I thought so, I'm not as trusting nor ignorant as I used to be.

Years ago, I was a very trusting, somewhat kountrtfied, ignorant youth, that bought just about anything anyone offered. Of course, I got taken advantage of and just plain old ripped off by them doing so. The first one was when I finally found the I-net in 1995. Up to that point, didn't figure I needed it, if I couldn't look em in the eye and spit and shake on it, weren't no reason to get involved in it. The next one was a gal, said she was from Russia, wanting to get tight with this old gear splitter, so I sent her a ton of money. After which between the bank, my cousin Bud, and the FBI the perp was found, and it most likely still serving time. But hey the best is yet to come. Then came some idiot when I resided in Gooding, some so-called guy, wanted to send her niece here, needed a place to crash, would I set her up? He sent money, the trouble is both the check and the money were counterfeit. Fast forward to last year, was a gal, named Charlene. Who I thought was sweet as sugar. The problem is the gal turned out to be some guy harvesting fruit from a near healthy field, of which he very well knew was infested. After $500.00 and some tracing backwards, the guy is now, doing his sleeping with his back against the wall, in a 5X5 cell and toilet in the middle of his cell. Now not saying fer sure, but this new honey that saw me online, on FB, someday there has to be a guard at the door of facebook to keep this kind of dung out of the manure chute but thought this Sarah, just might be a parasite, trying to infect the internals of The Knytes. Don't know for sure, but when someone teases you for a few weeks, then drops out of the race, that it's not what it looks like, to be. We rather I, am learning, do your hunting for a mate to up close in your own place, town, state and or region, never look for it online, Facebook or elsewhere. 98% of what is available on FB, isn't really single, if it is, and good looking has sinister ideas. Remember poison ivy looks pretty too.
We will be off the air for a few days, still working on glitches, with CL/Lumen. That I don't think won't get better until we drop them for another carrier/provider, that's local. Looking at some places close to their hub. Plus the lawsuit with CL/Lumen might be another reason, that CL, changed into Lumen. I heard about some other guy taking them to task, and just about everyone I have known that has worked with CL, for business, changed as soon as they could. Century-Link's dependability is not all that good, nor the expertise towards such enterprises as broadcasting. The Wentworth Apartments in Evanston Wyoming pulled the plug on CenturyLink and switched to AllWest Communications, and that was a good move on their part. Then KEVA, which is now part of our network, with call letters KSOA got off the CenturyLink train as well. In fact, I don't think there are many business's that use CenturyLink, that doesn't switch from CL, to another carrier, once they are able to. We see, so we should be back on, about mid-week. Let you know from here. I'm heading to Wyoming, Tuesday morning damn early, and will be back on station early Wednesday night. To bring this in for a landing, just because she looks snazzy and says they are a model, the reality is her armpits . Until L8R Taters