The Ayre of Hazzard, it's not just a radio show plus hottie bodies are not always porn
Sorry about being in here late, the show will be on at 08:00 on
So was putting gear away, and heard a thing over the fuz radio, that the local my only stop Maverick was being harassed. So in the General, I went. Look, if it was anyone else on shift, besides Kymmy, I'd not really care, but if I think that she's in trouble, I'm there. That little whisper of human sugar has me wrapped all around her finger, little or not. Talking about tiny fingers, last week at Church, got to sit right dern behind Minnie Mouse. Her fingers are so thin and tiny, I swear I've seen songbirds with fatter legs than her fingers. Yes, it's that time of year when we start looking for new on-cam talent for both in-studio, as well as our posters and calendars. We didn't make Oshkosh this year, but next year for sure. Pretty much have gave the MC shyt up, in favor of more above the clouds, cruising, so right there is the opening of tonight's major doohickey. HazzardAyre is much more than just the combination of Hazzard County, and AyreWolf. HazzardAyre is also the Med/SAR side of AyreWolf Aviation, as well as our vintage aircraft, restoration, and repair side. HazzardAyre has been doing much of the heavy lifting this past year, getting past the pandemic, like that was a real thing, titweren't. But our Ayre crew stayed on-air, on the station, and both in and on the air. Some of the officers of both the Knytes, as well, as the WolfPack, are starting to return from Afgainastain, however the sitch being, we are leaving one piece of communism, headed towards another. Did everyone forget the mess both in as well as all over the South Pacific? Communist China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Communist Japan, (yes there is one), what you think we just are putting our toys away and coming home? Nope, orders are starting to come in to our planning centers about deployments on carriers in Southern seas. Which is why we are puffing up our efforts, to get both, our calendars and all up to the right altitude, so that some lonely Marine or Navy aviator on a floating airport, can at least have something to look at, besides their LSO's and CaG's. This brings me to both a sitch really two sitch's that happened Friday, as well as my observations on some local domestic issues. First; had to push away from getting my hair whacked off. Reason? Who the hell is going to hover on the radio werx, if I leave to do hair? Or for that matter any other extra duty on away missions? Nobody. Thought we had a skinny Minnie over next door at Carl's, Junior. But once the suggestion was pitched, she split. But it ain't her, nor just here. I can remember quite often, in Evanston, Wyoming. We were there, LexiBelle able, however outside of the fact that the door seal on the shop was always frozen on the cement, I couldn't leave. Why? Who is going to tend the radio gig, (that I could trust) while I went on Toews. Never failed, get on the radio, toew call comes in. Had I been able to get more than two, in-studio/apartment at the time, I could have made a ton more money down there than I did. Same stuff here. It's a slight bit different, as it's not going toewing, however, I just get on the air and have to get in the air. As some SAR away mission, hits. Where is someone to babysit this dern radio gig? As such, it goes to what I say, we are doing the right things, for the right reasons, just not in the right place. So rather than depart, Idaho, eastern and southeastern Idaho is where I'm looking. Found Malad has a great hidden airport. Plus Malad hasn't any, competition as to toewing. Stay tuned on that.
So let's move beyond that. Overall the Church I attend, its leaders are paranoid at anything and everything that has to do with and same-gender unions. Of anykind, heck they even dislodged the BSA and scouting because of queerness activities. That said, if you start sniffing around the what you think is single ladies in your Ward, and my, your Mr. Public enemy #1. I remember several instances that gave some Bishops and Church leaders the pink eye when I'd get to chatting with the honeys. But how the hell, do you know who isn't or is connected to someone. Women, even young girls dress so much as adults, how do you know how old they are. Add to that, when you go to a Church function, and a young gal, is dressed in a see-through jersey, and you bring that up, your instantly Mr. Asshole. Say what, tell me the truth, mean what you say, say what you mean. Then just as I got here. The first Ward I had in Twin Falls, had several ladies, who I guess were much more mature or at least their relationships were secure, that no big woop that I mentioned that some of the ladies there had great legs. When I moved into that disaster on Orcharala Drive here, I mentioned that one really young one trying to dress up to adult level, Shit she was only 11, I think, any mile, she might've been young but my she could sing, and my she could belt out a talk, that you could hear and understand. She could articulate very well. But that wasn't what tipped that set of scales. I went to Sunday School class, forgot scriptures, this one really sweet lady who worked at Goodwill, saw I was squinting to read hers on her phone. Sorry I have an older flip phone that I can't download scriptures on. Any flyte, so next week she did the same thing. I think there was some chemistry, brewing, maybe not. But the Bishop, who really was an asshole, wouldn't even help with rent while I was tending to the cleanup of PoohBear. Any flyte, I was in a pickle there, but I'm getting off vector here. So it was either Thanksgiving or right before Christmas. The same gal, who was letting me share scriptures, came up, saw I was blue and sad over that as well as the holidays and me being all alone. What did she do? Came up, put her arms around me, and gave me a warm and tight bear hug. The shock of another person, let alone a woman was there, but it felt great that at least someone gave a shyt. It kinda reminded me, of my Ward in Wyoming. One family purtty much adopted me. Dave, or Vern, or both always visited, or just counseled me, on a regular basis. It was called kindness and doing what we all promise to do in Church when we take the sacrament. To take upon us the name of our Savior, and obey his commandments, which includes, being kind to those in the ward, who are all alone. It's not getting food, or some essential oils delivered, it's just someone showing up, inviting me to dinner on Sunday's and just being there, saying I care. Then there are several at my current Ward, one is being groomed to be the squadron's attorney. Every week, he sits next to me, and we visit, one is going through the steps so I can get my Temple Recommend, sure, I'd really feel blessed to join up with a lady of the Ward, but even if I didn't, still having someone that is female or two, to have a lady mind to discuss things, get some advice and input. It's NOT JUST TO GET LAID!! . I really don't care about that, companionship, is so much more, than me getting my worm wet. That I gave up on years ago. As far as smooching toes oop's Toews, for our trademark that we LuV Toews, see this is a toe this is a tow truck, if you put that with the word toe as we do in scrunching the letters together as TOEW, you get a Toew you get a toew truck. So I work it like this:nothing more we, rather I LuV going toewing aka I Luv Toews. It's an ad gimmick, comedic trademark, again, not to get funky. But do locals here understand that? Nope. But too, guess that's why there's a bikini bar in Pocatello, and not in Twin Falls. So when people here including a lady from our Ward that was to cut my hair yesterday, why I couldn't get to see her, It's because I need one of these;sitting in here;doing this: Yes, it's just that simple. See ya'll on the air in a few hours. But I wanted to spread this out a bit. The models and lady talent that we so urgently recruit is due to the fact that there was a time when what is termed Nose art, was applied to aircraft.

it was a method to take away some of the loneliness of combat, in many engagements. The WolfPack here is more with major things like upholding morale we do it all from a working domestic USO, office, to this radio gig. There's a group of sweethearts from a USO troupe in the south that visits our retired military. is that porn? No, but even suggest to some locals here, that your auditioning for such things, and you're labeled some very nasty cruel things. While it may be that this is LDS Yankee territory, but even Kountry music had that going. Not just Daisy Duke. Long before that, there was a great TV show that showcased some budding Kountry music stars. It was called HeeHaw,
But even try to produce that kind of thing here? Shyt might just as well get a shotgun in your face. Again that's why I say, we are doing the right things, for the right reasons, just in the wrong place. See you this afternoon on