Thursday, June 24, 2021

How damn dumb do you need to be? Do you need a brick outhouse to fall on you? Shysh,


How damn dumb must you be? Try to explain to Tech companies like Google or Microsoft, that you reside and work in IDAHO, not UTAH? You simply can't. Their GPS, territory detects you Internet service, and your seen by TECH as being somewhere miles away from where you really are. Why can't they get it down to an exact science? Even GPS guiding systems, have no clue to where you want to go, and how to get there. This is Teck progress? Can't prove it by me. The Corps, and my parents mainly my Dad always said, Do it right or don't do it at all. Simply Tech is not progressing it's more like regressing. Saw on Facefart that Maximum Overdrive's FB page is catching some attention. It's not bad of course, but why. I often wonder why people who are haulers of any kind, that are over 50 years old, don't know or remember the truckers publication Overdrive, or Mike Parkhurst, creator of both The Independent Truckers Association, of which we absorbed as the Iron Knytes, or the honeys that adorned the publication Overdrive each month. Mike took Overdrive to a pride supported, by us who own and operate our trucks as both as a addiction, as well as a vocation. Featuring smartly sweetened models, posing with those trucks, 
Which is where this old High Octane Canine of the Interstate, started in this world of talent acquisition. I grew up with grease under my fingernails, not a girly guy sitch, that seems to be rampant. But Mike did it, and we followed suit, but rather than just heavy haulers, we wanted to include specialty rigs like tow trucks, 

Why not? In 1998-1/2, We started doing something called Klassik Hookers(tow-trucks) and Haulers, 
with extra cheesecake posing with those trucks. True we have went a bit overboard with the stocking toew smooch thing, but still, the project was created, and is a video gig we do each year. On Maximum Overdrive, it was not a movement to step on the movie by the same name. In 1999, we as a the ONLY western, Mountain Western Truckers radio network/station, took on a few syndicated programs being sent to stations, to air, produced by Overdrive Magazine. Great, so it was right at the point of relocation to our still our studios in Buhl, Idaho. So we took out of our toolbox, Dixie Diesel/Maximum Overdrive Radio. Over the years Dixie Diesel was dropped from the title of the show. to just Maximum Overdrive. That still is aired weekly from Saturday into very Early Sunday. Now with that, I have been asked about the thing of the go-go boots. Before I found things Hazzard County, Bro(aka Ace of Spades-Bro) and I was building a mini semi truck. to follow in suit, we wanted a manikin, dressed like the car hops on the movie the Hollwood Knights, 

we had the shorts and halter T, but not the boots. So what did we do? found some in Paul Idaho, at East Minico Junior High. Across the street, was a member Tracy Tollman, who was going on an LDS Mission, needed to unload a car, not just any car, but the Gen. Lee, 
the rest is all history. So in honor of that, we collect old pairs of go-go, boots to include in our club HQ as a tribute from which and what we started as and with. 

As I close and this applies here. The system is working a bit better, but not anywhere near what it ought to be or what we ordered. I met with our attorneys yesterday and documents are being prepped to be served on Lumen/Century-Link) within the next month or so. But did they need to have a brick outhouse fall on them to realize, that all the stuff that was installed in our equipment room, But as Jesus said, and we always feel, Forgive them, Father, for they Know what They do. 

Headed for bed, see ya'll overnight on