It’s a pretty much a given that milk and beer, especially cheap beer do not mix well.
Yesterday eve, was doing some scripting here and neighbor Dave comes over. So I meander over yonder and drank a Coors Light. First I’m not a Coors guy in any way, give me ye ole Budweiser and time, but considering I had just had a pie and big glass of milk, was a disaster looking for a happening.
About mid eve came my ex roomy (sooner the better) and so I had another brew to be sociable. Except between the lawn chair that has seen better days, and some more conversation with bile in my esophagus I trotted home here, and unloaded first from behind, then from the front. After hurling I cleaned up, went back over. Soon the carport party was over, but this is not the end of it.
I was in partial REM sleep, when I felt that wrenching feeling in my throat at about 04:30 hours.
So went in, hurled again.
Normally I have a gut that will take anything, since I take meds for that, but Friday wanted to go refill that particular med. Except the idiots at Weber Health Services hadn’t called Wal-Mart to authorize a refill. Had all the rest except Lithium, which partially explains Friday mornings outburst, I have to wait until the 31st of July to get that reauthorized. Really friends? I can get my Metformin, okay, and my thyroid meds okay, but the other two, getting anything at Weber Health Services is like putting sox on a rooster.
So early this morning while sipping some flat ginger ale I looked up malpractice attorneys. Found one not too far from me with a live call taker. Told her what was up, she said she’ll get the word to some attorney and I plan to sue.
Now its not, for looking for a big pay off, since any attorney is going to take at least 30 to 40% off any monetary award. But if taking Weber Human Services to court wakes someone up at Weber Human Services as well as giving them a kick in their complacency so be it.
On another legal situation partly connected.
As you know I was a patient at Provo Canyon School, more like captive there, during the late mid 1970’s.
In 2008 I got a letter at first from some gal in Oregon working with a organization advocacy group called HEAL, that was looking forward to suing PCS. This Angela gave me a phone number to some gal in San Francisco or thereabouts, that turned into a gal looking for a new home, with privileges. But I then got the number to and call from some attorney here in Utah working with this Angela. Said he was going to send some documents and all, I never got. So it went. Kept in contact, but never heard from em again.
So mid April got a email from HEAL, on would I be willing to do a sit down interview for some TV documentary on PCS. Sure. So I sat all day waiting for this guy that I thought was from NBC. Turns out it was some intern level, college kid doing a project. Still they came, this guys assistant looked hot, in more ways than others, and we set here for two and a half hours. They did this thing , and gone they were.
How does my upset tummy last night into early morning get together. I believe and I’m not counting it out that the injuries, from being kicked in the stomach, multiple times, being held down and having brussle sprouts stuffed down my throat, getting hit in the back side of my knees multiple times and still having to stand up for 300 hours, started at 260, but every time I’d fall down from strain here came the ball bat. The ultimate, was just slightly after I had transferred from Orientation to Phase 1, I was on the couch first watching American Bandstand and then Gilligans Island. I made some remark as to how hot Dawn Wells(Mary Ann ) looked, and got peened in the head with a ball peen hammer. Just above my ear. Even though they knew at PCS I had suffered a head injury through a car accident there, and just as some bone began to grow back in just over my right ear, PCS had to smack me with a hammer there. Meaning no bone only skin there. Which nearly prevented me from going into the USMC, but some quick talking by my dad to DoD and I went anyway.
Bottom line this attorney from HEAL was supposed to get back to me and as of yet, it’s a month and yet no response.
Thing is many of my health problems are a result of injury that I took there at PCS, again not looking for a big money thing, just looking for justice. But as my Cousin Claude said once , “ Wish in one hand, want in the other, see which one fills faster”
The only way I’d ever get justice from PCS would be for me to personally hire my own attorney and hit em up their head, but I haven’t got all that paper work, and what is , is in one of four refrigerator sized file cabinets at Cousin Bud’s now deceased that is at second cousin Shars.
So remember fellow aviators and road rescue technicians, milk and beer, don’t mix.

Quote of the Day:
Encouragement is like a premium gasoline - it helps to take knocks out of living.
Psalm 138:8“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.”
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Out of Anarchy comes order-AyreWolf