I just finished watching a preacher on the INSP or Inspiration Channel on cable TV. As he quoted biblical chapters and verse, I followed along. At first I began getting into what he was barking about, he lost my trust in his words, when a few times he missed the mark on chapter and verse. Simple mistakes that anyone could make, but if your preaching in the name of Jesus Christ, should you not make sure what chapter and verse your quoting? Then he began talking on the Seed Principle, and that which you sow also ye shall reap, which I fully try to plant good seeds every day, but sometimes, its not the seed that is at fault, but the soil is not proper to grow that seed, that the seed does not render a harvest. That said as this preacher kept on, he barked about the revelation he got, saying that the numbers 2-7-3 were some sort of, as he put it a breakthrough number. He said that it would change everyone’s lives if they ponied up $273.00 . Going on to say that anyone could retire on that amount. He went on to say, he expected 3000 people to pony up that $273.00 , Hey I agree , that’s $819,000.00 . Yea I could retire on $200,000.00 shy of a million bucks too.
The Bible tells us that there will be many who will preach and claim to represent God and/or the Son. But its wise for us not to go there.
Just once I’d like to see on TV, or hear a preacher from whatever religion or church preach and say, “ Friends, I do not ask for, nor do I want you to give one dollar or even a penny. I will pray for you, this is the word of God” Just once , I’d like a religion to teach the gospel, and have the sacrament or Lords Supper, etc without throwing out a collection plate. Yes I know buildings for meetings, and so on need to be paid for somehow. But what about putting out a jar for donations at the front door and allow people to give what they can, and if they cain’t so be it. God’s love never has came with a price tag. We as people cain’t buy God’s love with any amount of money.
Yes the Bible is filled with verses of sacrificing of burnt offerings, and yes giving out of ones heart that what he or she feels they can is good, but to be accepted in a church or not , just because of what financial gifts you can muster up on Sunday, is not thinking clearly.
I have been going to a Church in Jerome, for a short time, and feel blessed because of it, while they do pass around the plate, I’m not felt belittled because I put in a few cents , while others put in some serious cash. I used to go to a Church in Wendell, over yonder, that it seemed like a contest between many of who could cough up the most money to put in the collection plate. This is not my place to Judge
As God has said by the measure you judge so shall you be judged. If we sit in the pews of a Church and measure the ability to be saved by what we put in a plate, I’d hate to see the judgment those will be judged.
But these same things are why, I follow one Church, made up of long haul truckers, bikers and military aviators, the Church is called the Amalgamated Church of Dixie, In our services, held on the REAL Sabbath day(Saturday) , you will never hear one sermon that has a price tag attached to it. Some of our members give what they can money wize, while others contribute as to labor, or other task that benefits the church, but nobody ever asks for , nor expects to gain , money for preaching. As I have said, God does not sell his love for us, nor can we buy his love.
If you want to follow us in our ministry , just email me at knytesofanarchy@yahoo.com and I will tell you where, when and at what time we get together in your area.
God Bless You
Quote of the day:
The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young. - Willa Cather
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |