Thoughts of A wolf for this overnight haul, brings me to so what? Point of view.
Called Joni earlier today, said she’d call back hasn’t , but think that she just got busy. Hope that’s all it is.
Then Jade the gal from Boise that has to yet interview for the Pin Up gig, said she’d for sure call last night, no call. Maybe she’s thinking or gig is a bit to spicy for her taste. Haven’t heard from Paige, but I know that will change eventually. The reason I think that is this, once she, her friend Jessica and quite a few others will gather together around the gig, once the Reaper opens and the radio gig goes on line as well as on air, at least where all can tune in. I know for sure they’ll be there. But if that’s it, and its taken damn near ten years to bring this crop to harvest, the question becomes, why? That simple, why? Sure succeeding will give me and the club saving face and kudos from all over the place, and even the bit of fame will generate money for the club. And income for the employees , but as for me
I have to look and ask , where is my thanks. I related to Joni yesterday the crap over the Christmas toys in 1979 in Hazzard, the gathering of folks from the Hazzard LDS Ward when dad died in 78, the year LexiBelle> came in my life, but I also remember that when Mom died in 1983, there was no one in that little town outside of club members, who even came up to my house and said can we help you? some how. But they sure were there to buy many of the keepsakes and antiques Mom had, the furniture of the house, virtual vultures. All too many women there sure loved me or so I thought, but loved the foundations money more, although I was too damn stupid to know it. Thank goodness my unit in the Marines got called up two years later. But lets look at this for a minute, because some payback is deserved. Although I don’t think I’ll ever see it in my lifetime. Hazzard’s(Hagerman) Quick Response Unit for medical emergencies. My idea, have I gotten a thank you? No. The new fire house there, money for that came from the Montgomery foundation, Frogs Lily Pad , over half of the seed money for that came from both the Montgomery Foundation and me, as well as the club because The club was established there in fact was conceived there at the Polish Palace now Snake River Grill, never have gotten any of that money back. Then there’s the Cat 10 that was stolen by a former Gooding Deputy, and gave to an excavation company about two miles out of town where it sits on a pole. Still have never gotten any money for that or a can we help you with something? Mel Shirley’s big swine farm, the money that was seed money for that only partly paid back. And that’s just the short list. The real deal on the sale of my house my homestead was sold for about 1% of what it was really worth. It essentially was embezzled from me. But again I was away, and with no knowledge of what was going on. When I got leave and found out, I tried to stop that but never got the serious attention of an attorney to fix that problem.
So hell yes I’m bitter, and partly of what drives me to bring the station on line and over the air is to rub a few noses into some serious dung. But what about after? Only if I could find a good lady, but more than that get the assistance I need to sustain the station, the bar and so on. Sure the club will help, but 80% of the club is still deployed overseas, in places I can’t talk about doing things I also can’t talk about. The rest of the membership have no love for this area, and don’t want to step back into it. Which leaves 5 of us to battle this war. Two are on the road 70% of the time trailer trucking, One is in BT, that leaves two of us. Karl is running the aviation part of my company, and so is everywhere besides Idaho. Which leaves me. On overnight conference calls to places via Skype. So after our monthly meeting here tonight I made the agreement, of giving this 24 more months or two years. Maybe not that long, but if with Joni, on board(At least I hope she’s on board) and the station, bar and all makes it fine, I’m here. If not I’m gone in 8 months. If things start to unfreeze I’m here for the 24 months. Put Joni in charge, then I’m getting my Wolf-Pack outta here. Sorry I know its heavy but hey I’m tired. Getting news in July that I have type 2 diabetes just cut off at least 5 years from my life. Sometime, during the rest of it, I want to go to Nashville, walk on Music Row, walk into the Ryman Auditorium, stand on that piece of wood from the original building pick up a guitar, and sing on the Grand Ole Oprey. Even if it is to myself. I want to take an F-4-U Corsair, at the Reno Air Races, and do a in the air race against a p-51 Mustang, to show the Corsair as superior to the P51. And finally, I want to be the one that proves without the shadow of a doubt that the Lady>
can in fact be built. The only fully armed Mach plus helicopter. Those things are not going to happen by themselves. This radio station that got a kick in its groin, by the wife of a close friend at the first of this year, the long hours of trying to recruit females that think the only thing I’m looking for is a fast time in the bed, which that I could care less about. I just want to show California that we in Idaho can do it too. But it makes it very difficult, when the inquire by email, from our ads on CraigsList, say their going to call, come over whatever, which is why I meet most of them now out at the mall first, that way they have some sense of safety. Utah it was a phone call. Hell even population of 13,000 Evanston was easier to get talent in. Yet these silly , idiotic women can’t pull their heads out long enough to think there’s more here than what meets the eye. Oh sure the Wolf’s Lair is somewhat sparse. Why? So if the day comes, it’s a fast load and go. Second, my old trucks, sure I can go into debt, get new ones. Why? These old trucks still get the job done, are paid for, and I can still fix what’s needed. As far as the trucks outsides, when the hell have I had time or place? Sure I had the shops in Burley, but I was fixing everyone else’s rides, still have never got paid for most of that. Helping to solve a mass of personal problems of a James Goins over there, and his three goon friends, there was never one time any of them picked up a sanding block or a scraper to get some of the old paint off of either truck. The vandalism to LexiBelle, came from at least one of those, then there was the repair job we did on a Mexican’s car that I never got paid for, but I still had to pay for the new parts. Its taken this long for a shop to surface that even a bit high priced is still able to be stomached to get things going on that side. And yet with it all these little stuck up women here can’t even live up to basic courtesy of calling to say I’m interested or not. Show up when they say they will, oh sure Joni did now she works for us, but one is not a bar crew.
Any mile I’m going to watch my movie, get this fever to break and get some sleep.
Hope to hear from Jade, Joni, and Paige sometime today. But its getting down to the wire, either crap or get off the can. If your not going to take our job openings seriously, don’t bother me.
Until Friday Afternoon,
L8R Aviators
Quote of the Day:
Passions are vices or virtues to their highest powers.
--Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Joel 2:23“Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |