As I get ready to turn in so I can go get things done today, like getting my check from Charles at A1, I began thinking of this tiny fly, that while I know the critters are pests and all, this one I have kind of adopted. I think it’s a he. Any mile so I went online to see or try to get pics of a common house fly, maybe get an idea of what George looks like. Know what everything except what I was looking for. Two pics of some big ass’d horse fly, and one I can’t figure out what it is, but no real pics of George’s cousins. Now things that are not now relevant or famous I can understand not being part of a common Google or other search engine’s search results. But this is not the first time I have been disappointed on what I was able to harvest out of a search. Case-n-Point, back in the early 1960’s there was an organization called the RoadMasters Truckers Association. Its founder was Mike Parkhurst, who in time would create a publication we call today titled Overdrive, that ushered in the reformed RoadMasters as the Independent Truckers Association, the foundation upon which the TeenAge Truckers Association the start of what is now the Knytes-of-Anarchy / United American Independent Truckers Association. The main difference between us and the founding ITA is simply, the ITA published a magazine, we took the electronic route and created a syndicated radio network, that was way before the Road Gang and a few others, but I digress off topic.
Try to Google anything on these, and all you get is the blogs I’ve written on the subject and an old magazine cover, of the RoadMasters>which is where we got into putting women in to enhance a truck for a feature, Overdrive did the same thing>
But think you can find anything on the old ITA? You’d have better luck winning the Idaho Lottery. Yet a lot of this is not really that old, but no Google, and no Bing search will find it. Makes ya’ll wonder why and what many in tech companies are going to do when the baby boomers and all die. Who’s going to have enough of a memory of these things to put them into a data base for the benefit of historians in the future? Oh and that feature of the black KW and the gal dressed in black? This is then>
and for those that want to know, this is now,>
Of course if you ask a youngster today about the show BJ & The Bear, they will give you the blankest stare but this is BJ & The Bear>
The list goes on. Can the web get it together? I really do not know.
As far as technology in our area of Idaho. In fact technology in Idaho. Fact is, its near a slim and none ratio. The only hi tech firm in Idaho with any clout is Micron out of Boise. Few other hi tech firms have expressed interest in Idaho, both from a infrastructure basis since such things like really high speed internet , like either SpeedConnect or Cable-One is more like Medium Connect Internet. It just does not exist and due to the population size few Internet companies are looking at building that infrastructure to advance us into a rocket age web experience. Instead of Rocket age, how about Warp Speed age Internet. With computers and information like we see on Star Trek? Can we have web, 3.0 now?
My opinion I could be wrong, see ya’ll on the afternoon bounce around.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
Matthew 28:18-20“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |