I’m one of the biggest champions of a fellow radio personality, you can’t say radio announcer or even Disc Jockey anymore , nope the politically correct term is Radio Personality.
Zeb wrote a recent posting of Zeb at the Ranch, where he said , “ I despise Obama” so do I. But its not like I didn’t tell you not to vote for the bastard. You can’t trust northern Yankee’s. Ever. They condemned the southern states, overtaxed southern farmers and laborers , the oppressed the southern people, and although free admit it, Southern Utah and Idaho were once southern sympathetic states, welcoming those that wanted to escape the south, into a place where they could relish in some sort of prosperity. Might be why there are two towns and a silver mine that was part of the Rocky Bar complex just east of Mountain Home near Featherville. The towns are called Atlanta, and yes Dixie, real towns not just words for a region as in Utah, additionally, the Confederate Star Mine. Oh they forgot to teach you that in High School history class’s. I have been working alongside the Knytes to educate these northern young people the truth of the great war between the states, for years, and why there is in part, HazzardAyre Radio. Inspired by Ray McBerry of Dixie Broadcasting.com that I tune into and learn from every day. If you tune in and its free by the way, you’ll learn so much that you never knew about the south. And the true meaning behind and of our battle flag,>for us its what we call fight the system radio, which Zeb Bell, also does although not as volatile as we do it.
I also hate, despise and condemn President Obama, but I also despise a bunch of senators, congressman and ladies, heads of state, FCC commissioner and a few more, that would take a too long of a list.
Zeb will not go as far as HazzardAyre and I do, I will say this, I respect and honor the flag of America>that said, I love and will die for this flag>
It was right in 1865 and its right today. What I can’t any longer and yes its partly the Washington DC playboys and all’s fault, but I no longer can bring myself to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner, nor say the pledge of Allegiance. But Play the Dixie National Anthem, and say the Dixie pledge and you’ll have me standing , singing and praying that such a person, like Ray McBerry of Dixie Broadcasting and soon to be elected President of the Son’s Of Confederate Veterans organization gets a run at the President of the rest of the United States. I also pray that if things can’t get any better and our nation becomes truly United, that such a thing as the United Confederate States of America, UCSA that movement is increasing in intensity, but the UCSA>
has the best foundation for a real United nation. That restores true liberty honor, integrity, love of country, and yes TRUE freedom.
Oh and for those, including Gina who co-produces Zeb’s early morning radio show on KBAR out of Rupert Idaho, Zeb, like me does his radio show from HIS HOUSE, maybe its because Zeb is married and there’s another lady in the place that makes that the not so terrifying place that the Wolf’s Lair is.
Read Zeb at the Ranch, listen to HazzardAyre at www.livestream.com/hazzardayre .
Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg
Mark 8:36“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |