There’s an old saying we have in the south that goes when in high cotton, look for snakes. The saying comes from when we’d harvest cotton in the field and then stick it to put it in the bags, you needed to make sure a rattlesnake or a big ass’d blow snake didn’t come out and take your hands off.
In todays society, one needs to walk carefully. Even if everything seems to be going in the right direction, look out for a grenade on the ground so you don’t step on it.
Example, right now I have probably the best crew of SheWolvez we have ever had. All are tremendous in both looks and charm, even the one that had bad under arm pit odor ,that nearly made me hurl the other day at McDonald’s. Of course walking in and walking out I looked like big John Stud. Of course Mandy was great yesterday, went everywhere with me, and the fellow Jar Head she’s hitched to? Ya’ll Couldn’t ask for a better friend in the world. Guess all of us Jar Head gravitate towards each other, Semper Fi, but yet I’m looking for that grenade. Had a full day planned, today, but I think too much movie food and the not so good food an Anchors gave our Mandy somewhat of a bad tummy so she is off. Which is no big deal, most people take the weekend off. With me the only things I do on weekends is the radio gig, and being on stand by for toew calls. Past that I’m watching the Disney Channel or NASCAR.
Even with all of that I’m waiting for the bad shoe to drop. I have years ago, learned not to count on anyone except myself and already club members. Haven’t heard from Joni, but I think that’s my fault. I allowed my personal feelings and all to slide down my sleeve and take a fancy to her, when it should have just remained her boss and guy pal. But when you got super babes on your arm how can you resist? It’s like taking a kid in a old time candy store and saying you can’t pull the Taffy or have a piece of candy. Granted certain restrictions are upheld, and yes having these gals as wingpersons since the term Wingman is no longer a PC correct thing, but having one of these super babes on your arm, going in places , just raises my guy credit to gals about 80% . Great looking gals will draw closer to a guy that has a hottie with him, than one that goes into the bar or place, alone, or a gal that’s not such a hottie.
When it comes down to it, if I had my choice, I’d take either Joni, or Bernadette , kids and all in a heartbeat. I don’t see that happening, but I’ll bet you, your next annual inspection, that seeing me with our SheWolvez, on billboards,TV, and national publications, for Dixie Toewing as well as AyreWolf Aviation and of course HazzardAyre, hey I would really loose my earthly connection if Bernadette did this shot >that nurse GoodBody Ellie May did in 2009. Could you see the value on this if it were on a billboard plugging HazzardAyre Radio? Or perhaps Bernadette or Amanda doing this shot>
hey we love toewz at Dixie Toewing? on a TV ad, and such? But over and above that I know once my SheWolvez do something like this>
or perhaps>
or maybe even this>
and if ya’ll want to get serious>
, ya’ll do notice nylons being worn in every shot. Maybe, hot legs alone are okay, but it’s like a good looking rig, regular stock wheels get it down the road but those chrome ones get it there with style and class, same thing goes for hot legs in nylons, it just makes the look even hotter.
I know for sure all the doubting Jane’s out there, like that Shar from last week will go, oops we fugled up. And will be lining around the block.
Any mile . What I love best about my SheWolvez is this, they don’t judge strictly by what’s on the surface. These gals are willing to scratch under the dirt to see what’s really there, and so yes I feel I’ve been accepted by them, I think, but its like I said, here, when tripping tall cotton, look for snakes.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
Life is not an exact science, it is an art.
--Samuel Butler, the younger
1 Corinthians 2:14“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |