Good News Good Newz The Shack is back.
As Sheriff Roscoe would say, Good News Good Newz Yup, in reading RadioWorld magazine. learned that huuurrrayyy Yup the Shack is back. Now us hobbyists can now get our Tinker toys we love to tinker with. wouldn't be anything more than a tinkerer. Buying those just gotta have connectors, books, engineering books and so on is going to be a blessing. Too bad someone hasn't set up their own sites or at least electronic parts and such. But the biggest dawg is in the fight. HCC is looking to become a RS, Dealer.

Do you realize that today, The 13th day of July in 2012, that HazzardAyre Radio was given breath. Yup, our birthday. 9 grilling years producing radical, Rebel Yell southern fried radio. It's an uphill climb, butt We have been continuing, radio that is 100% anti-establishment radio. Yup, we too, have fought the fyers of Covid, people who don't understand the work, yet file shit with the Idaho Labor board, for pay. The question, what did they do to get paid for. Outside of Beverly Johnston, who aired two shows, which she will be paid for, the rest, just sat there and did the gossip, bullshit sessions, but nothing airable, never did one climb into the cockpit and grabbed the stick and flew, the radio gig. Not one. At least Beverly aired two shows on spooky shit. I have a strange feeling it was her shaggy dog husband that pushed her outta here, not Bev on her own. If she'd have stayed, signed a contract to be paid by owning stock into KNYT FM, ( in what is called sweat equity. The better the station ingests, cash in our stash, the more of that stash would have been rather sweet. Butt We are graduling upwards. We hit the massive amount the other day, on one of our older shows, that we did in 1997 when I had a full crew. I mean we had hotties, in the studio, researching, selling, and writing news, plus delivering content. This is the kind of thing that enables me and our HazzardAyre A-Team, to go out and sell ads, that's how we generate money. Any myle won't take that any further, butt at least they worked. Got paid all was grand, we had models as well. This of course is or was in Tooele Utah. Funny how that happens there, but try as I might, can't ever recruit, any on-air talent. The question is why? Over 70 billion, people tune into one source or another Podcasts, Webcasts' and online music, like Pandora. XM-Serius also has hosts or anchors as I call them. These are people that don't need instruction. I had one, Cody-Lee, who completely moved from big city Arizona to Evanston, Wyoming. Just to work at the station. Dig this had the station and all in my apartment. She'd just come in sit in the pilots seat, do her shows, and all without me sitting there having to trane her. I remember one day, I was sitting on the porcelain throne, she walked in, unaffected sat down, and did the duties she was assigned. I could and did, sit in my bedroom, on the bed, totally zonked out, and unless it was major equipment or such problem, or a network problem, we stayed on the air and she did some great shows. She could hit artists and get air-play permissions, she even could engineer some of the gear. I remember my tiny notebook computer, was having problems. She farted around with it, for about an hour after all too many said the little bugger was dead, nope Cody-Lee, fixed it and we were good. Sure we had a few social gigs, one was a business lunch, one was some sponsor thing, but yet she was completly, at home on KSOA AM 1240 there. She got paid eventually, after I got the MC, to remove her as an exec, handling the money for the radio gig, department. There were a few other sweet things, and of course Athea, both got chased away due to her own insecurity. Both the gals I just mentioned would have made great hosts and Anchors. We have money, but those who don't work, or never stop by to pick up Paychex when they are issued don't cut it here. Butt we are getting better and more consistent, And that helps. Any mile it's great that the Shack is back. More on tonytes show. Starting @ 23:00 hours. Until then,