I can’t in good conscience pledge allegiance to a flag or system of Government I no longer believe in nor honor much if at all. First my hat is off to the many like myself who have served and continue to serve in this nations military, but that is as far as I go.
Our system of Government has become so corrupt and crooked that I no longer can stand and pledge my allegiance.
I pledge my allegiance to the flag of Dixie and our Confederate States, I sing our Confederate national anthem, and I will defend our Confederate brethren and Confederate nation with the last ounce of my blood, and until death.
But as far as singing the Star Spangled Banner, or saying the pledge of allegiance, is no longer something I can do.
Abraham Lincoln as far righted as he could be, and who with deadly force conquered our Confederate states during the deadliest war of them all said it best. A house, or nation divided cannot stand.
This nation is so divided , if it was a mobile home, it’d be a travel trailer. There are protests going on all over this nation, for rights both in the labor market, to those elected to office running and hiding in neighboring states, so as not to vote on important issues.
If you feel, that there is no answer, think again. We are the modern Confederacy, and if you no longer wish to live under oppression, and a corrupt Government, then join us, we are the Knytes-of-Anarchy and we need to fix this nation now before we loose everything.
Donate money, donate time, get involved.
Hey its our nation, our freedoms, our lives.
It’s time.
Stay Tuned
Quote of the day:
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Proverbs 14:22“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |