Saturday, April 19, 2014 #


Saturday, the true day of rest , so I am. All I can say is: # for HazzardAyre at 23:00 hours, much will be told and explored until early morning. Remember #  For HazzardAyre.



Quote of the Day:
The easiest thing to find is fault.
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

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Heat in April

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Here it is a week until my birthday, normally by this time of year the ac is running pretty much on full , full time. Not this year. This year it’s the damn heater. Cold as heck nights, and early morning and wearing a heavy wool hoodie evenings. And it looks like its going to rain, here in the valley and snow near our home base near Woodruff. For the US, Government tree huggers, if there is a case of global warming I have news for them. Its more like global freezing. We’re burning off the stratosphere, and its not sun warmth streaming through its spacial cold . For those same tree huggers, that love to kill the way we live to save a spotted owl, or some damn bug that I’ve been exterminating for years all of a sudden I can’t because to some global protection society that sucked the penus of a Congressman I can’t kill, because it might effect some eco system.

Farmers, ranchers, even some city folk are tired of it. Zeb Bell a good friend and associate of mine said it best , might as well go get a cave somewhere, build a nature approved heating source since an open camp fire might be construed as open burning by the BLM so can’t have a camp fire, no eating smores since it’s a home made food, so I’ll have to send the mule into Bridge or Malta for food, oh and don’t think that the area that the Knytes was looking at years ago to build our MCAC town that all too many thought I was nuts to look at, is populating. Don’t believe it go look from the hole in the road that used to be Strevelle. There’s houses out there.

Ok , that all said.

I had every intention last night into early morning to be on air . Thing is last night was the viewing for Douggy, so as a matter of memorial we as a club decided to have a night of silence. This will happen once in awhile. Thing many do not absorb, is this radio show is produced by and for bikers, discharged and currently serving military mainly Navy and Marines aviators, as well as long haul truckers and the toewing profession who have a southern heritage. As such when one of ours exits life due to service or accident, this radio station will honor that individual in some way beit a night of silence or a day of memory.

So that’s why HazzardAyre was not on air overnight.

Last, the operating effort here is going full steam, with the help of EBRO in Tahoe we’re streaming, but still looking at having that under our own domain. Last here on the 3rd of May , we’ll be off air as we transition from Comcast to Digis. Digis is willing to give us cyber space air time in exchange for ads, which is something Comcast is not or has not been willing to do or even negotiate on. So be aware of that and take note.

All I ask of the Great White Spirit and Kahless is , please warm it up, I’m tired of freezing.

On a personal note. And I need to share with you this.

I awoke with the need of feed as well as a very bad memory dream of life in Burley. As bad and as messed up as Utah is in its beaurocriety there is the memory of those nights in September of 2012. When due to the bitch in Blackfoot that was managing funds I had to conserve serious cash to pull myself out of some really bad money troubles, so I resided in the shop. I remember stepping on mice, at night as I put on shoes to go to the head. No real food storage that again the mice couldn’t get at. The list goes on. Not saying that couldn’t happen again but its not something I want to repeat. As it is now, even with Mexican kids stampeding over the top of me, still I have a good place to sleep. Washer/Dryer, in short very much better than I used to be. So it could be worse. So when your thinking of how bad it could be, think it could be worse. The cave idea of Zeb’s still though is not a bad idea.




Quote of the Day:
Hit any user to continue.
--Fuzzel Fish Administration Page
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

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Friday, April 18, 2014

On HazzardAyre Tonight


Tonight on HazzardAyre Radio, we’re going to look at , is there a data base to find out just who those hot gals on TV ads are, and if they are models or are they real consumers.

Easter is this weekend, but is it Easter or Christmas and did the Catholics change the calendar or was it the Greeks.

Is TVS the Big Bang Station? or can TBS, crawl out from all the old Big Bang episodes and offer something new, or newer and what did happen to those new shows that were a hit?

We’ll look at why can’t Comcast offer a rate exchange for media, like one of their competitors did for us today, if so why have they at Comcast not reached out?

We’ll also look at how big is too big? Can a company become to big for its britches?

We’ll be talking of the resurrection of Pantyhose and nylons into modern female attire, can the fashion be retained? The secret society looking at doing just that, called Panty-n-Hose .com

And finally the new subject under study by the FCC into reigniting analog TV . Seems as though the white space idea went bust. So community analog small tv stations will be applying for new construction permits and licenses. Will this hurt or help online IPTV stations.

All this on HazzardAyre, starting at 11:00PM here on:

That’s HazzardAyre Radio, also heard on : KDXB FM 105.7 Buhl Idaho, KDOH FM 105.3 American Falls Idaho, and KNAK AM 1090 Woodruff Utah.

HazzardAyre where Hazzard County joins AyreWolf.

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Quote of the Day:
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty.
--Kahlil Gibran
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

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Artificial Intelligence


It has been reported that the city of Portland Oregon, is having to flush out and filter its drinking water due to somebody pissing in the city systems water supply. While I wouldn’t want to ingest somebody else’ urine, the fact is maybe there’s something in that might improve cognizant thinking. Or at least some measure of thinking.

In today’s world of technology the human population has gone from people using their brains to people letting machines do the thinking and their brains drain.

I think of that kids scyfy movie where the whole population at the behest of a huge retailer, builds a huge spaceship, and exits the planet with the decree to not return to mother earth until something organic can grow on it.

In that movie, from letting technology provide everything the humans bodies detereate to the point they are obese and just float around.

But can technology make major mistakes? Of course, after all the things are mechanical in nature, if a screw comes loose, the dang computers go bazzerk and people who are no longer there or phone numbers reassigned to someone else gets called up to collect on a past due bill.

Example I get up this morning at the unGodly hour of 08:00 hours. I meet with an associate for a more efficient Internet that is more tailor made for us and a better value. I meet, with no breakfast except a diet breakfast shake, I take a dip. With nothing to spit in I was gutting my snuff juices. As such my insides were having a battle. So he leaves, I go in and get rid of some serious body waste. wouldn’t you know it about half way through phone rings, so I quickly interrupt my morning reading, and hustle to the phone. Where I’m told through a recording that somebody wants to chat with me on personal business. Thinking its my shrinks office I stay on the phone. Conclusion, the call was for someone here by the name of Kennedy. Really, nobody with a Yankee name like that here. We seldom hire Yankee’s for ANYTHING. Guess the data miners didn’t sift through the dirt long enuff. But is stupid a developed condition ? Or is it a inbred born thing. Can people just come out of the belly pure brain dead? In other words, just plain stupid? Its like when I hear someone say , ah its just some old farmer. I’ll tell you this, the man who makes his living by the sweat of his brow, and has dirt under his nails is not only not , I repeat NOT stupid, he’s more intelligent than most city folk. A value of loving country, God, and his family is far beyond what most city folk can muster.

Any mile HazzardAyre is on today at 18:00 rather than noon, as I need a nap, but tell you what we’ll talk about this then, oh and btw if you want to call in ya’ll be free to do so, 801-605-3902 and you’ll be on the air with HazzardAyre. But when it comes to smarts Artificial intelligence is all most people have as most wouldn’t recognize and do not possess the real thing.

TTYL until then,

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Quote of the Day:
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
--Henry David Thoreau, 19th-century American essayist and nature writer
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

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For the unbelievers who think prayers are not answered


I hate jinxing anything by speaking way too soon, but its looking better now. Perhaps there is a good reason, God put the burr under my six to get me here to Utah, perhaps not.

Consider that on the horizon there is the sheer possibility that my government funds in a few months and that includes the DOD funds for HazzardAyre will not have to go through a handler. This could mean I could finally cut the cord of having to take up residency in Utah, Idaho, or southwest Wyoming to be closer to the who that cuts checks.

This Monday while many are stuffing themselves with Easter feed, The Knytes will be laying to rest one of our own. Someone that was not taken in the line of duty, or battle or doing everything he wanted. But an idiot that decided she needed the left lane more than Doug did. Doug and I go way too far back to not be teary eyed. Doug and I first met in Mr. Bowman’s Davis Junior High band class. We formed our own garage band, we made music and the need to get our music heard drove me into radio. Environment changed, I and parents moved to Idaho, but Doug and I stayed in contact. When the idea of putting together a mini bike and I mean mini bike MC, came around it was Douggy, that became one of the founders of what was called the Baja Boys. In time the Young Rode Eagles and so it went all the way into the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Doug went into full military service with the Coast Guard at first as a SAR Helo pilot, then in time reupped into the Marines doing SAR work. Even when I had to exit the Marines due to medical Douggy stayed in. We’d talk daily on Skype, and mil phone. Douggy came home just before I started moving down here, any way, but it does make you think when your best friend gets it , and its out of sheer idiot. They yap about artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is all some of these folks in Utah metro driving, since they have no recognition of real intelligence when they get in a SUV.

So we have to find a new bean counter, get him approved by DOD, to handle federal monies, then bills get paid, hopefully Comcast amongst others will keep our candles lit, for another two weeks. It’ll get paid none the less, but me being able to do that direct is a good move in the right direction and the folks here at WMS say that can be done.

Then of course being able to start seeing HazzardAyre see daylight as well as airstreaming is a move in the right direction as well. Could this have been done in Tweaker Flatts last October? Perhaps but EBRO and I were just at the infancy then.

I have only one big thing weighing on my shoulders right now, and internet, HazzardAyre or not come the first of the month, I’m in Idaho retrieving LexiBelle,>Lexi in green as I’ll be damned if I’ll loose her.

Now to bring this in for a landing. The reason I shut down now at midnight is my Mexicali neighbors upstairs, bitches that the noise decibel level is a bit high. So I shut down, but make this a fact I am looking for a cheap place to put all of this.

It’s my birthday week from Sunday, I have only two birthday wishes, one I get to see female flesh, for once, in 20 years, and two, someone to roll into the RoadHouse here and make me a good Grilled cheese sandwich. I can’t make those no matter how much I try.


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Quote of the Day:
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust
--Samuel Johnson
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

I want a $10.00 consultation fee


Today is like any other day, even with a swapped out number courtesy of Xfinity, still, I am getting people calling me wanting to sell me something.

First its credit cards. Don’t the screening call centers read RADIO in the title of our firm? Don’t they read Knytes-of-Anarchy in the handle on Yahoo, and realize its an MC not a person? So they send me stuff and mine my numbers and call. For that 15 to 30 minutes the yap at me I want a $10.00 consultation fee. Want to take my time and jaw on my ear? Fine, chew on my ear, but give me $10.00 in the process.

Okay some decisions were made at the tri monthly High Council Summit of the Knytes, the big agreement was that this move to Utah was one big ass’d mistake that has cost us more money than you could imagine.

In the agreement situation we all came to the mindset of finding office for studio, finish the radio works, then me move back to say the Powers or Evergreen until I can get Idaho Power and a few things fixed.

It was agreed that the idiot at PPC Real Estate, was in fact a carpet bagger. Said he had places in our price range, but has since not said anything,. Much less done anything. Want to sell property or rent it in Ogden, DO NOT GO to PPC.

The only good things that have happened is the radio gig online, and the break from Charlie. Past that all I have went through has been a effort in futility. The Club is not to happy about it, Metro SLC, Tooele, etc might have been a better choice, but let’s face it, even there the public aid services would have been just as bad for me. As for the club, dealing with people that hear MC, and think deep money, yet find out big money only comes in spurts, and until we get to really churning here our money is to a slow trickle.

In the AM got a meet with a guy from that Digis outfit, first I hope Matt brings an extra $10.00 for my consultation fee, and 2nd hope he has answers. The reason we are talking to them, is our office studios going in , in Buhl and American Falls respectively.
End of this loop/ ? Utah was a very big mistake, cost big money, but before I up and split going to go see what I move into, but outside of Laura, and Ebro, the rest of these hooligans that we have dealt with is just plain wrong. Heard yesterday that if I’m patient, in 7 months I can have this form written out to SSI, that says I’m better able to handle my own stuff. Meaning no longer having to be tied to Idaho nor Utah, This means places like southern Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, even Lake Tahoe California.

But any more when these telemarketers call, I’m going to demand that they send me $10.00 .


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Quote of the Day:
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1 Corinthians 1:18“[Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is there any place in America where there still is ANY Intelligence left?

stinky truth toew notes

I’d really like to know is there any place left in America where the gray matter of human brain still flows? Or did it all get stored by some Government agency and what’s left is absolute not just stupid, but brains running on stripped timing chains. It’s obvious that to work at Government agencies that smart is not a job requirement, infact compassion and intelligence are discouraged. Go to work, answer the questions on the data card next to the phone, hang up, and forget. To hell with the fact that now that person is going to get a reaming since you Mr. or Mrs. Government agency not too smart person has to wade through junk. But its only the half of it.

Local food and drug  store chain here of the Kroger family called Smith’s , calls me on the phone, new phone number. Says my prescription was ready. Groovy, So I go up there, show the new paperwork, from Medicaid all that shit, in the end I was declined. Thing is THEY CALLED ME. How the hell did Smiths know my new number, two how did they know I needed new meds, and if it wasn’t ready or my paperwork completed why bother me? Really? And this is what we call intelligence? If It is, it’s a very serious indictment of America’s educational system. Just part of what we’re getting to roll out to you this evening, on HazzardAyre.

Is there a secret code, that causes women that are around other women to all of a sudden if a guy gets in view to get bitchy? Case in point, inside a local watering hole here, bar gal treating me okay, yet here came someone I don’t know, wanting to wait on me, pretty soon the two were getting really bitchy. Before that nobody was talking to anyone that I was getting into called silent solitude.

In short I asked the LCSW today that was intaking me, that I mentioned to her, that did shoe ever notice that somebody with a Harley does not park at the offices of mental health doctors,. The response of the gal was a very blank stare. I had just told this gal, something she never had contemplated. Any mile we will see all at 04:00 Hours in the morning, decided to take tonight off as ye ole Wolf has intake with a she wolf prospect.


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Quote of the Day:
You can tell the character of every man when you see how he receives praise.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Romans 13:8“[Love Fulfills the Law] Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”

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