Friday, February 18, 2011

HazzardAyre63 Maybe there needs to be a protest in America

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You have been seeing it in Cairo Egypt. Your hearing it from so many other nations around the globe. People are tyred and sick of existing and dieing under oppressive , corrupt , Governments. Should not now as we see the nations politicians in America and some charcoal colored President, lying and taking away everything, under the disguise of saving money from the Federal treasure chest that has been invaded all too often, for way too many not needed projects? The core of the United Confederate States of America, and the Confederate National Party, was in its original formation to get out from under oppressive government that lead to the great war between the states. Now we are nearing that now, should we as both Sons of Confederate Veterans, as well as Knytes of Anarchy, be too shy, to stand up and create a fuss to say enuff of this stuff? The Knytes of Anarchy, is after all beyond being the hot rod classic and custom OTR truck and old skool trucking history preservation organization, branch of the United American Independent Truckers Association, we are also the truly active soldiers of the United Confederate States of America(UCSA). We are the operating version, of the Confederate States Marine Corps, and as such, I’m announcing from HQ that plans are under way to engage, some rather serious protests and such for and of the UCSA. More on that after the 17th of March.

Now then , if you have done as instructed, and began watching CSpan and Cspan 2 overnight, to really see what Uncle Sam is doing, by the way from the way Uncle Sam, is saying its broke. Might be Uncle Sam, crying Wolf, as in AyreWolf. As it would seem, AyreWolf Aviation and sister operations, Wyld Eagle Toewing, Southern Eagle XPRESS an LtL trucking company, amongst others seems to be the only solid firm in America that has kept it together, not laid off anyone, and seems to have been able to keep, albeit small, but a profit even through the recession. Now then , should AyreWolf Aviation be , paying TAXES? Yes, and so I am working with our accountants to do that, but dig this, went to find my IRS, EIN number, and could not find such. So called IRS up and asked them to look it up. The last real time , we used it was at Cooter’s Bar & Grill, in Morgan Utah, but guess what?Because I could not remember the mailing address, the lady on the damn phone could not help me. Something to do with confidentiality, But said she could mail me a form. Fine, but dig this, there is an IRS office next to Mike Crapo’s office in Twin Falls, problem is, its never open. You can’t get any help there. I have three choices, drive to Boise, Pocatello, or Salt Lake City. Guess what ? Uncle Sam may cry Wolf but, Wolf will not be that excited to pay. Why? Because, if Uncle wants my money, get rid of Government waste. Get rid of Government employees that can’t, or wont or both do their damn jobs. That’s how to fix this deficit. Don’t cut the agencies budgets, get the idiots out of those agencies that are wasting money and clogging up the pipe. Then Uncle will get the Wolf’s money.

Like I said its really time for the UCSA, to stand up , say no more, and do like those in Egypt and such are doing, force Obama and his crooks out of office, and input UCSA, people in there.

More L8R

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Quote of the day:
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw
Romans 8:38-39“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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