When the media bitches about the Media, damn it They ARE the MEDIA.

Well boo-whoo, the media yapping the fake media, by who else? The frigging Media. Here's an idea, let someone not immersed in the media, its policies, stockholders, and boards of directors, to bark, howl, and byte where needed to gripe about stupid and timid media. I don't care if its, FNC, Newsmax, or any of the others, the video media all it knows, is how to bitch about its competitors. Not just factulizing information, but just thumbing its nose at those nipping at their heels. We don't preach White or any other supremacy, except, for the fact that beyond a Marine, I'm a Confederate Marine, fighting the system still. Remember this weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day, all military dead is shown honor, except one group, Confederate Veterans. What many don't know or observe is the fact that Memorial Day, was a national day of memory created by the and formed by the Daughters of the Confederacy. Oops, The south gave the idiotic Northern aggressors, another idea. So when some of these news outfits bark about the false media, remember, it's media, bitching about media.
On the ayre in 4 hours. BTW, I still love this lady's dimpls.