Thursday, December 8, 2022

What you see is just superficial, its what's not seen that will get ya'll


It's not what you see that will come up and bite your behind, it's that element of stealth, that will cripple you and leave defenseless. Some people who have no idea, of the undercurrents of Government, the hand holding of big tech, with that very government, that is about to catch most, if not all social media consumers by the crotch. There is a bill in front of Congress that will be a consumers nightmare. If you do a double click to send a news story from a major or even a local one with something from the wire, without permission, or copyright look out for Mr. Attorney. That's always been the case, however freedom of speech is not protected, and all social media, has been immune from this. Not any more. If the Current Social Media Responsibility Act is passed, Not only you, as the relayier, can be hammered, but a heavy fee to the Social media services. From Google to Lycos and in between, including Facebook, and Twitter. As the proposal goes, those social media services are going to be required to collect money from you, just to post otherwise copyrighted content. Guess who they will charge? Yup you and me. Unless you're a press agent or broadcaster, this will bite your hind end like nothing you have seen before. 
Was hearing this on Ben Shapiro's show the other night. I'm not a big Shapiro, fan, I think he sounds like he needs to blow his nose, and talk slower, so you can at least climb on board his train of thought. But this got me going. Thinking that all that stuff people share, from porn, to movies and such news, are going to get a rude awakening. Another point here, is never judge a person, by what he wears, or the shine or not, of his shoes. Nor the fact he has scars, and Callases on his hands and think he ain't got money. Fact is there is a lot you can't see, and that person, may have more going on than what you think. Example, met with two property brokers today, on our new sites for the radio station. Right away from one was a billion questions. Things that didn't pertain to property to build the new facilities, on. Really? An example of such a person. Jack, Simplot, worth tons of billions of dollars, was the happiest, in his bib overalls, with a shovel, and in an old pickup, irrigating a tater field. If you didn't know better, you'd think just another old sod buster. In reality, one that owned the better half of much of Idaho, and western Oregon. Without digging a bit under the surface, and taking in consideration the fact that person, with age and experience, might have more going on, and be a heap amount of intelligence and where for all, than what you see. You know that little statement on the surface of your right-side mirror, that reads; Objects are much closer than they appear? Keep that in mind, the next time you're speaking to a rider, a Knyte, or a member of the WolfPack. 
Have an early day of it, so its lights out.
L8R Knytes.