They might get the idea, but then, maybe not. And just what does it take to get on a TV news Network?

Just as I said on the show yesterday, after going through hell, with my Internet broadband connection, I called Yumen-CenturyLink. Nobody to help. No one knew what was up, whether what or who was on first, or could finger out what, or who to contact. Really, has Covid invaded and infected their brains as much as some bodies? So I have to stab whatever I'm logging on to, then go about my business. They scanned my setup, not even the billed 50/50, at only 7mbps and much less going up. Monday someone's getting an earful. So yesterday, I went up to the house, crawled in bed, after reading scripture, and did what is the day of sabbath, which is Saturday. Not Sunday. The reason, most religions, observe Sunday as being the Lord's day, comes from the battling between Christians, and Jews, aka as well as Cathogigzm. It was about this point that Jesus's real birthday was swapped in favor of more relaxed in our modern-day calendar December, and his crucifixion, into April or late March. When it is the complete opposite. So I slept all day, into o2:31 hours to which I woke up starving to death, which pretty much made up my mind. Mark my former Bishop from Wyoming said this was a mistake, but because of love in thine eyes, I made the move here to western Idaho. Could it be that all the troubles, that I was having in moving be that the Lord saying, don't go there? I'm thinking so. Still moved, but when I have nothing in the house, to eat and even lower in my pocket of my Cash Stash, most of being caused between Sparklight and Lumen/CenturyLink, can you say handing that over to our JAG officers? That's going to be a huge payday back. I've not seen as much of fumbling the ball, like these two, and I have seen many including our JAFO's. The term JAFO stands for Just-Another-Fricking-Observer. A Quora letter topic came of How to become mentally strong, I answered what I always do, put on a uniform, pick up a rifle, and joining our Armed Forces, preferably Marine Corps. That's how you strengthen your mind. Which without, would have lost it here. So I'm near the decision, come September or so if not sooner, it's Uhaul-Trailer, go back into Wyoming. I'd rather see Elk running and frolicking, in a pasture, than having a 1,000 sirens at all times of day or night, going to Church Ward's that don't really care, not like the one I left in Etown. I had a family there, not just the Ward, but a central family, that sort of adopted me. Both Vern and his wife, Dave and his wife, always sat with me at Church, came to the house to see if it was okay and if I was okay. Of course, there was Syd, who is the honest reason I'm still alive today. Had she not been there for just a drop by, when I had my stroke just before I left there due to PoohBear, Syd, snagged me out of the tub, after sloshing around, my tiny bathroom there at the Wentworth, but she got my wrist out of the toilet, cleaned me up, and hauled my but to the bed, laid me out, wet my body so I would not run a fever, then, summoned one of the Knytes(Nate) who took me to the local hospital, who gave me great care. Likewise the Doc I had there Laurie Morgan(no not the country music singer) but Syd paid no attention to me being bare ass'd naked, just took care of me, plus delivered both food and chew, until I gained some strength. Think that would happen here? Nope, I'd die in this studio, or my tiny apartment, and the only clue anyone would have that I was dead, would be my decomposing body stinking up the structure. Not one person at either Ward that I have been in, in Twin Falls here, has even took upon them the courtesy, of welcoming attitude, much less having me sit with them at Church. But having to ask our Bishop, for food, more than twice a year is way outta line. It says, that all the money we can deploy here in Twin Falls, will be pee'd down the drain. I'm tired and tired of it. So best I can do is say, it was a costly deployment here, but ROS here will just results in the same sitch that we are already in.
So once I'm done with flight school in Cedar City Utah, the plan is relocate ops here to Etown. Nuff Said.
With that said, let's fly on. I have always wondered how these people who you see as contributing contributors, etc from FNC to NewsMax, How the frack do they get on there? So I'm working on researching, just how the frack one does get on there? My topic? Are such firms such as Sparklight, and/or Lumen-Centurylink, Monopolies? If so, should a tighter rope should be put on these telecoms, mini Bell's who was part of the once A.T.%.T. ? I think so. At least put them in the spotlight anyway, Congress mostly Democrats might enjoy that. HazzardAyre Sunday on, at 14:00 or after Church.