Tuesday, June 1, 2021

When is it, that we will have a Confederate Memorial Day? When will the WOKE Cancel Culture and others see the Confederacy?


Great Good Morning to ya'll from us here at the Wolf's Lair. 
Of course, we just hurdled through Memorial Day. Now I'm all for folks remembering and honoring our nation's Military, But with that said as now, being a Confederate Marine.
it saddens me when I see all Military being honored, except, the Military, volunteer military no less, Confederate Military. There is no history items, no acknoledgement, that Arlington Cemetary, is the back yard of in fact, of General Robert E, Lee. Moreover the graveyards and headstones and all of our Confederate brethren, that are buried there, What's wrong with folks', in media to completely ignore the Confederate Military, on Memorial Day? Then if not completely, a front of loyalties, NewsMax had on, that former Governor, now Ambassador for the USA, Niki Hailey, she started the destruction, of a complete genocide, of an entire generation multiple generations, of southern people, by destroying our monuments. Wuz up with that? I have always barked and howled, that I will not be at peace until these two flags, 
Can fly freely together, then I'll be a complete Patriot. Until then I remain a Confederate Patriot, the war is not over, it's just been sleeping. Nuff said.

On HazzardAyre Radio. We are looking realistically, at August 1st or so just after Sturgis, to reignite. Equipment bugs have been plaguing, the sitch, so we are slowly hitting the main systems. While we do have our local on-air live, we just as o yet, had the bandwidth, to go online LIVE, but we do record episodes as they call em, on www.spreaker.com/user/ayrewolf If you get lost there, just go to our web page ayrewolffm.com Click on the hyperlink that says Our Webcast. 

Brining this in for a final, I recruited 3 new prospective (Prospect) Members, they are not yet WolfPack quality, but they could be good for HCK, Membership. Decided though that after a very long weekend, I need to shut eye tyme. Thus, no show at 08:00, however as I say, Don't fret none we'll be back this evening after chores are done at 19:00 hours, Until then keep it in the air, I mean keep it in the Ayre,

I still love this reporter. She has more skill than just about any newscaster that I have seen beyond Jillian.