Friday, July 22, 2011

Lets face it , I toew, but that might have a finite time frame

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You heard it here first. More like are reading it here first.

After serious thoughts and happenings of the past week, more over the last 7 years, I’m getting to the point, of saying, I’m done going toewing. Sure keep my truck LexiBelle, fix it up, store it, admire it, take it to hot rod shows, but past that, forget the real operation of all the hindrances in going toewing.

Sell LiL Lexi, get a reliable mini truck, move to Utah, shack up with Cuzzin Gordon, and just focus on AyreWolf Aviation. Live and prosper in Utah and outside of the fact I was born here, forget Idaho, even exists.

Outside of a small band of kin folk in southeastern Idaho, there is little if anything saying, to me anyway, stay in Idaho.

While I do fault Tammy for bringing me up here in the first place, as she was running from authorities in Uinta County Wyoming, Still when she saw the situation was safe, she wasted no time in getting out of Idaho.

Idaho once was a state that gave everybody at least a sporting chance to get ahead in life and carve out their own piece of the pie. Real Estate was low cost. One could rent a shop for next to nothing, regulations on most things were lax at best and taxation was also nearly none existent. Today; Idaho has become a recreational state, and not just in Sun Valley, but all over. What land, shop, or housing is available is getting higher than a cats back and again that’s if ya’ll can find it at all. Then there are the double talkers, who tell you one thing then when they smell dollars jack up the price to triple what was quoted. But by then one has put so much effort in that your done b4 you even start. Its not just Idaho that has that problem, Utah has it too, but one expects that in Metro Utah and similar areas, not small town , rural Idaho, where used to be a handshake and your word meant something. Today, one needs a recording of the negotiations on a deal, and a signed sealed piece of paper, to finalize. The handshake is just a symbolic gesture. It has no meaning today, and less of a meaning in the lower half of South West and western Idaho.

While there are those making green going toewing, here I’m nearly tuckered out on the business.

In months to come, again my plans are to get through another toew season, but unless results are better than they have been, I’m hanging it up, load up, go to Bountiful and just focus on flying.

Yes , lets face it, I toew, but that has a finite time frame , I’m looking more in the air rather than the highway to make a living.

What that means to the club, next entry.


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Quote of the day:
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. - Will Durant

Matthew 16:15-16““But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.””

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