Tuesday, December 20, 2022

As a kid without sisters, I often thought of Pantyhose as something to just hold in a fat woman's blubber!


There are plenty of guys, including our WolfPack members, who grew up with sisters. For them they learned much about the chronic condition called human female. For some like myself the below panty line adventures and processes were and, in many ways, still are mysteries. And not to be solved by Nancy Drew nor the Hardy Boys. 
As for me I can amuse myself for hours and am fully captive watching a feminintile put on make-up or as Janice said it, putting on her war paint. What war? It's like someone saying, " now according to the book" What book? Who wrote that book? And how come I didn't read it? 
Any mile, all the ingredients of being female just to go out and get grub for the house. Something that sadly, us male corpuscles do not do well. 
Women have a better bit of control, when it comes to impulse buying. 
So, there's products, upon products, from hair spray to toenail polish, and much in between, much more about the party pelvic region, than much of anything else. When was the last time you heard an ad about nylons on TV?
Nor a Does, or Doesn't she? Only her hair dresser, knows for sure. That was Clarol, hair products. Or the cute jingle for women's hair grease called Dipity Doo. They were cute, finely acted and you remembered the product from the jingle. Pretty much the same went for TV shows. You knew what it was by the theme music. Like 

All you needed was about two notes to know it was Airwolf, much of our WolfPack world revolves around that old Bell 222A.
I'm getting off vector here.
So, when I got the stocking bug, still don't know where or why, I thought, here was a product that was turning chubby women into size 7's. Not that the material itself was perfumed before it was packaged. 
Yet today, because of much planting the seeds, people like Sweet, of Sweetnpantyhose.com B.A.B.S. and very few others, including myself, have popularized, the fashion, to where, many women, who showed their oyster, now show pheete.
In fact, as a rule here, I will not hire anyone, until I see, or experience or both the person is in nylons. If they can't take the time to buy, wear them, what other lazy things do they do on my time? 
A year or so ago, we floated an ad on facebook, for women, for military aviation pin up models. I wanted to show it all off as it was during the roaring 1920's, flapper skirts, and all. 

Now granted none of them could be of the class of such treasures as Myrna Loy 
She by nature was classy, sexy, and truly a Princess in anyone's language. She also was the originator of the aircraft nose art and pinup craze. That while condoned by the military, didn't do much to enforce a no policy against the practice. Again, I'm getting I'm getting of the Glyde path here. 
So, we here at this unit of the WolfPack, put up an ad on a few social media sites 

sites, looking for local honeys, to pose with our multi-million dollar restored warbird aircraft. Of a few, one arrived, dressed to the 9's. After a long conversation, I said, " let's see your phootsies." Of course, this was a no man zone. 
Shit, all I wanted was, was to see her pheete, making sure, that all there was in order, no pigeon toes, no bunions, etc. that would detract from the sitch of her being one to enhance of rather than the interruption, of the look of the aircraft. Talk about throwing a fit. She was on fb, and all telling everyone who would read, that I and our squadron, were worse than the second arrival of Lucifer himself. This was one of the burrs that started our relocal project. Question is why? Why show up with a teasing attire on, and get all tense that I noticed? Some people just don't get it, do they?