was the shits when Bush Junior took over the White House in 2000 , just before 9-11. The war was started in part by Bush to help repair an economy that up to that point weren’t all that bad. The nation was not in debt, in any form, trade with other nations was doing cartwheels, our domestic product , Internet bubble and all was bubbling over we had it made. Then just because old Slick Willie got his slippery Willey caught between the teeth of one of his interns and who knows why he chose such an ugly one for, I mean if your going to cheat and you are the President for heck sake get someone hot in there. Someone like Tara Reid or someone. For those few souls out there scratching your noggin here’s Tara Reid >imagesTara-tara-reid-967901_1024_768147016-tara-reid-green-dressTara-Reid-4I mean if your going to get thrown out of office more over potentially impeached from your marriage, do it with Tara, that Monica Lewinski , yuck, no legs, no teats to puss.

But once Bush took over the nation started going into a downward spiral. Then Obamabeenlyin takes over and tries to fix a bunch of things, but is road blocked by a bunch of crooked idiotic politicians looking to be career politicians, and we have a nation about to crack open wider than Grand Canyon.

But lets look past these politicians, lets look at our people, and lets look at the only and I mean ONLY cure for this mess.

Our nation is made up of some very remarkable people. From NYC to Seattle , from Miami to LA, it don’t matter. Our population has people of every color and ethnic background there is. While I do say close the door to some importing people to our nation I also think there’s a great dis-service done the people here first. The Native Americans. No matter the tribe, I have a neat idea, lets put these migrant workers on the reservation, let the Native Americans have all that free healthcare, welfare and so on, live in Fed supported housing, and lets reverse that situation. Lets heal that sore wound. See even then White man speaking false things. But we have great people and this mess, yes it might take a zillion years to fix if it is to be fixed at the option of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ too fix it, Jesus might just have considered we’re too broke down to save , so he’s going to junk it.

The Lord has provided two fixes, all from about the same place. And he has help. The saving place , Birmingham Alabama, the new Capitol of the United Confederate States of America. Second, someone like Ben Jones(Cooter) is elected President. Third the presiding political power is the Confederate National Party, the Senate and Congress is made up of people from current members of both houses, as well as the Sons of Confederate Veterans and of course, The Knytes-of-Anarchy, that has been fixing things all others have failed to all along. If we didn’t do it nothing ever gets done.

So what nation do I believe in ? The Hazzard Nation.

Catch Ya’ll L8R

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Quote of the Day:
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
--“Mahatma” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Philippians 1:21“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

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