Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Stupid is as stupid does, and what about wyld, radical, and out of the box did you not understand?


I just giggle, when I get a reply off of a human resources ad, that says this wasn’t what I was looking at getting into. Simply because somebody forgot to seriously READ THE DAMN AD!! Radical means Manswers type broadcasting with a shot of diesel fuel mixed in country-fied. then I get to thinking of the boys, Jeff, Larry, bill and Ron, did somebody forget they made their careers off, of off the wall, out of the short box comedy, but I’m getting off center.

If some gal in Montana, Oregon, or Canada reads our ads, do they read the ads? Or just the paycheck part? Must just be the checkbook part? Then I need to ask, is off the wall what we call bootleg southern humor only available from or with from our beloved Dixie states? Or might there be at least one or two gals out in the Mountain West or even Hollywierd that wouldn’t mind taking a swing in this batters box.

Granted it might have been the last posting of gals coming for a lap party, that’ just an old mans fantasy, in reality, I want Journalists that can come in piece together material, and render a newscast, with a Naked News style delivery, okay not naked, maybe tight jeans short skirt, biker leather, but hey make it hot and steamy. Is this too much to ask to get delivered? And if others can and we can’t how’d they do it? Especially Spike TV’s old show Manswers, I want to do this kind of TV.

But when someone calls, and calls, or emails and wants in, then you explain it fully, you wonder, did not they read the damn ad in the first place, what part of, WILD, Radical, Rebel, Anti Establishment, TV(Radio) did you not understand?

Bed time, for this 6 wheeled cowboy see ya’ll this eve on the radio.

DXEWYNGS sign off

Quote of the Day:
To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
--Theodore Roosevelt
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Some days it’s best to stay in bed, or at least off line

wtf hedder

There are some day’s its just best to stay in Bed, and let the world pass by. No matter what needs done it’ll be there the next day.

It’s obvious, when you wake up to a slight moist feeling under your britches, not quite pissed your pants but just about there. For younger guys this is no problem as ya’ll get older your brain and bladder at times has a slight misconnect and you can end up pissing your bed, especially if you and Prince Bud were very close the night before. The situation gets even worse if you get dreaming about some super babe. Even there no for sure thing. your mind may say go, but your penus may not. Sometimes that little joint that used to be larger than a tree branch, may need some serious talking to , to come out and play, especially when not excersized. Even your pecker needs to be massaged and ya’ll know what I mean regularly or at the moment of fire works all your going to play with is, a sparkler, rather that the M-80 you used to impact with.

Of course not saying we need to have all out porn to get our attention, such weather gals at Natalie Noah at RFDTV, on a poster in front of you in the right outfit should do the deed. Course ya’ll might have a local gal from your fave coffee pot, that has the right smells and all.

Then of course if you have the job of still casting on air projects, and even TV anchors and movies, you really can be objective because now as you look at a prospect talent, your no longer dribbling down your legs, gluing ever leg hair together. Casting guys know exactly what I’m saying and those that say this does not happen to them are lying or have very ugly talent. Or are queer, or all 3.

Although I’m still waiting for the talent like I had once all too many years ago.

This Gal belonged to some off site talent agency. She showed up and could command me like a puppy. The first day she showed on location, hey I was still with Jan, just she was a time off from showing up, but this gal talent shows up and knowing my weakness of a gal in nylons, took matters in hand as well as Linda Lovelace style. Needless to say thyat day was very good . In fact she worked for the company for nearly 10 years before  I had to let her go and only because we moved that op, to Wyoming.

Then came Marie from Tooele Utah. Marie knew very well I was hitched , but would revers nest on my lap every chance she got in the studio on air. Funny that has never happened here in Idaho, or at least Tweaker Flatts, as it is I’d like it to, simply to see if I could.

Then I saw how many no news any more I don’t see on Facebook, but too I’ve whittled down a heap amount of friends and all. There’s some that I just got tired of. All to come to Jesus pages, all the Bike stuff, fine. Of course every once in awhile something from the Castro Agency. Trouble is, apparently his classy broads with or even classier bikes, and rydes wasn’t good enough so he decides to pull out too soon, call it a very serious premature withdrawl. But am heading to Utah just after the 4th to get the talent, set up. But I’m getting to this, I’d give two months guvrmnt money to see and experience some hot gal, to walk up to the door here, in skirt,hose heels, chatting and going for the real thing, my only worry there, is that it’d be so much a shock, I might have a heart attack, but what a way too go.

Any mile have work to do.

L8R Ya’ll

DXEWYNGS sign off

Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL


dxt ad 3DDR LOGOdxedsltv mini logo


Why is it that, that one loose snot in your nose has to whistle?


So there I am slamming the skin salami to this angelic honey, oh okay so I wasn’t, I was dreaming of it and God says if you do it in thought you do it anyway, so must be getting  a heap amount of salami action.

So here’s this snot in my nose that will not shut up, I mean I’m dreaming of>IMG_0237 and all of a sudden this damn snot.

Okay found out a few things from Big c on Nancy’s ride. Nobody was holding her Durango hostage for $350.00, the $350.00 was to fix the damn brakes, the club was well set to pay for that, not me, the club. But Nancy makes a big drama of it, it wasn’t as serious as she made it out to be all is calm, in all camps.

Found a lady talent from Montana for the on air TV and reporter anchor for DDTTV, yep Montana, says a pretty bad narration to a serious slap in the face when your locals ignore you and the ones not of here respond to ads, on both CL, and Explorer.        

Yes listed this in both.

Might be get one or two to spill over to HazzardAyre, we see.

Don’t think HazzardAyre is getting shoved, infact if all goes right we’ll have a two hour per day thing evenings of HazzardAyre on DDTTV, then as part of DXEDSL overnight.

Any way, hair is dry, need sleep. Your all up to date. Oh and yes, I’m back at A1.

L8R Ya’ll

DXEWYNGSsign off

Quote of the Day:
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
--Robert Fulghum
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

dxt ad 3 DDR LOGO


UAITASHIELD knytes end

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

hurt but mending


Normally I have a intro pic to my report here on HazzardAyre.

For this one, there is no pic.

While its not exactly a he she break up its close enough. Quite frankly enough blame for both, I said my sorry’ so we move on and yet I’m hurting inside. Just like if in fact my real sister not just an adopted one died. Hey that happened not too long ago.

All caused ,by an associate that I trusted in, and quite frankly I still trust in as I have not much choice, until I change my environment. Mostly location. I need to be nearer to media and such facilities than there are available , more over where there is territory for LexiBelle. In both cases that ain’t here. I bought into all the stuff from Big C, about moving here being put into an associated position and all that. Ain’t happened. Spread my wings a few times, got the wind sucked out from under , I was damn near ready to turn this around then after all the tow truck hadn’t been moved and shop not shut down, no but I trusted. What an idiot I am, but things are under way to fix this.

Then its AM Falls/Pocky, and I no look back here cept to say adios amigo.

The fact that someone that says she's into the lord and all that , yet can’t say something like we both messed up, we are both at fault, and even go settle this with the one that caused the rift to begin with, makes me wonder are you into the lord , or do you go to church to be trendy, and show a good side?

Any mile not feeling well so hitting the rack until 15:00 but some practice of what ye preach.

Good numbers to ya’ll we 1010 on the side,

DXEWYNGS sign off

Quote of the Day:
The happiest couples are those who spell "us" with a capital "you."
--Klare Provine
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Monday, June 17, 2013

Be what you preach


When something hits and its not one of these born again, folks, one just goes through a screaming match, thing ends, address’s get taken off Facebook, and Google pages and life goes on.

Most of the time the likelihood of you seeing this person that will not even support you, even when it was YOU supporting and trying to help them, but the chances of you seeing them in town a few and very far between.

In this case I have to say I can’t even go to Church any more.

For those just joining this little soap opera, and oh yes a chat with Big C is coming, but here’s the story.

Few weeks back this friend of mine, says her brakes were messed up on her ride. Could somebody fix it? Okay so I go down see Shawn get two quarts of oil, and Shawn says sure have her bring it by. Its not that Shawn did not know this was a prospective repair job. So in about 4 weeks later Nancy and I take the Durango over there, but by this time Shawn was busy elsewhere. So Ricky, myself and Terry looked it over, found a few things that needed attention. Thought we had a master cylinder, but the master cylinder and all was the wrong one, we tried 7 of them, until we checked the VIN number and found the dang SUV was a border mid year change. What fit this one had to be on the year change not before not after. This was getting complicated. So I elected to turn the keys over to Shawn. Its not like Shawn did not know what that things was doing there. There’s more fibbing here than Convention of Yankee soldiers.

The thing here is this, if the new era born again Christians are to be forgiving, loving and all, why wont Nancy come over here to the house we go down to the office or other shop, and talk to Charlie? It’s a slip of communication, and somebody ain’t saying what they know to be correct. Why just get upset. Oh yes I understand being without a ride is a pain in the ass, especially when its involving much childrens, one that’s PG, And all, yes I know all about that. I have been there. In a way I’m there now, low income, can’t get to where I need to go, to get money rolling in, taken away from my shop in Burley and so on, yes I know what its like to be stung. But I also look at what God gave me, that God had Nancy and I’s paths to cross for a reason, that there must be a reason God keeps me here in this house of Charlie’ and all there’s something brewing here, unlike many I trust in God to just let God do what he’s doing, go along for the ride then deal with whatever is dealt. I forgive even the River, I ain’t going out again for some time, but I forgive. Told em if I can be of service , let me know.

I opened up to Nancy, I thought her and I were making a good Godly friendship connection. Even the  best relationships are going to have hiccups. Like the cliché says, the successful cowboy is the one who gets back on the horse no matter how many times he gets thrown off.

As for the Durango drama, You can bet in a couple of days, I’m getting to the bottom of it. There’s going to be some serious decibel levels and those with tender ears might want to have ear muffs or stay away from that area.

L8R Ya’ll

sign offDXEWYNGS

Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Maniac Monday

Good Morning

It’s once again Monday, the shedding of excess weight of both that housekeeper thing and the so termed religious house that harbored it, is beginning to be a relief. If I need my house cleaned I’ll do it, need my floors vacuumed? I’ll buy my own Hoover, and so on. Kinda like the question I asked 4 days into my first marriage, why the hell did you not just learn to cook? As far as making babies , shit, who wants to bring kids into this world in its current condition. Not saying abortion , just saying, go into secret places with a trench coat on, don’t take any chances. oh and that emotional connection? Bullshit, these days there ain’t no emotional connection between guys and gals. Only emotional connection these days for a guy, is the one I get during prayer, and massaging lexiBelle, my toew truck. Gotta think, LexiBelle is still with me, there ain’t no more wives. Never will be. Done gave up on that. No not turning queer, but why? There is no more emotional stability, with women any more, hell most of them are more messed up than us male corpuscles are, women these days, don’t fall into the traditional housekeeping, loving, cooking, sewing wife that most men desire today still. Today they don’t exist. Farm wives might be in this category, but the good ones of those my age, without a heckofalot extra problems do not exist, they are done hitched to someone.

If your not hitched to someone by age 55 and I’m one year shy of that, chances are your never getting hitched. My last one in Tooele Utah, was just that my LAST ONE.

But guess what ? I’m not blue, I have the best 44 any gear splitter ever had or could have, cuzz my second seat is Jesus, who needs anyone else.

While it does say we are to gather on Sunday’s to worship, here lately, ain’t seen no decent place cept maybe for the meetings the club has down in the canyon. That River Fellowship, and a few others are a bit too prudish for this confederate outlaw, Kaynine, so why go? We all get this ah lets get together, ah lets all love one another, ah lets get closer to each other in the name of Jesus, really? Where? One tells you she loves you back, but at the mere situation of a communications problem on a vehicle repair, no calls, no visit, no nothing. I did all I could, wrench says bring it in, albeit way to late. Heck if Nancy would have gotten it in there when I said too, might have turned out different. How many nights and early mornings was I up waiting for Nancy to bring that thing over to me so I could take it to Shawn? But , never showed up, oh well. Isn’t part of this being a Christian thing and a believer, to FORGIVE? Hey I forgive the River and all that transgressed on me, maybe Nancy could forgive me. That’s also part of that love and brother sister thing. We see.

Got three days in studio, two days on road, heading to Hazzard this weekend to start work on the restoration of our broadcast tower and building, plus going to chat with my cousin that owns what used to be Sligers now the 1000 Springs resort, about being my finance person. At least until I can move away from here.

Religious TV? That in my next entry.

Good Numbers to ya’ll 10-10 on the side.

DXEWYNGS sign off

Quote of the Day:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
--Winston Churchill
Psalm 68:4-5“Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A different Sunday for sure


So sat home and watched the services from the River over the Church’ station.

Let me be upfront, the Pastors at the River are cool, most of the folks there are kuel, but for a few people I have met there and all, and its sad to say, but I can’t go to that Church, even though I’d like to be able too. Just don’t want a fight or something to break out so I watch from a distance over TV , enuff said.

So took in Brian’s message, and it was good. problem is some idiot in the control room cut Brian off about 5 minutes too soon, from closing out the sermon. Good deal , told ya’ll you needed me in there.

Then couldn’t hear the thing for the first 15 minutes, but about midway through, Kaboom, wheres the kaboo,  audio, that was terribly overmodulated, come on guys ya’ll can make it be done better than that.

Of course I could snack, go to the head and make coffee while hearing the sermon, so not too bad.

Any mile body wants to snooze, brain wants to go, but body here is going to win.

See ya’ll overnight on the radio, on Dixie-Diesel/HazzardAyre Radio.


sign offDXEWYNGS

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL