Sunday, September 25, 2011

May I please be excused?

cooters phootenotes Despite the fact that mankind, like it or not, was created from the template of the Apes, Hey Kahless(God) had to have something to work from, and despite that we all were imported from other continents of Mother Earth, we are all underneath, the same beings. With only slightly variations of mind patterns, thoughts and emotions. We are still biped Humans.

So why can’t we just get along as people?

Even though much of my upbringing and ancestors came from the deep Confederate states of America, and while much of my thought patterns generate from that culture, I also never judge from just skin color or ethnic backgrounds. I judge from who the person under the skin is. How they conduct themselves , more over how the person interacts with me.

Sure I have a bit of animosity towards, some of the Latino community getting jobs, that I’m willing to work for the same wage, sure, I get flustered over Latino’s getting benefits that those truly born on American soil should have priority for. But beyond that, again I just want to ask, Can we all just get along and be kind to each other? Can we share in the bounty that Kahless has provided for all of mankind? If not , May I please be excused from having to bare this burden? May I please be excused from being in this dimension , may I please be excused from being human and living on Mother Earth?

More over, may I please be excused from living in a pre warp civilization?

Just boggles the mind , that supposedly , Kahless allowed man, to rule over the entire planet, to have as it says in Genesis , have dominion over all creatures, yet it is in fact man has pretty much screwed the pooch when it comes to himself and the planet he lives on.

Shoot, the apes from which we were patterned out of, have more brains that humans do.

I have a family canine, that would rather spend time with me, in my home than live and undergo the noise, from next door. Not that I’m anywhere near perfect, but just like the young children, that live there, both the toddlers and canine, see there is much more stability in my home, than in the one they live in, and yet the parents can’t see the problems they are creating? Young children and yes canines may not be able to put into words what they feel, or even understand, but can unite and run to something much more solid than and less abusive than their current environment. So how does one tell others , “ Hey pal, your situation needs fixing”?

The Complex I lived in , is for sale. Under the current situation, nobody in their right mind with what’s there and all would buy the mouse infected, cardboard built houses, stapled together to be an apartment complex. But then, perhaps, the property owners need to be informed.

In the meantime, May I please be excused?

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. - Albert Einstein
Revelation 3:14,20“[To the Church in Laodicea] “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

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