Wednesday, September 25, 2013

President trying to regain seat or at least save face


Did not see that coming. Looks like Clay is looking to save face and maybe regain enough street credit to get back the President seat to SOA.

While I love this show on more than one level, some of the casting Kurt is doing does make one scratch ones head. A lot of it comes from Kurt’s former gig at the Shield. One from the now ancient series the Sopranos and so on. I would not do it the way he’s doing it, but hey we are only the tech consultants , not the write. Little if any of SOA on TV , has much to do with KOA in real life in fact the only things that are similar besides the last word of OUR clubs title, is that we run the Reaper Club. Oh and yes ride bikes. But not just Harley’s , we ride Indians , Triumphs . We love bikes, babes and freedom. More over we are dedicated to preserving , resurrecting, and educating all about southern heritage and culture, and in helping the Dixie flag to rise again in pride, to preside over all of America, not just our beloved south.

It was a great show though tonight, can’t wait till next weeks episode.

Speaking of club and club loyalty and dedication to all within the club. I have discovered that one of our angels , decided life with her guy was not for me and is feeling a bit used and hurt. Justly so. Any guy that would betray her should be shall we say talked to very seriously. I got a chance to visit with another that originally applied as a house keeper for the Lair. Why anyone with a paralegal background would apply to clean the house of a bunch of bikers and Marine aviators is beyond me, so I’m trying to steer her towards taking care of talent recruitment and other duties. Together Shar and Joni could and can do things beyond my capability simply because no other gal would feel uneasy hanging with these two as they would me.

But I’m getting off course here. Our lady from Hazzard, feeling a bit blue and all, I pitched the fact that everything I got is hers and should she need a place to camp out , our place is her place. But understand its not in a romantic he & she thing, it’s the same offer I’d pitch to any member of the club. Male or one of only 4 lady’s, that are voting members of the club. We all look after each other. That’s just the way we do things here. While few of us have ever done serious prison time, or even committed anything to require that, some of our activity , due to the ultra conservative nature of the area, might be looked at that way. Gathering gals for models, taking racy , but never porn pics of gals for ayrecraft(spelled wrong on purpose) or with our bikes, or a rod, is seen by those outside the club, as bordering on running a brothel. Even privately for club members. While I’d never say to a club member or a lady employee they can’t get involved with each other its not a common thing here. There are those that frown on that toe kiss thing. Many get the queasy feeling, but it’s a spoof, it plays on two words TOE and TOW , spelled different, meaning different, but sounding alike, and as such if it raises an eye brow, that gets press ink, and any ink is better than none. So I will admit, every gal that walks in the door, I’m checking out toes and feet. Although Shar wore boots today so not much could be gathered there, as well as Joni, although I think hers are small. The fact that neither wore nylons, or such made where I wasn’t going to test that, plus I want to get to know them and them to know us and me before I do that.

We’ll see if one or both wear hose and I get a shot at toes Wednesday.

But I want Joni to know, its out of compassion for a club member I’m concerned about her recent domestic malfunction, not that I’m looking at booking personal time.

More to report on Thursday, as well as on the radio show overnight tonight into Thursday morning. Tried to get Shar to roll over and watch SOA with me and sit in on a show, but must have decided that’s a bit much too soon. Last , found something rather humorous a few days ago. Remember that gal, whose Grandma or Mom or close relative that runs Arby’s that applied to do an on air gig and hung us up last February? Well she saw both the bar wait-person ad and housekeeper job on CL. So she inquired. Didn’t she realize that the address and it was the same group she hung up? Guess not. But here’s the thing, those that play the club, and not commit, are rapidly forgiven, but not forgotten. If you miss the call of the wyld once, don’t come knocking a second time, unless you are willing to submit to an oral interview.

At least oral.

Any mile, bro’s and sis’s I need to catch some sleep busy day today. Have the design engineers for the REAPER to meet with, and that’s just the short list.

See ya’ll this afternoon on the radio.



Quote of the Day:
Every successful enterprise requires three men - a dreamer, a businessman, and a son of a bitch.
--Peter McArthur
1 John 2:1“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I only got up to go pee

aw phootenotesHAZZARDAYRE TAG2 BIG

So mother nature came calling rather abruptly so I got up to drain the main vein, when a slight shave and a hair cut knock came on the door.

So out of being partly awake, I woke up further opened the door in my Marine shorts, and there’s a luscious blonde. Wants to be a housekeeper. The way she looked thought could be a helluvalot more than a housekeeper. So we visited and think now we have that under control. So with Joni on board as my second in command here, and our honey maid on board, there’s just the pin up girls, and the on air radio people.

So yesterday, felt like a heel, although when we’re talking beer I’m always ready to snag a brew. But told Joni, that I blew my cash stash, and Me I’m broak broke, until the Marines and DOD gives me more on the 5th. Okay fine, she takes me to Anchors, which even Joni agreed that Anchors is over priced. Yes I know the Sheep’s Pen and the Reaper are on the way, but $4.00 a snag for a brew and $3.00 for coffee is a bit much. But I felt funny having somebody I’m hiring buy me brew and the other day buying me food. Isn’t it that man buys the food? Boss’ and Execs don’t get things bought for us, its usually the other way around. But thing is, and many need to understand, the club pays for wages on the bar, radio station and upkeep on the club house, I don’t. I get a stipend or a dividend payment of 1% of whatever the club makes each month that I help generate. That’s all. The rest of my income comes from my military pension, SSA , and whatever I make toewing and flying, whatever the shop makes I get $25.00 for every $100.00 the shop makes. But the shop is more like a meeting place when we don’t meet here at the Lair.

For those wondering at this point , no neither Shar nor Joni, has came into the Lair, in nylons, and me do the smooch on the toes, I knew a few of you might be wondering. I’ll let that happen if it happens on its own. Only question is, how come it is all these really great looking hotties are walking around solo? And I’m alone. Oh sure they have guys in their lives, shyt, gals like these are not spending Saturday nights at home wondering what on TBS TV cable. No they have numerous male corpuscles buying them drinks and grub. But I have been gave the gift between Shar and Joni, meeting them and really enthusiastic about getting them together with the club and confident they are on board with us. Not that these two would, although it would be a dream brought to fruition, but just once I’d like one of these new hires, to walk in, find where I sleep here, push me down on the old rack, and ravish my body.

Now then, I spent all day in bed and plan to go back there since last night I went out with a few of the Wolvez and drank a bit much, it wasn’t the brews it was the 33 Jello shots that got me. They were free, but my mind left me about number 15 , how I made it back here to the Lair I don’t know. I must’ve looked a sight, hey I know I’m big in size, and thought of Joni or Shar getting excited over me is a fantasy. Neither would do that. But when I answered the door in my gym shorts, no shirt and all , Shar showed courage by entering in . Shar has some decorating ideas, for the Lair, so I pulled that job from CraigsList, but like I said why are great looking gals like these unmarried? I’d Marry either one, kids and all.

Any way, screen blurring, need Goody’s, food and sleep see, ya’ll overnight on radio.

L8R Ya’ll

KNYTES WINGS X 2sign off

Quote of the Day:
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
--Kahlil Gibran
Hebrews 10:35-36“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL



Sunday, September 22, 2013

Transparency Is Credibility and Legitimacy


There was a thing my Mom taught me as a young Wolf-Pup, that if your being sneaky, trying to hide things and not being fully visible in the light, then you must be up to no good, or doing something sinister. If your doing something underhanded, feel funny and nervous or just plain, doing things in the dark, Mom said, then your fixin to mess up. Now true not everybody has a Google search hit on them, or a Facebook, Twitter or other thingamabob, but if your involved in IT(Information Tech) computers, building websites etc, it would make sense that someone doing that should ought to have a local website or at least a connection?

Okay then , look at both HazzardAyre , the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as AyreWolf Aviation. All three are very visible, very transparent, and from this newspaper to Facebook, you’ll find all three. A way to contact us both online or by phone, without multiple voice mails or automated intake phone things, means if your not doing something evil, you stand out and say here I am. Which means all of the things I’m involved in , is very legid, legal and proper right down to the tax numbers.

There was this guy we met the other day at McDonalds, lives locally I think, said he made websites. Thought we’d let him have a crack at ours. Still working with another, but a local who could also sub in as a area assistant engineer would help.

So got to looking, no local connection, no online connection. If it ain’t then they ain’t.

Okay then, items on the table last night at the club meeting, which I tried to call Joni on but never got a call back, might be she got spooked too, and bailed, oh well I try.

But the pecking order of things, is the same, Radio Station first, Shop, Second, Reaper Club 3rd, and if all looks good, bring up AyreWolf Aviation Repair fourth. In that order.

So with that said let me say this about somebody that I had lunch with the other day.

Joni came over, so intimidation is not a factor, or at least I don’t think so. She has a dynamic look, in fact a great package, but more over, while she interviewed for the bar and all, I also think there’s much more this gal can do than just serve brew, and mix cocktails. There’s a great brain there, granted some deep hurts, but serious brain power there. In essence could make one helluva second seat here at Confederate Steele. That’s why I’m pursuing her with dilligence , if she was just to work the bar etc, I wouldn’t be making such a fuss, I’d just say oh well, dust off the step and say whatever.

People from one end of this valley to the other have questioned our legitimacy , credibility, etc, and some of that might be justified, considering we are a club, that despises the establishment, that walks the line of being anti conformists , and certainly strongly dislikes most if not all Yankee’s. Or at least the near socialist society the Yankees have created. Something our group fights every day. Showing how the south was right 150 years ago as well as today. However the one thing you wont find here is this, any part of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, hiding in the darkness. We are as transparent as possible. Oh yes all too real for many.

God Bless Dixie


See ya’ll on the Radio after NASCAR.

Crazy C sigcompany banner


Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Romans 15:7“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I am their Flag


Before I get into my rant here need to say this. I must have celebrated a bit too much last night. Those Bud’s(Bud Light) that I had must’ve been been a bit more potent than I thought. I spent most of my paycheck which I’ll suffer from this next week, but I’ll live. This usually happens at a end of month club meeting and for the most part near end of riding season. Here in another month or so it’s put away the bike, and ayrecraft get in the caged surroundings of the toew truck, and slide around the slick and cold snow. Although its predicted by the Farmers Almanac that its supposed to be more cold than snow. So today I’m sitting in a darkened room, holding my cranium ,staying quiet, and deciding whether or not to go fetch grub. Guess that’ll come about 21:00 hours.

I hate spending so much money on a night out, maybe those coffee’s for $3.00 a whack had more than coffee in them. Watching BSU get stepped on for one tiny point. Fresno must be having a hey day ,over the win.

But once in awhile after so many months and weeks of plain bullshit over pin up girls that never return a phone call much less an email, guess that $1,000.00 a day doesn’t excite them too much. After bar help for the Reaper, one visit of one that I think is on board, but don’t know for sure , guess I will see Monday at 13:00(1:00PM) that don’t return an email or phone call. And don’t get me started on the gals for co anchor on the radio gig. But getting out, getting hammered, and not regretting much nor caring about some ungrateful people,reminds me of why staying single and alone is good. Women are nice to look at, occasionally work with, on camera, in the Reaper Club, or such, but its nice that when the task is done you send them on their way and say thank you, and sleep alone, my way in MY bed.

Okay then.

This morning even in my part sober state, I ran the tune I AM THEIR FLAG, a song that I hold dear. Its one that I saw in 2007 that describes it all. This flag >csaflagdoes not represent hate, or evil, it is one of our heritage, of our southern culture and our southern loyalty. But there is a part that you must understand. For Many the Dukes of Hazzard was a 1 hour poorly written at times farce of a TV show. People watched, laughed and then went on about their lives. While for many like I , Hazzard County is more than a TV show, or a place on earth, Hazzard County is a part of your soul and place in my heart. For it was the Dukes-of-Hazzard, that brought me to re-examine, my southern heritage and life and my family’s history in the southern culture. To coin a phrase, I was a Confederate Rebel , before being a Confederate was cool. My family on both sides was of southern ancestry. Mom was Texan, Dad Alabama and Georgia. Military service in the U.S. Navy and Marines brought both north. While My Gran Dad on Mom’s side was of the north, (Grace-Idaho) My Grandma was of Alabama and Texas. Mom was born in a at the time town of Gilmer Texas. My Father was born on the southern half of West Virginia, them both my Grandparents on Dad’s side moved to their ancestors homeland of Montgomery Alabama which is why Montgomery Alabama is called Montgomery Alabama. While my two Uncles (Dad’s brothers) lived in Conyers as well as Macon Georgia. Many of my summers until 1993 were spent down there. On farms working long days, sitting on the porch, hey in the south we do a lot of front porch sitting and thinking. But I learned of my heritage, of the General of Lee’s Army, (yes a General Montgomery) was one of my ancestors.

But I posted the video of the song, and yet few if any have even responded. Now here’s the grind of some gears. About a year or so ago, I got this urgent email from Alma, Ben’s dear lady, saying that Warner Brothers was going to take our rebel flag of that General Lee Dodge Charger. Something to the effect that the WB, thought it might offend somebody. And they call us Confederates racist. Any mile Alma wanted all her friends to write, call and fuss to WB, and CMT about the situation. Of course I did. And so did the Knytes, but we as a club did more than send a few angry Facebook postings and emails. We all rode down to WB Studios, and brought our handwritten letters to studio execs. You noticed the flag is still on the toy General’s.

Now before you Yankee’s start bitching understand this. The time is sooner than later. That flag you dislike will soon become the flag all, I repeat ALL Americans will salute. The Yankees have messed up America so much that as we say that Marxist Abe Lincoln did us no favors in the so called reconstruction. The south did not loose the way, we conceded , to prevent further loss of life. The saying Dixie will rise again, is not just a saying, its already starting to rise, and its with pride that the Knytes of Anarchy in our small way is helping it rise to new altitudes.

I say simply, God bless Dixie.

I’m going back to bed, my Goody’s are starting to work, so maybe I can catch some sleep.

L8R Ya’ll

Crazy C sigcompany banner

Quote of the Day:
Happiness is not a reward — it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment — it is a result.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
2 Corinthians 13:14“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL


I am Their Flag (+playlist)

If the other team fumbles the ball , pick it up for a conversion

aHazzardAyre Short hedderwolf log

I learned earlier this evening as I dined with an associate at Anchors, that SpeedTV is now Fox Sports One. Gone is the all automotive performance all the time gearhead channel, or is it?

Here’s the thought, why couldn’t HazzardAyre TV replace 198592091_640?

After all know anybody better to cover major and minor automotive programming and events as well as all those how to shows on performance aftermarket than the crew of HazzardAyre? Real gearheads covering things us gearheads and motor nuts love. Be it drag racing, NASCAR, ISCA, and other things. Watch here for further developments.

Got some great news. On the shop , bar and other areas of interest. Got our sponsorship from Miller Sportspark, and the LH.Miller Foundation. This brings us into a much larger picture. If you don’t know who Larry H Miller is, think Utah Jazz, and you’ll be on target. Scott Miller has confirmed renewed backing of the Knytes, more over Confederate Steele. That means the shop rent on Shoshone will be covered by them once we get the full lease back from Boise. More over the radio station, and of course the bar. We’re talking millions of dollars here. Scott’s family owns Miller Autosports Park just outside of Tooele Utah. More over our entry is by way of a former coach there, that was one of our sister groups, the Deere Dazzlers Association a group of those who caught Classic Tractor fever that love the color green.

Sometimes persistance pays off.

Until later today.

Good numbers,


Quote of the Day:
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
--George Santayana
2 Corinthians 13:14“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL

Friday, September 20, 2013

In a bar, this is the way NOT to get repeat customers

aw phootenotes

Now before ya’ll think I’m about to rag out on another bar , your wrong.

I for many reasons, mostly to keep tabs on our competition the really only competition the Reaper Club has if you even want to call any bar a threat to the Reaper, but any mile, went to Anchors Bistro and Bar. Okay ordered the Anchor Dog, $10.00 2 brews $5.00 no problem. Watched the game we lost 40 to 41 can you believe that one miserable point. Guess BSU can’t have a no loss season every year huh? Any mile, so drank coffee the rest of the night. Which here is what I’m pissed at, can you believe, charging a Knyte member $2.60 for coffee? This kind of crap is why the push for the Reaper Club is getting even more pushing. I mean really , near $3.00 for coffee, most bars do not charge for coffee, especially after you have spent $16.00 already. Guess where I’m not going very often.

The Reaper has a better idea, how about all the time $1.00 brews, $2.50 in the bottle. A hamburger fries curly or regular cut paper skinny, $3.50 , Shot’s $2.00 and so on, oh and yea, coffee? Free any time all the time. Brews are free to club members and with a meal, over $5.00 .

That’s how you bring customers back.

Now onto the distributor. Then some of Miller Brewings sales crew was there, I tried to chat with them. in time they damn well will, with us opening the Reaper down on south Shoshone, near the MC shop. And the Boars Nest out on Blue Lakes where the Oasis used to be. Yet I tried to get them to chat. I told them to get my red Dog Beer, they said they couldn’t , I told them that I have already talked to Miller Brewing in Milwaukee they told me through my distributor I could special order it. The one guy said he would if I bought the whole shipment, which I would plus the kegs. But did Tony sit down to give me a price? No. Like I said they will in time. After all I’ll sell the rest of TEC’s products, too bad there can’t be two distributors in one location, as if there was , there would not be a TEC Distributing. Too Bad Magic Valley Distributing isn’t around any more. More over too bad the people we get product from in Montpelier based out of Soda Springs, as well as our supplier in Boise ain’t here. They firmly understand the WORD, NASCAR. As well As NHRA. They understand that besides the two bars our acquiring the drag strip just outside of Gooding, where we will sell brew, not the way to sell product.

Bottom line, The Anchor as well as TEC Distributing dropped the ball here tonight. Just like the game , both lost by one point.

Its not  a way to bring in new customers.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die...
--Alfred, Lord TENNYSON
2 Corinthians 13:14“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL


THIS TOO IS THAT SIMPLEhazzardayre radio billboard