It is Morning Wood, that first cup that first glimpse of light that brings the dark into dawn to, today.
I first woke up with a vision that has yet to pass from my mind of a talent I discovered at TMG a few weeks ago, in casting for the cover pin up for the radio site of HazzardAyre as well as the formal Knytes site. Her name is Michele, and yes it was that kind of dream. I thought how she captivated my dream and mind, what little of it there is still left. I think too, if she can captivate my thoughts , that I had so long ago abandoned, thinking she just might be the one to focus attention on. So will be calling Vickie at TMG to explore that more next week.
Okay , plans were to truck over to HAFB for the Airshow there today, but on several levels from we haven’t a thing entered to a headache that is dispersing from playing some Floyd decided against the huge crowd, so will venture forth there Sunday while the rest of the Utah population is in church, I’ll go see what I need to see.
So then went to Dee’s for breakfast. It is one thing to try to deny that one is getting older, its another to take advantage of it. More in the Senior discount. Which leaves some green left over although not much but getting out of a cafĂ© under $10.00 is a relief.
Of course I wouldn’t so mindless on money flow except, Government check comes in a day or two, and chew and all wise am good, since one of the club members dropped by to spot me a $20.00 so I’m good for a few days.
The old adage of Early to bed early to rise, is paying off. The overnight hauls on HazzardAyre will still go on, but its nice to drop into deep sleep just as the dusk sinks into dark again is long nights of restful sleep, then arising as the sun crests the Wasatch Mountains, this old city seems in a mystified sense of brushing the dust from its eyes, is refreshing. Traffic is low, mother nature renewing itself, from a old day that was yesterday into the busy day its about to come. This is when I feel nearly mostly alive. Going to food at this time of day means you see people in a much better mood, since its feeding and they haven’t met the intrepid stupid of much of what is Metro Utah yet.
So tuned into one of my fave outside stations , caught this notice on 103.5, that Pink Floyd Australia is coming to Utah. Great, so in writing this entry snagged em up on YouTube to see if the name met with the legend. In some respects yes, in many no. But the one factor that I most took notice of and its one I ALWAYS notice, is the backup female singers all of them wearing? Yes , Nylons. This is not a big mystery. Just as it is with us, when you consider that 80% of your target demo is male, it’s a simple fact , that guys dig babes in nylons. From the many web sites that are devoted to the fashion to the fashion teasing of events that could just happen, to just the silkiness of the look, when I hear auditioning talent say they either don’t wear them or wont wear them, it makes me wonder.
That’s one of the many attributes that Michele at TMG there in SLC made me sit up and look. Of all that auditioned that day she heard the dress code and adhered to it. It made a positive and yes educated look and impression. Which is one of the things I most remember.
Few things can make a real HE Man sit up and take notice is these>to put it blunty these>
in these>
gets this>
and appears on the site> and the upcoming full site for both us in and of:
Now before Morning Wood turns into afternoon sweat, I’m outta here.
Tune in tonight, you’ll like the show.
Quote of the Day:
A rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.
--Richard Armour
2 Peter 3:9“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |