One of the things both us in the AyreWolvez as well as the Knytes have not done well, if at all is play nice in the sandbox with others. The club is unison has never networked well with those that could have or would have helped the groups to advance or rise to the altitudes that we should have.
However at Thursday nights meeting held at the Wolf’s Den, here in Burley we all came to the conclusion that maybe pulling back on the fight the system attitude and network with both media and other groups that have like minded philosophies. So what does that mean? It means being so sexual in imprints and appearances. Rather be a bit more subdued and a bit more tame in operations, at least outside to the none military aviation and classic and custom ride communities. An old guy that truly is a legend in this business of customs , Bill Baulding of Boise, said it once, If I want to look at a screw book, I’ll buy a screw book, if I want to look at hot rods, I buy a hot rod book. The two , do not have to be blended together.
Now this might be me, and/or the club, that is mellowing in our older age, and make no mistake, I have no plans on turning queer, or that my admiration for a hot bod posing with a hot rod, in a publication or showing stuff off on TV. Nor do I have anything wrong with recruiting gals to be a focal point for doing new age nose art on a vintage warbird. But lets face it, the amounts of that kind of talent is far and few, more over, even if there is , the attitudes in our small community, that stretches from Malta to Mountain Home, and all parts within that circle, is to restrictive to allow anyone to do much of anything that extends out of the accepted standards. If you do, you are shunned, and boycotted. Could that be why the clubs projects, are still being self funded instead gaining outside sponsors?
So extending a peace branch, to some of our area broadcasters etc and saying lets stop fighting and us working with them , might gain us , well some better fruit from the same near bare tree’s we been picking from.
So in a few weeks, I’m out shopping and talking to the important people.
As I close, and I mean this not in a derogatory way, but have you noticed how KMVT has been directly attacking their competitors? As far as the best news station in the valley? While it may be a fact that many more people watch KMVT for local news, than CH-7 or FoX – 35, I’ll bet you money that if even one of them did more Magic Valley oriented news that people would flock to them. Oh wait though, have you noticed two things? A KMVT has not said or compared themselves to HazzardAyre TV? Or HazzardAyre News? The other thing that all news outlets do is bark about the same thing and do it twice. Once at 18:00 hours, then again at 22:00 hours. Why not report something new? Or do a report on something not normally covered? Say like truckers news, truckers weather, oh wait a second that’s what we do, and we do it better than the others do, because the foundation of the Knytes-of-Anarchy is being a truckers organization. Have you ever seen the tow show in Reno Nevada covered on a local TV news show? Outside of a tragic accident, have you ever seen any of the local TV stations do a diddy on any warbird enthusiasts group in Idaho. Granted there is only 3 , us,(The AyreWolvez) The group in Idaho Falls based at Fanning Field , and the WarHawks based at the Nampa/Caldwell Airport in Nampa. Have you ever seen any local news station go to the big airshow in Reno, or Oshkosh? What’s hideous about this, is right out KMVT’s back door right under their towers at the Jerome Butte, sits AirPower Unlimited and the Warbird museum. Yet have you ever seen a story on that? When KTVB did their road show this past week or so, did KTVB go out and take a look at that? Nope. And why didn’t KTVB on its road tour, take in such magical towns such as Hazzard(aka-Hagerman) If these TV stations, cain’t serve these communities better than they do, why not sell off one of their sub stations, like, KTVB, KSAW, or FoX-35, HazzardAyre is buying.
What I’m saying and giving a warning, to KMVT, do as it says, in the Bible, paraphrasing here, before you throw stones at another, best make sure your own house is in order first.
In nearly 39 years since mom and dad stupidly moved here in 1972-1/2 KMVT through as many configurations, under several managers, and three owners, has never improved. My Dad used to ask the question, “what rock did that reporter crawl out from under?” Until KMVT gets rid of some of the people that have been there for all too long, That dates back to when KMVT was under the same roof and in the same building I worked in when I was on air at KLIX AM 1310, then and only then , will KMVT become the area leader that they aspire to. But then too, that will be a tuff uphill climb, since HazzardAyre TV has them by their walnuts.
Until Saturday

Quote of the day: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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