Cooter's Bad Ass Journal Entry 1 Who the fuck owns the First TV streaming Channel?

I want to ask first here, who the Fuck owns the 1st First TV Network? Now granted they are a near throw away network, trying to be independent, which means in a very short time will be absorbed by a BIG network, like; Laff TV did. Remember, Laff
? Came on, was a huge success, nursed my ass after my stroke in Wyoming, where that sweet Sydney rescued me. That's another story, but Laff was a great network, But; Got consumed by NBC. Now it ain't no how no way Independent. On that subject, when it comes to Independence, The 4th has no real meaning. Now don't say I am none American, I flew into danger as a Marine, but the fact is this nation is no longer America, or even it ain't United. When such things as this
happened a year and a half ago, I cried. Everything Southern, Confederate, or love of Dixie was injured, I cried put my fist up, and said this ain't right, and vowed to fight for the cause. See my post on about that. Getting back to the FirstTV topic, who the hell is in charge of that thing? I love the programming, there, but, when it goes to commercials, it's the same ad, at least 4 damn times. Why? Are they that hard up? I bet they bill those few firms that are advertisers, for every airing, all 4 of them. Come on First TV, if you need help, we'll put our shows up there on their network. Could you imagine the waves of press if there was a show on the FIRST TV, about the true history of the Confederacy? You could not afford that much press ink. I get raised eye brows rolling around with the battle flag on the roof of my Saturn, which I named the General JaXson. And for your information, that will be fully done, once I get Mini Wolf pumping again. But it won't be as soon as I wanted still digging out of self-generated economic conditions rendered by PoohBear. Ya'll know who I is howling about. With that said, and even through the pandemic and all, Cooter's Toewing, Hazzard County Choppers is doing fine, HazzardAyre Radio and allis excelling beyond our expectations, albeit slowly, but we have won.the Wokies Can't hit my ass and hasn't hurt us one bit. Look I know that AI tech on TV in networks fails, it's just natural. However, why automate? Hire a few people to do it by hand. Nope Can't do that. Which in the U.S. can't hire enough, why? Nobody wants to work. Even a starting wage of $20.00 an hour that we offer, we can't find hardly anyone, including women. It's easier for them to stay home, eating fattening food watching TV, then bitching when they have no money to pay the TV bill. My mom taught me a lesson, of many. On this; Mom said, "If you want to get on your pheete, get off your ass. In essence, go work. Show on at 23:00 hours MST.