So I get up look at my Syringa Wireless phone only to find a missed call. Go to retrieve the message and Syringa cut me off at midnight. Really? After the last time that this happened and I cussed them out, don’t they understand that a tow truck person is out towing and all the way up near Arco, and still the bill isn’t due until Thursday? Guess not, might be with Syringa after Thursday, or might be with T-Mobile after Thursday, I’ll do all I can to keep my number which my sidekick and dear friend Ellie May got the last 4 digits to match the word W-O-L-F. I still wish she had taken the idea of hitching up with me when she divorced, but I was in Eastern Idaho, she was here. Oh well. Life goes on.
Ellie May did say once and a few others have said, I should write a book. I might could, the thought has been there all along, but how to organize it to work into a book, is the difficult thing. Lets face it creative writing class of Hazzard High was not my best class. I only signed up for it to go where Jodi Hemmingway, yes of that Hemmingway family, went. She was a dream, she always knew what to wear to get me jumping, but we never did put it together. See I get in a state of affection and what I think is love, and they get in a state of just being a tease. Its when you call their bluff they get mad, and then there’s no chance, despite what could be , but I’m getting off point.
I have looked at writing a book, and/or a screenplay more than once. The words flow, its just organizing things into a format that could be set up in chapters to bring to light a book. Sure I can write this blog, because its just like radio or news copy, or radio ad copy. From being in broadcasting since age 12 I know how to do this, but a book, only if I could get someone to sit down with me, or work with me as either a ghost writer, or at least a coach, then perhaps.
Some one on air earlier was talking about love lost and just finding love or the love of ones life. I guess for me, I always thought I should have a real woman. I always had that Cinderella image of what she’d look like. In short its like I have always said, my perfect woman, would be Daisy Duke southern belle, coupled with the grit of Gretchen Wilson of country music, in a Selena Gomez package. A gal that could be a gal, when the need was there, pick up a wrench and work in the shop by my side, and be one devils angel in bed. Keep that fire hot, and most everything takes care of itself. Of those lessons, one of the smartest things my mom did, about age 19 or so even though it was way to young to go there, but somehow she convinced the madam it was good for her business, but Mom had one of our hired hands from the ranch we had there near Hazzard, to take me down to Wells Nevada, to Miss Donna’s Ranch Brothel, Not only did I learn what was what, where it was at and how to make things worked, I learned how to treat a lady. By the way that was one day I barely could walk out of there, but I enjoyed myself for those 4 hours. Might be why I have a lifetime invitational membership there. But just sex is not it. At my age I’m looking for that emotional connection. I have traveled around this world, seen many ports of call and Liberty that there is. Ate, drank, and just did it for fun everywhere, you could think of and a few you might not be able to imagine. But after it all , I left feeling empty.
For me from age 5 when I fell in love with the daughter of the lady who ran the preschool I went to, plus the niece of Senator Orin Hatch of Utah, I always had that picture of the Donna Reed show as the perfect marriage or man/woman union. By second grade of course there was Peggy, who had me wrapped around her finger so tight that many thought it would snap. By my 6th grade I fell in love , or so I thought with a gal who watched me while Mom and Dad were at work, during the day the summers I didn’t go south to Georgia , LoAnn had the most perfect set of legs there was on a woman. Don’t ask why legs. I know , most guys go after breasts, or the butt, in both cases breasts are over done, not for me, they are a slight start up toy, but little else. The butt, why? The thought of playing with something that she and yes women do, poop out of is not my thought of a pleasant happening. But I do remember just slightly before LoAnn, there was this knock down drag it in the dirt beauty salon gal, there in Layton. She did have breasts but feet and legs oh yea. One of my pals and I had a bet of who could get her. So instead of pitching the breasts thing like all to often guys do, I went for those toes yes in hose, the understated little friends. This took her by surprise , to the point that by me giving her foot rubs I got into her mind and near everywhere else. That was the start, after that its been legs and toes in nylon hose that have driven my minds desires. Later in life I found creative ways to satisfy those desires and make money in so doing. Like kissing her toes in hose for the ads for my tow truck company, with the slogan we love Toews putting both words together. I get a quick thrill, she gets paid and no real anything else happens which is a shame as many now I wish I could have came up with a better game plan to get them, not just into bed, but into a relationship, of some long lasting. Ellie May and I did come up with a project when she was associate producer of HazzardAyre Radio before she decided that the money wasn’t coming in fast enough. Don’t get me wrong the club was sending the checks, but Gooding’s Post Office kept sending them back, along with much of my mail. Seems as though I moved 8 blocks up the same street , delivered by the same carrier, yet I move the office 8 blocks and the Post Office can’t find the damn address, so mail got sent back. Which is why Richard Strickland, of Strickland Realty, decided to lock us out of the studio, and keep the other radio gear, a matter I’m just now working with attorneys to resolve, but any mile Ellie May and I came up with an idea. To spotlight a radio show for those that tow which we were about to launch on the network, long before Lizard Lick Towing and Repo, there was to be Highway Hooker, which is going into production this month. But anyway, we thought lets do something to either get this nylon toe fetish out of my system once and for all by me having to smooch a set of the smelliest toes in hose ever, at the Magic Valley Mall, get folks and merchants to pledge money for each minute and each hour I could stand to smooch those toes, raise some money for a children’s hospital, and set the record for the most time a guy could kiss a woman's toes in nylon hose with Guinness. Invite other media in like TV and the Slime News, to get some needed publicity for both the network, the club and the show. Oh and yes have it by a tow truck. Oh and if your asking after many auditions, as Ellie May was too busy with kids and all we interviewed oh I can’t tell you how many feet we looked at, none had those little marshmallow toes or dainty feet, and if you need to ask the attempt will be undertaken near April 2014. I know too bad this could not be put into a book, I suppose it could, but again I’d need a writer coach and organizer to do it.
Any mile I’ll be on air later this afternoon, but there’s more to say here.
Many have criticized my views of Idaho. I’m not saying Idaho as a whole is bad. I love the open air, the scenic lands and all of that, but I also ask what happened to the can do it spirit? The Magic Valley I left turned into a Tragic Valley I returned to. All of a sudden people are scared of going to a guys house, to audition for a radio show. As far as models, placing ads in CraigsList I think is a big shot in the dark, I would love to have a resource like I had in Salt Lake City that I could call up an agency , tell them the who and all of what I wanted and model talent is secured without all the games. Boise has one agency, and there’s one for children out of Idaho Falls, but no formally organized modeling agency in Idaho. True population volume and density has something to do with it, but sure seems that fashion shows are organized, no problem. Try outs and rodeo queen contests are organized, but let our club udder a word of babes for planes or hot bods for rods, and the view changes. The stereotypes are imagined, without giving any regard to hey , maybe these guys want to do something different with some taste, with these two examples> not much taste, rather slutty, or >
this has taste, and a princess>
these are the ideas we have, but can I find talent here that want to make $800.00 for 8 hours of work ? I’d be more likely to win the Idaho Lottery. So to make my operation and that of the clubs grow, I have to hire outside of the area. It’s like I said Paige comes down from Boise , just on a meet and greet at the Mall Monday, She didn’t have to, but she did. Drives 100 plus miles one way on a maybe yet we can’t get one gal living in this damn area to get off their Welfare butts to give it a whirl? And then some ask why I have a bitter taste in my mouth of Idaho, or at least this part of it. But I have two years that I estimate it will take to bring the western Idaho half of our media arm together and have in full bloom the flagship of the station to take HazzardAyre Radio and the rest of it from syndication to a station of its own. Once up and all, plus a manager hired to run it, and I have everything buttoned up , my rigs in the custom spit and polish condition to relocate and I fully determine where, I’m am gone. Just hope I live long enough to make it happen.
Until this afternoon friends
Quote of the Day:
To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
--Theodore Roosevelt
Matthew 28:18-20“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |