Friday, January 27, 2012

The Vagina is a troubled soul

Of all the inventions made by God or Man , when God invented the human gateway from the otherside to this side the human female Vagina hasgot more problems than any other thing. Cept for maybe cars , its been sedd if it has tits or tyres, a man is going to have trouble with it. Thing is, forget the tits, the human Vagina has more things that can go wrong with it than it would seem than any body part of either gender.

One can't ignore , although I try , in the early morning watching the Today show, on Ch-5 here and I can count at minimum 8 TV ads for female dusche or some other female vaginal malady curing product.

Used to be TV ads for such things were taboo , you never ever heard the word at least on domestic TV Vagina. The word, or idea was slightly sugested.

Yet for all of its problems , its male counterpart is very seldom mentioned. What about products to cure JOCK itch, how about products to cure a MALE yeast infection? Nope you will be hard pressed to hear or see ads for that, but if the ph level of the human female vagina is unbalanced, hey there a product for that and you'll hear about.

Breakfast meeting, see ya'll on WyldAyre L8R
