From the Hazzard County Department of Queers and Snears.

So did some work today, but damn little of it. I was up at the right time, but the pain from my solar plexus was so bad that, I was dying, well almost. Why there can't be at least 1 maybe two stores here in Tweaker Flatts, that is open at 03:00 that has Goody's Powders on the shelf, is beyond me. One manager I talked about this to, was saying something along the lines of way too much shrinkage. Really, five-finger discounts are no problem any time of day if you know what the hell you are doing. So once acquiring some Powders, them, Gabbypentin, and a few others, and my pain floated away. The last few weeks in and out of the hospital is really banging me in the face, not too mention, but I will, my cash stash. When 1St Bank Of Wyoming, froze my card I was pissed, but only at first, when I realized that A; I would need a new card and kept the online, just gotta rip it out of my jeans vultures, and once reactivated, only a very few and select online services are going to get my card number. I'm tired of having to dodge my landlord and others to pay rent and such, just because some idiot big corporate outfit things they need my money, more than me. But hell, welcome to my ongoing saga of Twin Falls Idaho, was a waste of money and me.
Okay then; I titled this of Queers and snears. The reason? I saw a question asked by some dork on Ouora, about when did you stop wearing nylons? Really? Hey, I love nylons and such on a lady, or even a slutty-lady, however, I will not put the damn things on no how, no way. Then there was this Tiktok thing with some tranny, cross-dressing fag, that was telling young children the ABCs and looking worse than Barney the purple dinosaur. We as a planetary society have went way overboard on the gender-manipulation, to the point, no Wonder God is pissed. One because it's morally wrong, and two, if God made us from birth a certain gender, why insult God, by giving him the finger and growing titts. I'd rather be that Aged old dinosaur, Lickalottapuss, rather than queer. It just ain't right. I am a male, a proud male corpuscle, I like wearing jeans, I love the fact I love women, and moreover that I'm not ashamed to be a prime, USDA U.S. Male. I don't cotton, to any queeriness, especially these girly men. I love getting under a hood of a hot rod, I love pounding down brewski's, and just beating my chest like a fearless warrior(yup I am) What I cain't stand is some guy that can't even change a flat tire. It ain't where we need to be. This cancel culture, What the hell is that, I ain't canceling nothing. Or this WOKE, or AFTIVA crap. Hey, I'm all for Anarcharism, out of anarchy comes order, what I'm not into was all that total destruction, devastation, and hammering law enforcement. I am probably one of the few that if it came down to it, I'd take a bullet to save a cop's life. I grant you that George Floyd thing was wrong, but rather than letting the albeit crooked, but the justice system handle it, we went bazzerk. Face it friends when we lost the Disney Channel, and those shows in the afternoon our kids got corrupted minds and attitudes. Moreover when teachers and school administrators, stopped using the paddle or yardstick. Our children went sour.
The show will be on at 06:00, join us then.