Has America’s media gone brain dead, or deaf? Consider that few if any new TV ad’s are creative anymore. More over placed where they can do the best good for those paying for that ad.
Used ta could identify a product or service, simply by the ads jingle or music. From Alka Seltzer to a few Coca Cola ads. Who could ever forget the holiday gif of I wish I could teach the world to sing? Heck even SuperBowl ads are bland, despite how much they cost to place.
Then you have to wonder at the thinking or lack of it, by the ad agencies. Consider that, and I might add here I don’t think its a coincidence that three big TV networks are running shows aimed at truckers. Did they get the idea from oh I dunno, HazzardAyre Media(us) and the Confederate Star TV Network, when we suggested popping up with shows for and of the over the road(OTR) long haul trucker? Hmmm?
Any mile three networks on, doing shows for truckers, yet few if any are running ads for anything truck or trucker. Has any of their ad sales gurus thought about looking in any of the major trucker or towing trade publications on how much they charge for ad space, and thought hey, we could do that.
Why don’t these TV network ad dorks, go to the trucking equipment and or supplier companies. Think, an ad for say Peterbilt or Kenworth, Cat or Cummins diesels in class 8 trucks, or say heck even Cobra CB radios, placed on say American Trucker on SpeedTV, or Trick My Truck on CMT or say Ice Road Truckers on the History Channel? How about the truck stops, tire companies etc. See where I’m going here?
With that in mind, dig this; with the advent of the creation of a whole new era here at HCC & Cooter’s A1 Toewing & Garage, of Burley , we will be launching in a few months one big hoopla of an ad project to get both area heavy and light haulers to know if they need a tow call Cooter’s A1 Toewing. As usual ads will be placed in local papers for a female model pitch girl as a Miss Hazzard County, to be the focal point and do the voice over to tell the story of our company. Once done, ya’ll can bet your next tank of diesel, that the ads will be placed once produced, on those afore mentioned TV shows directed towards truckers. American Trucker on SpeedTV, Ice Road Truckers on the History Channel, and yes even Trick My Truck on CMT as well as the Dukes . As well as on SOA on FX .
If one were and I hope you do, tune into say the PowerBlock the performance automotive early morning Saturday and Sunday time slot on Spike, you rarely see anything else on there except for products directed towards gearheads. Everything from TireRack.com to Edlebrock to that super blonde pitching EBC Brake linings. Yet the same ad agencies are missing the call of the wyld, when they don’t pitch the time slots on the trucker aimed shows for products & or services for well truckers. Oh and for those keeping score at home, yes I am asking our club’s Nurse GoodBody Ellie May to do a few of those featured ads. She does look good, don’t ya’ll think?
But then too new town new era, and all maybe a new Burley area gal to do our gig? Think? Anymile, as I close, headed to dreamland, I ask, Did the media go brain dead? More over why is it only us that sees where the ad gurus are not placing the right ads with the right content or viewer?
Does make ya’ll wonder, don’t it?
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day:
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |