Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I only got up to go pee

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So mother nature came calling rather abruptly so I got up to drain the main vein, when a slight shave and a hair cut knock came on the door.

So out of being partly awake, I woke up further opened the door in my Marine shorts, and there’s a luscious blonde. Wants to be a housekeeper. The way she looked thought could be a helluvalot more than a housekeeper. So we visited and think now we have that under control. So with Joni on board as my second in command here, and our honey maid on board, there’s just the pin up girls, and the on air radio people.

So yesterday, felt like a heel, although when we’re talking beer I’m always ready to snag a brew. But told Joni, that I blew my cash stash, and Me I’m broak broke, until the Marines and DOD gives me more on the 5th. Okay fine, she takes me to Anchors, which even Joni agreed that Anchors is over priced. Yes I know the Sheep’s Pen and the Reaper are on the way, but $4.00 a snag for a brew and $3.00 for coffee is a bit much. But I felt funny having somebody I’m hiring buy me brew and the other day buying me food. Isn’t it that man buys the food? Boss’ and Execs don’t get things bought for us, its usually the other way around. But thing is, and many need to understand, the club pays for wages on the bar, radio station and upkeep on the club house, I don’t. I get a stipend or a dividend payment of 1% of whatever the club makes each month that I help generate. That’s all. The rest of my income comes from my military pension, SSA , and whatever I make toewing and flying, whatever the shop makes I get $25.00 for every $100.00 the shop makes. But the shop is more like a meeting place when we don’t meet here at the Lair.

For those wondering at this point , no neither Shar nor Joni, has came into the Lair, in nylons, and me do the smooch on the toes, I knew a few of you might be wondering. I’ll let that happen if it happens on its own. Only question is, how come it is all these really great looking hotties are walking around solo? And I’m alone. Oh sure they have guys in their lives, shyt, gals like these are not spending Saturday nights at home wondering what on TBS TV cable. No they have numerous male corpuscles buying them drinks and grub. But I have been gave the gift between Shar and Joni, meeting them and really enthusiastic about getting them together with the club and confident they are on board with us. Not that these two would, although it would be a dream brought to fruition, but just once I’d like one of these new hires, to walk in, find where I sleep here, push me down on the old rack, and ravish my body.

Now then, I spent all day in bed and plan to go back there since last night I went out with a few of the Wolvez and drank a bit much, it wasn’t the brews it was the 33 Jello shots that got me. They were free, but my mind left me about number 15 , how I made it back here to the Lair I don’t know. I must’ve looked a sight, hey I know I’m big in size, and thought of Joni or Shar getting excited over me is a fantasy. Neither would do that. But when I answered the door in my gym shorts, no shirt and all , Shar showed courage by entering in . Shar has some decorating ideas, for the Lair, so I pulled that job from CraigsList, but like I said why are great looking gals like these unmarried? I’d Marry either one, kids and all.

Any way, screen blurring, need Goody’s, food and sleep see, ya’ll overnight on radio.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
--Kahlil Gibran
Hebrews 10:35-36“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

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