Thursday, October 21, 2021

This is what we do and why we are. The uniform may have came off but our serving never stopped.


This hazz been a day from hell. It started, from the posale at Albertson's. The level of complete stupid was there by the gallons. Aren't you glad about the self-checkouts? Why? Because at least the AI in those automated machines, since many times there are more idiots still ringing up sales on a register. Once I got that done, came to the studio. Where in, after commenting on a few news sound-bites, the little tattle tale down the hall, got disturbed. Hey, what I bark and howl, about in my studio, with a much; longer lease, than she does wants to comment about something on our station, I'm going to. But and I have ran into this before. I recall a lady that worked at a wireless IP, in Evanston Wyoming. Whereby, by commenting that she did a fantastic job, and being congenial, was accused of being threatening. Really saying someone does a good job, is threatening? To date, I couldn't sign up for service although who in their right minds would, butt in today's society you can't be kind, congenial, or even offer to help, without some person, getting their tampon  out of joint. So after that fiasco, and brethren, the feminists are coming after you too. Outside of my sphere, I've seen it many times and through many other realms. Take, for instance, both Facebook, and Twitter are the worst. If your a hottie that posts everything to everything else in a photo, on their platforms nothing or very little, will occur. In fact, Strutt their stuff to entice YOU to subscribe to their offshore platforms, in hopes that you hope you're going to get tight with these sluts. Look I love my Emmy, BABS, and such, they are entertainment pros, one could easily be a commentator 
Could do her own show. The only thing there, is, is; if anyone in B.A.B.S. talent 

get's a lot of popularity, Beck, of B.A.B.S. KICKS her off. Why? Perhaps jealousy or the fact that BA.B.S. is getting upstaged. But is very light material, that seldom passes a very thin line. But I'm getting off course. If you(and I've tempted fate there) a hunky male corpuscle does the same things, you get thrown into FB jail and Twitter Prison. 
Did Newsmax's engineers go on strike or not get paid? Must be, as I noticed that which is impossible to ignore, their video, and audio isn't syncing. Looks like one of those old Jap films with a monster, that have just partly been translated. That frustrating pause between a spoken word and when you hear it, talk about audio lag. Hey I'm in the business, I understand the 

Gremlin's that exist, that pop out from the dark in broadcasting, I viewed that first hand from standing with the GM, of KPIF-TV/ Pocatello, a few years ago. They too had that problem, until Bryan gave attention to what I was telling him to do. Once he did not malfunction anymore. Wasn't that special? I said this a few nights ago, and I'll say it again. Of all the online radio things, I have heard even one of our namesakes are all gone. Us? HazzardAyre Radio is still on both the terrestrial radio as well as online. We must be doing something right, for over near 50 years now, the nights are much more not lonely, as HazzardAyre is bringing a chuckle, an important news story, or a toe-tapping session of tunes that NO BODY else plays. See ya'll at 04:00 on the air and online.