Saturday, July 5, 2014

All for the love of the Brothers and Sisters


Well last night did not go very well. At about 17:30 hours Friday night tried to fire up HazzardAyre on grand except for one problem, program stream ran just about 20 minutes and cut off. So thinking its just Livestream, went to go online. Found out I wasn’t completely online, although modem was working and all, my computer and the web were not connecting. Made one call to Comcast, which was really for residential, rather than business, some guy who was Indian, not Apache, more like Bangladesh, answered . So after telling him the map number of one modem, the phone modem, which had nothing to do with Internet, the damn thing still didn’t work, so went next door, had a burger with Dave, chatted a bit, then I trucked home.

Dave pounds beers like I do Chiclets, but I can’t anymore for umpteen reasons, mainly because being in toewing, I have to be ready to go at a moments notice, I can’t be snorkered responding to the scene of a tow, drunk or even with a buzz.

Second, too much beer any more reaks havoc on my stomach and gives me the near upchucks, and third, Dave’s brand of brew is the kind of brew one gets to get plastered, me I like beer that has a taste that is good, not just barley fizz water,.

So then came back here in the Roadhouse, same Internet thing. My suspicion is that somewhere along the line, from a fire or something Comcast was down somewhere. Even though I was online the throughput was just not getting from point A to point B, makes you shudder at molecular transport over Comcast, your ear might end up near your pecker.

So called Comcast again, went through the bit of the automated answering service, got finally connected.

Guess what? A Mexican gal this time. Still no speaka the EspaƱola, I’m not being racist here but damn it, if you live and work in America SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH, or stay in your own nation.

still no answers.

Finally at 03:00 I got in touch with someone that speaks AMERICAN ENGLISH, and its working okay now I think.

But damn it.

So for those who expected me at the fireworks ride tonight, it was me at the Roadhouse getting HazzardAyre back up.

On the subject. Found another outfit , that is geared more for radio than TV, so am looking into it, but also sent a trouble ticket to Livestream. If Livestream can’t or wont fix this thing, we’re going elsewhere.

Just remember its For the Love of you, my trucking/toewing brothers and sisters as well as you in uniform around the world I do this for.

Will try another broadcast at 23:00 Saturday night.




Quote of the Day:
The secret pleasure of a generous act Is the great mind’s great bribe.
--John Dryden
Isaiah 12:4“In that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

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