Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Court was sour me on my way out. but not without LexiBelle. What?

As it was went to court. Ashaen lied all over the place. Couldn't believe one word he said.
Shawn looked like a deer in headlights. The Court, Judge, and lady attorney you know had a pre-court conference and I was the pigeon. 
If it were not for the fact that I too had a program B this might be tragic. As it is its things as usual in Western Wyoming .
Slow to find the bone even less intelligent to remember where it buried it in the first place.
Things are on the mend. Got the ten ton Tessie Gorilla off my chest.  So KSOA AM will move studio project to South 150. Not a bad idea since we already had that in the works.  Too bad though that you Can't trust any or a very few people here.
It's a case of having its head up its butt so far that many are tasting the back of their teeth. 
Eye balling reversing the Way back machine.