Sunday, July 6, 2014



First of all I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion concussion, that I need to get me a new secondary computer. Preferably desktop, since what I have is pretty much getting eaten or is that ate with music and streaming software. Meaning if I want to look up news etc, the thing is stuck. In essence if I kick in the Procaster for Livestream, Procaster takes over the entire computer. Okay.

So while I had a few I was looking over the broadcast historical knowledge pages, and very little is there on the old station KNAK, no sound bytes no nothing, so I’ll deliver some news you can use.

1550 the old KRGO will now hail as KNAK . That’s right KCPX’s old nemesis is back with the power of Hazzard County, and will begin rolling out from the west in 4 months.

We got turned down for Woodruff Utah, but to our west, and I’m not at all sad about this, but just over the northwest border of Utah, on the hind leg of Idaho in Malta is license space. Which will be home to resurrected KDXB FM .

In the meanwhile other locations are being located to establish a southern bred Rebel radio network in the Mountain West. Watch here for details.

However the point here is this, of all the stations out there, that is and was, why is the history of KNAK forgotten? Some of the most off the wall music in Utah could be heard there. It wasn’t until KNAK played such tunes as BloodRock’s DOA or Little Black Egg, that KCPX felt easy enough to play it. It’s a Mormon fear thing. The ongoing fear here is, its best to hold off a few fans(advertisers) rather than be boycotted by the abdomininable Church. Although these days that sentiment is less than it used to be.

In closing, I’d like to put this out to all those who were ever part of either KRGO, or KNAK, to get in touch.



Matthew 24:35“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Even NASCAR has bad days

HAZZARDAYRE BLUEScolonels journal

The race under the lights at Daytona is under a serious rain delay.

Nobody came by to look at the room here, I’m still going to rent it to the right person, but I need to get to know that person first. I’d rather not rent it, if I have to go through what I did with the last roomy.

When my last roomy showed up, he showed up with only a fraction of the money needed to move in. I discounted it $100.00 plus allowed some time so he could pay the last months rent. Okay fine I have compassion. The landowner here did that with me and me sub-renting the room will do the same, something to do with paying it forward. However, had I not had my back against the wall money wise and being in a rush that day to go to a talent audition session in salt Lake City, I might not have been so understanding, no money, no move in.

I’m not really that hard to live with. I do my radio show overnight, mostly because the pipeline over Comcast is a bit wider bandwidth wise, so streaming at speed is easier. Plus being on air with people is an intimate thing. Few radio personalities want other people in the studio itself. Even co-anchors. Co-anchors come in once I feel comfortable with them just as I do room mates. That speaker to their Ipod etc is in their ears in very special places, from the bedroom to the bathroom, to their truck to their aircraft. When I’m there on air its me and them. It’s like I’m blowing in their ear its both romantic and personal. My point is to be as good as it can be.

Which is why the who that carries these shows of HazzardAyre, had better be better than best or I’m just spinning wheels, with no traction. The foundation of the Knytes is very simple, everything is done with Marine, aviation military precision. If we can’t achieve that in everything we do, from the website, to the online radio show to an AyreShow or custom truck show, we just will not do it.

The people that we deal with had better be able to measure up to that standard, if not we’re soon looking for something else or someone else.

I have explained and we’ve been told this by industry leaders, HazzardAyre, has the ability to be for web based radio what Facebook is to web based social media.

You can only be the best if you work with the best. If your working with people that just take it casually, your end product is going to look and smell just as bad. Be that as it may. Two great eye openers, and this might be the better way to aim efforts. The old facilities and all of what used to be Kountry Kargo here in Utah is up for grab, we grabbed that. The frequency and all that goes with it. Which means not only going radio online, but radio over the air.

The time that HazzardAyre operates will soon be only a piece of the pie, Dixie-Diesel Trucker Radio is on the boards, as well as Highway Hooker Radio, the only radio on any station in the nation for those who tow. Likewize good old Farm Kountry Radio will be on from 06:00AM to noon. The only farm based radio with farm information in Utah.

Of course, AyreWolf Aviation Radio and the rest will be on. Wont say the call letters yet, but its just about like KDXB(Dixie-Broadcasting) but that’s a teaser.

But as much as we want it to be perfect there are times things go ary, computer networks go goofy, or down completely, software gets messed up between us and Livestream, etc, likewise, as I said, even NASCAR has rain delays and bad days, but in each, we eventually get the job done.

So to all those looking to be my room mate, best get here and get your reservation in, or your going to be forgotten in the dust.



Quote of the Day:
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
--Julie Andrews
Isaiah 12:4“In that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

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All for the love of the Brothers and Sisters


Well last night did not go very well. At about 17:30 hours Friday night tried to fire up HazzardAyre on grand except for one problem, program stream ran just about 20 minutes and cut off. So thinking its just Livestream, went to go online. Found out I wasn’t completely online, although modem was working and all, my computer and the web were not connecting. Made one call to Comcast, which was really for residential, rather than business, some guy who was Indian, not Apache, more like Bangladesh, answered . So after telling him the map number of one modem, the phone modem, which had nothing to do with Internet, the damn thing still didn’t work, so went next door, had a burger with Dave, chatted a bit, then I trucked home.

Dave pounds beers like I do Chiclets, but I can’t anymore for umpteen reasons, mainly because being in toewing, I have to be ready to go at a moments notice, I can’t be snorkered responding to the scene of a tow, drunk or even with a buzz.

Second, too much beer any more reaks havoc on my stomach and gives me the near upchucks, and third, Dave’s brand of brew is the kind of brew one gets to get plastered, me I like beer that has a taste that is good, not just barley fizz water,.

So then came back here in the Roadhouse, same Internet thing. My suspicion is that somewhere along the line, from a fire or something Comcast was down somewhere. Even though I was online the throughput was just not getting from point A to point B, makes you shudder at molecular transport over Comcast, your ear might end up near your pecker.

So called Comcast again, went through the bit of the automated answering service, got finally connected.

Guess what? A Mexican gal this time. Still no speaka the Española, I’m not being racist here but damn it, if you live and work in America SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH, or stay in your own nation.

still no answers.

Finally at 03:00 I got in touch with someone that speaks AMERICAN ENGLISH, and its working okay now I think.

But damn it.

So for those who expected me at the fireworks ride tonight, it was me at the Roadhouse getting HazzardAyre back up.

On the subject. Found another outfit , that is geared more for radio than TV, so am looking into it, but also sent a trouble ticket to Livestream. If Livestream can’t or wont fix this thing, we’re going elsewhere.

Just remember its For the Love of you, my trucking/toewing brothers and sisters as well as you in uniform around the world I do this for.

Will try another broadcast at 23:00 Saturday night.




Quote of the Day:
The secret pleasure of a generous act Is the great mind’s great bribe.
--John Dryden
Isaiah 12:4“In that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Killing Kats pop went the pussy

HAZZARDAYRE BLUEScolonels journal

Dogs are caught, and sent to death if not licensed, but kats no. The dang things are all over the place

breeding faster than an LDS couple after marriage. So what do you do?

Sure you can trap em, take em to the pound, where Animal control is going to put em to sleep, so why spend the money?

So My neighbor and I popped a few, after some barley pop. Silent but deadly.

Now don’t say I’m being cruel here. Like any critter, who is not YOUR pet, or MINE, and uninvited , the dang felines are all over the place, brazened enough to breed right in front of you.

Sure I can see keeping a few if only two around to keep the mice population in a state of control, but when that feline population grows faster than an Ethiopian village, you need to take the God given gift of superiority and send the putty kitty to the promised dimension.

HazzardAyre Radio returns next Saturday. We’re still working out some details on both facility, equipment installations and studio operations.

I’ll be on , on the 5th but for only 2 hours or so at a time.

The body is not performing to its best. Had all intentions of going to Layton to see fireworks, but my sugar levels are all over the place, but Phil says he’ll call around 22:00 and take it from there.



Quote of the Day:
Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.
--Will Durant
Psalm 33:12“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.”

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co logothe end

Independence and liberty has not yet been achieved

HAZZARDAYRE BLUESeyes on america

For many it’s a day of celebration for so called freedom for oppression. The reality is for many there is still no real freedom, liberty or relief from oppression, or tyranny .

From the time of the truce at Appamadox to today, many from the southern states are still feeling in bondage and loss of both ideals, and sense of any kind of self worth.

Loss of love of God, gave way to the championing of political favors for immigration of both those in need and release of terrorists, that can and will invade this nation.

For myself and the Knytes, until this flag>csaflag can fly with this one>file_3_3 with respect , and honor, then the 4th will be a day of celebration for true independence. Until then for myself and the Knytes, the 4th of July, is just another day.



Psalm 33:12“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

HazzardAyre Radio Is:


HazzardAyre is: The voice of Southern Culture and Southern Heritage, the only radio station telling the truth about the atrocities of the war of Northern aggression.

HazzardAyre Radio is the only radio station in the Mountain West dedicated to performance engines, and rides of every kind, a gear heads radio station, that few can match, and few dare to try to challenge.

HazzardAyre Radio is: Fight the system, anti establishment none  religious biased radio.

HazzardAyre Radio delivers what so many try to, but can’t. We are live overnight, and early evenings, soon to be live 24 hours, not satellite download radio like others.

In summary, HazzardAyre Radio is: Southern Pride, southern fried radio, for military mainly Marine and Naval Aviation vintage warbird enthusiasts.

We are the rebel yell, we are the rebel flag, we are, HazzardAyre Radio, where Hazzard County and Airwolf melt together.

If your looking for rebel, radical totally unplugged radio, done Hazzard style with more of Hazzard County and less Dukes, If your looking for vintage hit music, with colorful commentary, unlike you’ll find elsewhere, then get on your computer, tap in to

and tune into HazzardAyre Radio

A production of the Knytes-of-Anarchy>knyte lyte and the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association>AYREWOLVEZ LOGOand delivered to your computer, Ipod, or other portable device.

HazzardAyre Radio is, radio of old, radio of the road, HazzardAyre Radio is; Southern Fried Radio in the Mountain West.



Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher
Jeremiah 17:9-10“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.””

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Airwolf Versus TopGun