Tuesday, June 18, 2013

hurt but mending


Normally I have a intro pic to my report here on HazzardAyre.

For this one, there is no pic.

While its not exactly a he she break up its close enough. Quite frankly enough blame for both, I said my sorry’ so we move on and yet I’m hurting inside. Just like if in fact my real sister not just an adopted one died. Hey that happened not too long ago.

All caused ,by an associate that I trusted in, and quite frankly I still trust in as I have not much choice, until I change my environment. Mostly location. I need to be nearer to media and such facilities than there are available , more over where there is territory for LexiBelle. In both cases that ain’t here. I bought into all the stuff from Big C, about moving here being put into an associated position and all that. Ain’t happened. Spread my wings a few times, got the wind sucked out from under , I was damn near ready to turn this around then after all the tow truck hadn’t been moved and shop not shut down, no but I trusted. What an idiot I am, but things are under way to fix this.

Then its AM Falls/Pocky, and I no look back here cept to say adios amigo.

The fact that someone that says she's into the lord and all that , yet can’t say something like we both messed up, we are both at fault, and even go settle this with the one that caused the rift to begin with, makes me wonder are you into the lord , or do you go to church to be trendy, and show a good side?

Any mile not feeling well so hitting the rack until 15:00 but some practice of what ye preach.

Good numbers to ya’ll we 1010 on the side,

DXEWYNGS sign off

Quote of the Day:
The happiest couples are those who spell "us" with a capital "you."
--Klare Provine
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

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