Friday, August 18, 2017

I don't do this to be popular, nor to become a celebrity, and certainly not to gain a fortune, The Knytes are in the fight and so am I because its Right.

Call this a call to action from sea to sea, border to border. When even just one ethnic group gets attacked we all get attacked, including many of those getting attacked. Any time I see or hear about the Black community barking about how unjust the Confederates were to them in the way or even before, is pure poppycock. 2 years from that first shot at Fort Sumpter nearly 4 hundred African's were free'd from slavery and fought a longside their Confederate white counterparts. It was a fight for a part of this nations freedom and liberty and destruction of a tyrany that went ary. Not fot continue with ungodly taxation and contrary laws not the image from some doppy movie called Roots. 
I proudly wave my Southern flag in my home, in front of my home on the hoods of all my rides, and salute the Dixie National Anthem, every morning. The fact is we are headed for the ultimate eradication of our nation. As it's going that punk heading North Korea wont have to fire a atomic missle at us. We'll destroy ourselves from all the division of this nation. I believe that hopefully by the 24th or 25th Century, we will have societies who look for the good in the character of a person, and not judge just because the color of skin, or where they come from. Where someone plowing a field to feed a nation get the same respect and spotlight as a politician. Or a Disney Celebrity. I look at the Disney Channel and see the messages coming from there from the youngsters, the pre teens, tweens and so on. They believe that the future will come that people love each other, explore ideas and knowledge, in science and technology, without it having to do with a division of cultures that happened 200 years ago. But at the same time honor the monuments, and respect the heritage of former civilizations, you don't hear much of people belching about native American's rights, nor lack of, tearing down their monuments, yet there is this engrained hate between Blacks against whites. The KKK, Hitler, and others were evil, they were on to a right idea, just did not articulate it well. The goal of The Knytes is to live in somewhat anarchy, not to be always obeying the ruling of sinister dictators that people call politicians, and where the value of a person is determined by how much money they have. But rather we live in equality no matter race, religion, ethnic background. Where we live humble with only one leader and one Savior , that being our brother in Heaven Jesus Christ, that Kahless is God, and that there is something one helluva lot better than we see here, or live in here.
This is why we are on the air over cyber as well as terrestrial radio. Why I write countless blog posts, and spend much of my minoote money on posting boost posts on facebook, and so on. There's got to be a healing point. There is a dawning coming that we can do that now. 
That's why I do what I do. So to the screeners at Alphabet company, over Blogger, Google, YouTube, Facebook and all, maybe its time you look to the core and mission of us and not just silence a voice that can't or wont be silenced. 
We have been on the airwaves for nearly 40 years, long before an Internet or web. And we'll live long after the end of the web, facebook, google and otherwise. It's called Hazzard County tenacity and determination, and that friends can't be killed. We will live to imortality.