Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Self examination on my Birthday


Wednesday arrived in all its glory. Whyle the weather was warm outside I stayed inside feeling as lonely and underappreciated as Waylon on the night of the CMA Awards. Hey it is after all my birthday. I wasn’t expecting a ticker tape parade or the declaration of the day being a holiday, still something with a little more dignity. Considering my timeless efforts to improve areas that I live in through service of and because of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, you’d think that a few more around here might have invited me at least to Dinner, or lunch. At least our Ellie May, Nurse-GoodBody did take me for coffee. A chocolate coffee. A few cards from a few Knytes members, Bud was in the hospital, so no noise from him, but you’d think a few others might have done so. To which there is a difference in regions. When I lived and I did live, not just exist , in mini Cassia the first time in late 2006 at least a few locals came over and took me to lunch for my birthday. Same thing in Pocatello. Not everybody and fewer than I imagined hated me in Pocatello. So what gives here? Just cain’t understand it.

More on this Thursday, but quite a few that I know will need me for a toew, this coming winter when it snows on south 84. And I will remember.

Just feeling blue.


my other aw sig MW KOA LOGO

Quote of the day:
Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. - W. C. Fields
Philippians 2:5-8“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”

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hazzardayre tail A NEW SOCV LOGO


Hey , Hey, it’s the AyreWolf’s Birthday today, yuck.


Hey, hey its my birthday today. Yep as of 01:15 hours the remembrance of the day and hour I came into the world from inside the cab of a COE- Peterbilt in 59. You figure the age, okay?

What do I have to show for nearly 4 years of misery from the time I moved from Pocatello here to western Idaho? Internet speed slower here than in Pocky, off the TV show that I created there and brought viewers to cable access of Pocky, and worse in so many other ways, what I should of done, is kick the ass and bloody the face of that frigging bikini  bar bouncer that started giving me shit there, only because he got jealous of me getting close to, two of his main squeezes at that bar. Which, in reality I had no real personal interest in, since I had a gal there, that I broke up with to move out here.

Uncle Jessie, used to say fishing on the banks of Hazzard Creek, the field is only greener, until you have to mow it.

I made no real improvement on life in fact life got worse. But at least, I’m getting out of here, b4 the place starts stinking from the smell of death from business’s that start in Buhl and immediate area, but find life and income better elsewhere.

Black Rock Clothiers that started here in Buhl, moved to Twinky Flatts and is doing really good. Several others have done the same thing with the same results.

I talked to the President of the Knytes-of-Anarchy last night, and we both agree that selling the radio station license that is here in Buhl, and using the money to fyre up in Raft River is a better idea. So anyone want to buy a radio station license, for Buhl Idaho?

Any mile headed to bed, cry a little over my being so alone on my birthday, and getting at it as I bust a move at the shop, in Twinky Flatts.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. - W. C. Fields
Luke 19:10“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””

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hazardayre tail ANTI AYREWOLF AD

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This flag is soooo misunderstood


confederate_battle_flag_03 The Confederate battle flag is so misunderstood.

Whether its the KKK, Arian Nations or some other hate people group, the Confederate battle flag is abused and misused in so many ways that it makes this old rebel cry.

Fact is our battle flag is a symbol of history, patriotism , freedom and individual rights. The other thing is, is that the battle flag is only one of 4 other flags that are treasured and part of the Confederate States.

Yet if one posts something with the battle flag as part of a logo, watch how fast something is pulled from a popular social web site like FaceBook. Our children need to know the history and why those of us with our roots in the Confederate States, treasure and worship that flag. And why we fight to see her flying everywhere.

I was not only surprised but honored to see only one major newspaper in Idaho even giving any attention to the fact that April and this week marked the 150th anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter in Carolina as the kick off of the Civil War. The war was not about slavery or racism but the oppressive lying of the northern Union President to the citizens of the Confederate southern states, and that same Union is still lying to the nation.

The fight continues.

Now as I close, I need to say this; If there is a public supported food hand out and even if you do or don’t meet some financial limitations , you should still be able to get a box of food, no matter race, color or religious affiliation. Yet because I am moving to Burley and will not be around after May 1st and the fact I have not sought food assistance for nearly two months, you’d have thought a Confederate Marine should be able to get at least a box of food. But nope. So I let that white hairy Yankee preacher have it.

With that said, the Knytes-of-Anarchy is looking at taking over the duties of the Food Bank, for Buhl and immediate area. Obviously we will not be biased. And will look past the fact that someone working could use something to eat, rather than the fact that someone is or isn't a undocumented Mexican worker, or a single pregnant woman that pops out kids for benefits like a submarine mess hall pops out pop tarts.

This can be done better and after all who better than the Knytes? After all, who does everything else in Idaho, and everyone else copies but few truly duplicate.

Once again I want to say thank you to Jay and his crew at the Weekly Mailer in Burley for the acknowledgement of the anniversary of the Civil War. At least someone is paying attention./ Course this may be why the Mini Cassia area exceeds the progress of the rest of Idaho, and why I’m looking forward to making this area my home.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools. - Doug Larson
Hebrews 7:25“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

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I need to be a Black Mexican pregnant woman, then I could get grub from the food bank.


So here it was, Tuesday, sleeping sound , and remembered that today, was the day for getting food from the damn food bank in Buhl Idaho. So I go, a bit late, but went. I’m glad I did not depend on this food bank for eating for the week or I’d have starved. I got a quart of soy almond milk, a bag of greens and a bag of frozen French fries. And this was to keep me fed until the 1st? Bullsbreath.

So then saw this Mexican woman next door at Wesley House where the administration building for the Food Bank that is ran by the Methodists here, and guess what, a cart with 3 big boxes of food.

Then following her was a Mexican that I’ll bet has no legal papers, that got another three boxes of food. Wuzz that? Here I am a person that served our nation in battle, I’m a bit down on my luck and I can’t get even one box of food? Bullshit. I’m just thrilled that I’m moving out of stuck up western Idaho. Including Buhl. Course not all in Buhl are this way. I have met and have friendships with many, but I’m noticing an exodus from Buhl, want to guess how long the new business’s last after I leave Buhl? The only new one will be McDonalds. The rest will pack up. There are no jobs here unless you work for Rangans or Clear-Springs Trout company.

My advice? If you are down on your luck, and broke and hungry, don’t be living Buhl Idaho, cause you’ll starve. Like I said , glad I’m getting out of Buhl, on Sunday.

Alrighty then, got a email from Qwest, that said thank you for bringing your problems to our attention, etc, blah, blah, blah. Bottom line, the real response from Qwest to me is, Buhl, and Idaho is too small for us to worry about, be lucky that you have dsl service at all, if ya’ll don’t like it, go elsewhere. Which I’m doing, pending the approval of SAMCRO hq.

Course again it shows Yankee arrogance and ignorance. Like I said , I need to be a Black Mexican Pregnant woman with an Army of kids so I can go to the Food Bank to get even one box of Food.  Shows Government waste, don’t it? And did I not hear that the Idaho Food Bank got a big chunk of money from Fred Meyers? Where did that money go? In some preachers pocket, in Buhl, I bet.

All I know is this is one guy, I hope will be driving from Idaho to Utah one cold and winter night on I-84 south of Burley needing a toew. Know what I mean? Glad I work for Charlie.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes! - Georg Christopher Lichtenberg
Hebrews 7:25“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

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Cure our Nation Cause HazzardAyre Wolf Prowl


Few hours ago, I took a look at my Gmail, which is still running slower than molasses. So I was there in my inbox was a message of FaceBook’s Causes , asking me about my birthday wish for our cause of resurrecting the Confederate States and establishing the Confederate States Party. That is not only my birthday wish, but my prayer for all in this land that once was considered the ultimate nation on Earth , fully united. The thing is, going back in history , fact is the USA has never been fully united. First our war between the states, where father fought against son in many cases, and Gen. Lee flat exhausted , gave into the wants of the Union. Which has been lying to the American public ever since. 

Of course there are other scenarios, of this nation not being fully united. In fact the only unification that was and in many areas still is, is the deep south. With that said , many ask , why does and how does a state that is in the north have in common or connected to the deep south? More over the Confederacy. Consider for a few minutes , that Idaho has two, albeit very small, but towns called Atlanta, and Dixie. Also consider that in the Rocky Bar complex just east of Mountain Home on highway 20 is a complex called the Confederate – Star – Mine. Added to that are areas called Hazzard Creek, and the tiny , tiny town of only 115 called Hazzard. So indeed Idaho has a connection to those from our southern home lands of the south-east.

But my concerns are even deeper. All too many people have went to battle on foreign soil, in defense of freedoms that are all being threatened. Liberties that are near the axe, and a corrupt , oppressive Government on all levels from the U.S. Senate, to the White House itself. The economy is in shambles, jobs are few, even with a slight improvement , still fewer people are working, many more have given up looking. Jobs involving breaking a sweat, are being taken over by undocumented immigrants and our youth are looking for hope where there is none. Sure there are echoes of religious rumblings, and I pray to our God, to intervene , but even God is tyred of this evil empire that is currently the USA.

There was hope, that the Tea Party movement was an answer, which is constructed and assembled with not conservative Republicans but radical off the wall Republicans that have progressive communism pieces to it.

Try and get help from your elected officials and you get some assistant or aid helping you. When I contact those I voted for , I expect to talk to that elected official, like Mike Crapo or Simpson, or Riche , not some aid.

Then there is this deficit. Sure such things as all elected officials having multiple offices in one town that is being paid for by the tax payers, an IRS office that is never open, and while shutting much of those down , might only be a drop in the bucket money wise, but it would be a step in the right direction. Example, Idaho Senator , Mike Crapo has two , Twin Falls business offices that are never open. The list goes on and on, but I think you see some of the Government waste that is choking this nation.

The only answer that I can see is establishment of the Confederate States Party and elect some real salt of the Earth people to clean up this mess. The CSP  would elect those kinds of people to our nations capitol that are not afraid to fight for the common good. Get rid of excessive and oppressive Government involvement in our lives. Get rid of back room and hidden agendas and people who believe in God above. More over rework such agencies as the Federal Communications Commission that is so corrupt with financial bribes to hinder the growth of such things as community radio and or television in favor of supposedly free or near free Internet . Get rid of the Internal Revenue Service, establish a flat sales tax to support such things as entitlements and military. Protecting threatened species like the Wolf, and Polar bears, while encouraging the research into bio fuels to power our vehicles. Research and open grants for such things as solar power, to light our homes and natural gas to heat them. Soy based diesel fuel and ethanol made from not only corn but other grains for rides not using diesel. Again the list goes on, but the Confederate States Party or CSP is the only choice here. Not Republican , not Democrat, not even Independent , but the Confederate States Party.

While even 2012 is too soon, 2014 could be the break out year for a candidate from the CSP to run for President, but local elections and such we could do sooner. But that takes awareness of the CSP, that few if any national, much less media will give attention too. The only guy I have seen that stood up and voiced some of the same ideals as those of the CSP was that Sheriff in Arizona after that Congresswoman got shot.

We need a national as well as a local voice that is free of biases that tells our story , openly and honestly. That is the CSP and the HazzardAyre Radio and TV network. But that takes , I’m afraid, but takes money. Not a big amount, but money none the less. We also need PAC funds, or Political Action Committee funds. To establish caucuses , etc. Only in this way can the voice of Dixie be heard , seen, and understood.

As an organization that has its mind and soul, rooted in Confederate values, the Knytes-of-Anarchy is leading the charge. But the cause goes much broader than just the Knytes. The goal is to take back and make good the things that were planned and fought for that made the USA, the USA. In our view a new nation called the United Confederate States –of- America.

That is why , my Birthday wish is to raise seed money in the amount of $25,000.00 to begin to establish the HazzardAyre Radio/TV Network. To get us in front of the American public with a true platform that is what our nation , despite creed, or color can get ahold of, and believe in.

I hope that you will help. To do so, make out a check for whatever amount you feel you can afford and send it to : The CSA, care of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, 1724 Almo Burley Idaho 83318.

The CSP at this years Twin Falls County Fair, next edition.

Stay Tuned,


Quote of the day:
The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television. - Unknown
Hebrews 7:25“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

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hazzardayre tail2 OUR PATCH

Monday, April 25, 2011

HazzardAyre Nyte Edition. The LiL Lady is born


Concepts for kustom rydes come and go. There are tymez that your first idea is not the right one in lyfe. Thus, I have decided and after all its my ryde, I have decided to do the General Jackson on a different chassis. But so too, I thought, and I do think, why not do something that gives a kick to AyreWolf Aviation and different at the same time? Introducing the LiL Lady, or as you will come to know her, WolfStang. Half 87 Mustang, half AyreWolf .

WOLFSTANG Whyle the car wont do mach speed, The LiL Lady will have many of the attributes that The Lady, aka Airwolf has.

Watch here for more in months to come. Just need to find two 50 cal, guns for both sydes.

The 3vent is on so I’m outta here.


my blog sig ayrepatch

Quote of the day:
The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything. - Walter Bagehot
Colossians 1:27-28“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”

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hazzardayre tail KEEP IT TWEEN THE DITCHES

HazzardAyre Sunset Edition Itchy And Scratchy, Bitchy and Smelly


First ya’ll have Itchy and Scratchy from the Simpsons, series. ItchyScratchy2

ITCHY-AND-SCRATCHY Soon there will be Bitchy and Smelly that will be a afternoon radio drama cartoon on HazzardAyre Radio. A rich well to do Yankee aristocrat woman, married to a kountry bumpkin drunk.

Both would just as soon as kill each other as to live with each other although they do and stay married for convenience.

The radio drama series is being penned for release this fall on HazzardAyre Radio, and with the help of a illustrator the cartoon visual version will air on HazzardAyre TV next spring.

That’s right, HazzardAyre TV, will be a syndicated TV kountry variety/Confederate truckers news/lifestyle show, on two satellite available only networks.

The voices are still being cast for Bitchy and Smelly. Watch here for details.

Sought the interest of a news publication in the Burley area for some help on doing a column for the club, but got no reply as of yet. Maybe they were out for Monday. Remember the adage ignore us today , we forget about you later. Especially when it comes to advertising, both for my firm, as well as the club. See what shakes and let ya’ll know this week.

Everybody it seems is getting sick. Went to see the Doc today to get a prescrip refilled, but never got to see the Doc. Waiting room was filled to capacity. Got a toew call right while I was waiting so now got to shake that tree Tuesday.

Watch here for pics of the WolfStang .


OUR PATCH my blog sig

Quote of the day:
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson
Colossians 1:27-28“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”

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