You can have a gal pal without having to doing the he and she thing. Don't want women in Human form, not looking for one.

A few months ago when I became active in my Church, I renewed a friendship with this sweet lady who is married to one of our local Toew Bro's. He worked for the scoundrels that operated Twin Falls Body and Paint. Which went under, when I along with a few others, unplugged that crooked operation, by politely reporting their across the Southern border narcotics operation. See they used to haul back cars and scrap, to rebuild to sell. Nothing wrong there, except that crew used to pack a quite a bit of grass in behind-door panels. Oops, they messed up, but I'm getting off vector. So started chatting only at Church. I tried to get two of her daughters who were bitching about having no jobs. This was before Covid and the crap with fartknockers at Lumen. Any flyte, so one I thought that would fit in, was this gal named Duke. Yes, Duke, thought with our connection with all things Hazzard aka Dukes of Hazzard, that this would be a great gig for her and us. Right away, and no phoote action was invited or expressed either. So went along, knowing she nor family were ever going to show up, so packed that away, and moved on. So two weeks ago, I was considering getting all these protein filaments shaved off my head, Carrie said she did that, booked space. Okay. But then got caught in flying fire suppression here, so never could make it. But at least, I called her saying I ain't coming. So then plugged her in on Facebook, no listing on Twitter. Just wanted a gal-pal. Of which I have many. Erin(
) Chaundra,
among many. Kymm down here at Maverick, Hannah at the other local Maverick. They are my CI's as well as great gal-pals. The thing is I have no interest in them beyond having them as buddies, don't want sex, yuck, don't want a relationship in a romantic way with ANY human female. I have one lady in my life and a mistress, one is my LexiBelle, The mistress is of course, my Lady, a Bell 222A 1985 model, that I fly. Past
Past any of that when it comes to human females, not interested. Couldn't afford one if I had one. The problems are numerous, from STDs to Pregnancy, to just constant bitching. No way. I relish and love, waking up when I want to, going when I want to, going where I want to, eating when and what I want to, plus I get much more done if I don't have to tend to some major crisis that some dame wants me to do. Sure, Athea was one that nearly hit the mark on all fronts, but PoohBear put an end to that, plus Monkee, aka Janice, who I was really married to, After those two, I just cashed that in, and don't want to reopen that account. Back in my youth, I had one gal-pal, Jolene Hatch, yes niece of Senator Orin Hatch of Utah. Jolene and I would climb trees, catch frogs(where Layton Hills Mall is now), act up, then on Friday and or Saturdays we'd load up in that old Mercury, go to the dollar pancake house then off to the Davis Drive Inn. Watch some lame movie. But there never ever was any thought of seeing what was under the hood. Of course, then came Peggy, in second grade, stayed together near to Graduation, but we moved here to Idaho(a major screwup by mom and dad) Wish we'd have stayed in Layton Utah. This end of Idaho was primitive then and it hasn't ever changed. The same primate LDS holier than thou attitude was then and here still. Don't want to stay and still looking at a path to allow me to relocate there. Sure a few weeks ago I said I planned on staying, but I'd rather be where on the most part, most have pulled their Churchy head out of their ass. Another subject for a slightly different time. Here's an example; after I got into those prime time studios in Woods Cross, Utah. I posted an ad on KSL's Classifieds. A just returned Missionary, named Merideth, applied, got the job, and she had no inhibitions of changing her threads for our gigs in front of me, or for that matter putting her phoote in my face. She'd bring by threads, ask me to choose, then we went on air. I even had a security cop, lady work for us. All had guys in their life, I met em, no sweat. Here? Shit, ya'll know the story. All of which, I still stay in touch and are great friends with, but here. Shit, no way. Just because We stage that phoote smooch for ads for Cooter's Garage & Toewing, I have no other interest in any of the human female. None!! Women are just too much of a pain up my ass. About the only one I'd even consider doing the full pull with is sweet Emmy Picasso of BAB's fame. Beyond her it's LexiBelle, And the Lady, Don't want any other, I'd rather screw a duck. On air this afternoon, if we don't get unplugged by Lumen by then. See ya'll.