Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HazzardAyre 44 Time to Hazzardize Idaho


Or a good subtitle; like pouring av gas on a barbeque.

Maybe its getting to be spring and I’m getting a hard on for some real action or perhaps it was sitting down previous evening watching CMT, and right there was more Hazzard County than one man could only dream of, but first two Dukes episodes, then watching the Dukes movie called the Beginnings, whatever it was I have serious Hazzard fever again, but, instead of just pouring water on the fyre, I’m thinking, maybe heating up all things Hazzard again, if for no better reason than my exit from Idaho. Come to think of it wasn’t that part of the reason I moved to Idaho from Wyoming in the first place? More over why , outside of a mere pissing match with some over whoremoaned bikini bar bouncer, why I set my sail to the wind and moved to western Idaho? Why go away from Idaho all tuckered and put up wet? Now sitting over a few miles from Buhl here in the one sure speed trap of Idaho is a shop that came available. Why not kick the Hazzard mule in the ass for one more pass?

Maybe it’s tyme to Hazzardize Idaho one more time.

Let ya’ll know next week.


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1 Corinthians 2:9“However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—”

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