Monday, February 7, 2011

HazzardAyre51 AyreWatch2


No matter how anyone wants to make us say Uncle, the fact is, no one can combat truth. Yes there can be those who want to throw sand into our turbines , but fact is, we don’t now, never have and never will hide behind the animinity of the Internet, or keyboard. I always show on many of the graphics we put up on our online blogs, our phone number, even the exact, not approx , but the exact vector of my office/quarters. If I were up to doing fraud or worse , would I list that much information to where the Civilian fuzz could find me ? , I don’t think so. It’s because we as an organization, myself being exactly what I claim I am, that I dare, and will put up my address, phone number , even real name. As I nor the Knytes-of-Anarchy/AyreWolvez have nothing to hide. Our public filings are open for examination during regular business hours. But yet I will continue to be hammered by those who only think they know even a bit of something , yet who do not know anything. Much of our headaches, come from an ongoing feud near Hazzard, from 4 prominent business owners of a place called Jensen Realty, who thought they and a former bean counter now deceased , of the Montgomery Foundation, thought they were going to get rich, selling time shares, made up of chunks of land from the 40 choice acres that was my homestead. One of the business-men was at the time of a rapid sale, of said land and my home, was the County Assessor of Gooding County. Immediately before the property could not even be touched for less that $200k, after that no where under $500K yet at the time of sale property values dropped to well below true market value. So they could buy low, sell high. A bit of skullduggery. Work is under way through legal channels to not only challenge that sale , but those in the under pinning's of that sale. So what better way to throw a blanket on the fyre? Discredit me online. Problem is, way too many people know what happened and are aiding in the prosecution. This is why I remain on station, here in Western Idaho. Those who owe me are going to pay and pay hard what I am owed. Even if it wipes some out. Even to the degree that some do time, in the cross bar motel.

Have you noticed? Larry the Cable Guy has a new gig, on the History Channel. All I can say is Larry, Git-R-Done.

Finally ; Fund raising for the U.S. Military Aviators Memorial to be erected at the Buhl Airport, Buhl Idaho continues. If you wish to help, send donations to:

AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, AyrePower Memorial Fund, 123 13th Ave North Suite D, Buhl Idaho 83316, or call : 208-737-9653.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

my blog sig   awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
1. Never tell everything at once. - Ken Venturi
Psalm 97:10“Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.”

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