I’m going to try to make this entry as quik and painless as I can, since brain and body sezz sleep, but spirit is wide awake. My REM sleep session was abruptly interrupted by a spider that decided my foot was a piece of candy and nibbled. Causing scratching and some pain. So some calamine lotion and a clean sock is giving relief. As such thought I’d pass a few thoughts your way.
In some respective cultures, it is wise as to the thought, When in Rome, do as Romans do. In my section of Idaho its do as the Mormons do or be Mexican , and if your both terrific , if not don’t bother. Sure there are Caucasian's here, but the Caucasian is the minority. In the Mini Cassia area, and I was sort of prepared for this, but we live in Mini Tijuana not American Idaho. While it is perceived that Utah is the epicenter of Mormon or LDS belief’s don’t bet on it. Idaho is more LDS conservative than anywhere nearly in Utah. Local media grabs both cheeks if anything or anyone decides to kick the bubble off plumb of that LDS mindset. Don’t publish anything that is off color, do not publish anything that has at its core beliefs that are not of that LDS majority or ad revenue drops and so on. In actuality readership would increase. Since many both LDS and none LDS would read the publication just to see what was being said this week. Allowing those, not so LDS biased business’s to advertise, and as Mr. Spock would say, live long and prosper. As far as Mexican’s and none Hispanics I have nothing against them or their ideals. Most not all, but most are very hard working, God(Kahless) fearing people, that will lend a hand when the Caucasian's wont. But when business’s both ran by Hispanics as well as those that aren’t, give favoritism to Hispanics over me, Hong Kong Phooey, my cash is green too. The voice of the Confederate nation needs to be read and yes heard too. Then you’ll find establishments that don’t see the forest for the trees. Case-n-Point, both the Mini Cassia Voice as well as the Weekly Reader here, decided to nearly sweep me out the door. Saying we’ll be in touch. No calls, no email replies. Don’t those publications realize that by not taking our cause that they are loosing potential ad revenue? I’d be all for running ads for our shop, toewing service and yes even AyreWolf Aviation, if they’d just give us some paper space and run our column. But Noooo, okay fine, we publish our own publication, distribute it all around as a free-be newspaper, and/or subscription publication and welcome in the bars, tattoo shops, and yes even the few stores that sell X rated publications. Along with the other related ad fare.
As far as the heard part. I have been reading where one big ass’d station in NYC is going all news/talk format, killing all AC or Adult Contemporary rock, as well as hip hop. Many both in and around the industry as well as public are not happy with CBS’s decision. Another effected station is in Chicago. One in Chicago, will continue to be a rock station but is shifting to a streaming webcast operation and going dark as far as OTA(over, the, air) .
In the view of HazzardAyre/KDXB FM, why not start and refine our station as a streaming webcast station and evolve into an OTA station? Which is why we keep dredging the mud bottoms as well as advertising for on air personalities. Why? When not if, but when we re-launch in October 2011, we want our station to not only be an on demand 24/7/365 station , but that it be live, and hosted by people that live here. Not satellite or imported from elsewhere. Hosted by people that people in our area see everyday, at say the Wayside Cafe, The Hub 66 and yes even at BJ’s Sports Bar. We constantly look for both male and female on air personalities that match our radical, rebellious attitude, and image, both Hispanic as well as Caucasian. Heck I’d welcome a OTR trucker, biker, show done in Hispanic language. A Latin version of what we already do, LIVE would be a hoot. Heck even having a hot looking Latin honey doing modeling jobs for the station, and the club, including HCC.
I welcome all cultures even LDS types, its when LDS and or Hispanics are shown preferential treatment over us I cringe.
My thoughts , I could be wrong.
Next entry, when you start to feel your age and need to say to yourself, you can’t run at that speed anymore.
B4 I go, a new concept handle to help light the candle, here’s a hint,
Until L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day: Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something. - Robert Heinlein
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”
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