Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Started well, endurance enhancements in question.

It is morning, well maybe not morning but close enough for Lincolnite Government work.
After days, trying to knock down how to retrieve $10.00 from my pension funds finally had one sweetheart, at Pilot/Flying J that pulled her head out and told me how to proceed, and thus went to the Front-Street Maverick, snagged fuel, and thrusted forward.
So that done tried to hit the head, finding that the Evanston, Wyoming Parks and Recreation, Department closes one of their parks through the winter months.
This particular city park sports a ice rink. That brings in a few tourists and helps line the pockets of the local merchants, during a time that most travel, at least through these parts is low to nonexistent. Yet city leaders, City Council members etc think it costs more to operate the parks rather than shutting them down through the winter. 
Now considering, that 80% of the locals migrate elsewhere to warmer climates, the rest of us attempt to eek, out a living. Fortunately, I tow, so I have my winter income additionally during the winter. Others? Not so much.
So, what to do? Light a candle under the saddle of a few city council members. How do you do that? Publicity. Nothing inspires a politician, more than causes that generates publicity for the next election. Winter Tourism, interests is one of those causes. 
Generating publicity, is our task. We are HazzardAyre Radio. The last fully on air and online LIVE radio, in America. Locally on AM 1240, / 104.7 and around the world on and our site, and 
If you can't find us, you don't know how to spell it, or are not looking for us very hard.
Housing remains a challenge. Not impossible, but a challenge, nonetheless. Finding that can of Skoal in the haystack, can be elusive. If everyone thought that point zero, was it, you thoughted wrong. That article next time.