Monday, May 13, 2024

so what do you do? it's called Hazzard County improv.

Found a new way to make an Alarm to be able to wake up on time. Set the clock on your microwave oven for when you want to wake up. When it switches on its time to rise up and howl. 
Got court this morning for the station eviction.  So I will either be here for a few days or sleeping once again in the General Jax tonight.
At least I paid my rent to Corbin heck at this rate I almost think of getting Corbin to let me sleep in my new digs where it sits. In Utah.  I  might even be doing that until I can gather the money to get LexiBelle repaired. I am yet to be convinced the west Wyoming is the best place to plant this seed.  Sure it was in 2015 but a lot of manure has washed under the bridge here in Evanston since I pulled the plug and moved from here to Idaho in 2020.
Something happens in the minds of most folks when they hear radio station. They envision a water well of money 💰 generation in just a short while.  It's like our current property 0wner.  When I was strapped for cash and attempting to put down roots here he was right on the spot ti stay in touch. I thought the guy was an upstanding guy who had a ❤️ heart.  Nope, the idiot saw $ signs and kept wanting more. Right near what old Cook saw in Jero e Idaho. Lotta 💰 
 ðŸ™…‍♀️ 9degrees off plumb. Any radio gig takes time to build or rebuild a listener base. Long before you even start to break even. Let alone make a profit. Pro radio equipment is not cheap.  Even if you do find used it's still expensive. Even a simple control console is at minimum $3k before you even start. Plus if the property 0wner holds up the key to your mailbox that is assigned to your rented office and FedEx and Ups Can't find you the equipment gets set back to the seller and you get egg on your face and a very bad rep on Ebay.  As I did here. Then even with that and I being honest I went to our slumlord here offered to do a autopay for the rent each month. Nope Shawn said no. He wanted it all in cash each month. All these things are what I'm going to bring up in court here in a few hours now. It is just a bad situation all the way around but while it's been said honesty is the best policy I think if I'd just fibbed a little I could have moved out. Of this bear trap in January and saved $100.00 each month. Had a spot at the Wells Fargo building here all pegged down. But paid Shawn my rent. And still he wanted me out. My thoughts here, I could be wrong.