Friday, October 20, 2023

Did you do it?

Did you do it?

A famous line from the movie MoonRunners the prequel to the Dukes Of Hazzard.

When Uncle Jessie asked Bobby Lee, about the woman with him, he asked, Did you Do it? Babies and women are not like puppies you cain't just bring home the straggler/ drifting woman home. The same thing applies to most inhabitants of our Southern conformity, if there is any conformity in our Dixie Nation.

If there is I ain't found it, the one thing us true southern kountry folks are is we are a mostly happy, content population, that can do one thing: Laugh at ourselves and not take it seriously or insulting. Even some Things like calling us Red-Necks. The term Red-Neck comes from sunburned necks harvesting crops pre industrial mechanical era. Now did we take the phrase out of context? Or as an insult? No, we made it funny or at least comediate. We even increased this through 4 people assembled years ago, as the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White, and of course, the best southern hellbilly of them all Larry The Cable Guy. Git-R-Done. 

There was no such thing as and isn't even today, wearing our internal feelings on our sleeves. Nope, we put it out there. 

The Beverly Hillbillies, and even all those rural based comedy shows we enjoyed years ago. From Green Acres to Petticoat Junction. Then came the Kountry Music revelation , that brought us such renderings as HeeHaw. Which infiltrated the moral compass of our population. As HeeHaw had the HeeHaw Honeys, with the short-short cutoff's and of course those blooming nylons. Even before Daisy Duke, network censors got nervous about that much leg being bare. So, Nylons were mandatory. Wasn't just us, but we have followed that trend ever since. ( corse I got a rise of my Wrangler jeans when I saw the original Batgirl, and Catwoman. Those tight latex outfits rose my internal body temperature about 20 degrees.

Could those shows be rebooted today? 

That in an upcoming report. 

L8R Taters