You might as well call this the toew blog and why I spell it that way in a moment as it was mentioned in the show.
These are >>>toes. This is a>>
tow truck. Somewhere in the mythology translation the pronunciation of the two words became the same, yet are remarkably different.
Back in the late 1980’s The Knytes through our parent organization the Road Commanders Association, cranked up a tiny, albeit at first pirate or outlaw radio station to serve those going towing.
KTOW was the chosen call letters. Legendary radio personality Bill Mack of WBAP Fort Worth , did some radio promos aka liners for us introducing us as the ONLY station running the Overdrive Top Ten Countdown, and Overdrive Truckers News. Problem was Bill kept pronouncing TOW as
Cow or rhymed it with>> So a public image builder began. I had no idea that it would cause so much of a fuss.
The idea was at the end of my TV ads I would do a romantic kiss of the toe of a very classy dressed gal, like the Prince putting the slipper on Cinderella. Trouble is some area TV stations had trouble with that.
Of course I sort of can understand why.
Long before I went cold turkey Hazzard and all the handle I used to light the candle of the toew service was >> why that name? Okay this is a >>>
Hooker or what some traditionally call a Hooker. However truckers on the CB called this>>>
a hooker. So not having luck with the media, thought was, do up a name nobody could forget and yet did not need a lot of advertising. Of course the name can get some religious types really nervous as I found in CokeVille Wyoming. 504 people, 4 not LDS(Mormon) 500 Mormon. So there was a change and I’ll fill ya’ll in on that another time.
So any mile, thought went back to the as we call it toew smooch, but finding someone with really tiny toes that didn’t look like those scuba diving flippers was a real task. Nobody was able to go out and do the talent scouting, or was willing to, and many TV station execs around here thought I was a real goof ball. Hey it was a gig for a simple purpose, get people to call the radio station like it was spelled, and two boost my companies awareness and what we did.
Several years later during what I call my own reconstruction after being bit by the Hazzard fever, and still have that, the idea last October was to do that up again in Hazzard style. A daisy Duke lookalike contest at the mall here, find the best . But here’s a pot calling the kettle black. Local TV exec of KMVT, said no way, something to do with exploiting women. Yet not one month after since KMVT also swallowed up the local CW(that stands for CBS/Warner Brothers-in case ya’ll didn’t know) Did up a local talent gig for Americas Next Top Model. That’s one of many times, and reasons some local media types here flat don’t like me, or the Knytes. One went so far as calling sweet Daisy inappropriate for younger viewers and indecent. Daisy indecent? Who could or would say that, but I fought but tragically lost that battle. Its just one reason we refired up our radio operation, and are looking into TV.
So no matter who tells you different, that’s why the media credit on the Knytes, and/or Dixie Toewing, the REAL, Hazzard County Garage etc is poor.
Amazing folks don’t look beyond their small noses.
But its why I became a sort of observer and coneesuer of female toes. The mashing together of the words TOW and TOE came from my dear intern Emme Lee, she was getting ready to do her show at our station in Gooding in 2009, and said why not just put the words together, that’d be an eye opener. I did and so it went.
Anyway time for sleep.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
Happiness is not a reward — it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment — it is a result.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |