Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The original always beckons copycatters

HAZZARDAYRE TAG 1morning phootenotes

For those that claim they never read this blog, or our printed versions, are some of those that I find a lot copying our voices.

Fact is many say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, still nothing reads, nothing is, the same as the original, and for those that keep copying our stuff, well let’s just say Judgment is nigh.

Example; I did a fast search just for stuff and giggles for Hazzard County Gazzette, >HCC KNYTES HEADERFound many pages that are nothing of the Hazzard County Knytes aka Knytes-of-Anarchy.

The thing is, the Knytes are the ONLY legal entity of law authorized to use that title, which is a on screen publication on the TV show Dukes-of-Hazzard. In fact , those who do, duplicate or try to swipe the title and any likeness’ of the Hazzard County Gazzette, is guilty of infringement of copyright as well as theft of intellectual property of both Warner Brothers, Lou Stepp Productions and the Knytes-of-Anarchy aka Hazzard County Knytes.

Severe penalties can and will be brought to those doing so.

However, now that we finally, have a bonifide talent agency associate the website and all can be finished, thus all that is on Blogger now will be taken off Blogger and moved in their own, domain names and placed on the Knytes-of-Anarchy/HazzardAyre website.

My advice to those wanting to keep copying us, retitle or see ya’ll in court.

The next question though becomes, are we the only outfit in America with original creativity and thought? Must be, but to finalize this not all can be Knytes, or Ladies of the Knytes, and not all publications can be the Hazzard County Gazzette/HazzardAyre .

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sig company banner

Quote of the Day:
A rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.
--Richard Armour
1 Thessalonians 5:11“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL


The Flight plan of life


In 1st Thessalonians it says, The man that does not work does not eat. If one is not willing to do something for a needed thing, do not think someone else is just going to GIVE it to you.

Sometimes it’s a barter thing that is do something for a person, and the other does something for you. Same thing as exchanging money.

Have a friend same guy that needed a radio. What he really wants is two like my portable commercial radios. Even this older one of mine cost me $300.00 and only because I towed his service van. Even so to legally use them, you have to have a license, and yes the FCC checks. Often. Motorola portables even used are priced between $250.00 to $500.00 some specialty ones cost right at $800.00 , did my friend really want me to just give him one or two? Question becomes is he going to work for me? Sorry I have enough in my company’ crew. With Obamacare going into effect and all I ain’t hiring anybody else. Now for the radio gig, my friends wife was all up for it, but never followed through. Which is normal, and I don’t think she’d have made a good radio person for us, but I could have taught her broadcast basics so she could go work at say the Churches station or something. Never came over, never took it serious. Hey I’m not Nancy, I’m not Jesus, and I don’t have that generous gene that Nancy and a few others have.

Sure , Charlie gives me certain things, but I still have to go over to A1’s shop and such and put in a days work to get them. Like Charlie says, I take care of Charlie, Charlie takes care of me. That simple.

Sure I’d do anything on earth for Nancy and her kids, simply because not only did Nancy clean the house, but opened her arms to me and helped me through a few things as I think I did for her, but outside of Nancy, Joe, and her kids, the rest of that house, hey I’m their friends but that’s all. There’s two there that could be models, Maria, and Ashley. Of the two Ashley has the package I pitched the model gig to her, she turned me down, so and thank God we now have an agency out of Denver handling that, but Ashley could have connected to that, and started a career through us, same with Maria. Did they do so? No, one wants to collect government pay, the other Pizza Hut, their choice, but would I do something for them now? Not unless Nancy asked and only to the minimum limit.

The Knytes, A1’s crew, the AyreWolvez, you bet any time any where as much as I can, and I’d give it all, ultimately same goes with God our father and Jesus, Any body else, take a number I’ll get back to you.

The Flight Plan of life is written in the Bible, read it, put it to the test, then apply what you read.

L8R Ya’ll

WOLFS LAIR SIGcompany banner

Quote of the Day:
I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
1 Thessalonians 5:11“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

In the words of Jesus, how long do I have to hold your hand and lead you?

good night phootenotes

In Mathew we read as God was preparing to leave for the crucifixion, his apostles asked Jesus, how will we get along without you? Jesus responded, that he’d be there always, but took it further, in saying , “ How long do I have to hold your hand and lead you?” Meaning , simply that Jesus wondered , can’t these people think for themselves. After all I gave people ultimate intelligence over all creatures.

Jesus is not the only one.

Outside of the Knytes and all and even there I wonder, you ask for something, I tell you what to do or where to go, but do you expect me to hold your hand and lead you always?

Holding ones hand and leading is great when the other person is 3 or 5 years old, but by age 10 and older, if you can’t find the water, your going to go thirsty.

God gave me some great gifts. I will not use the word talent as the word talent is a Hebrew word or word describing a amount of money, in our times we say something costs a $100.00 in Hebrew wording its several talents, rather than dollars. It’s a amount of something.

God gives us gifts, not talents.

Thus God gave me many, an idealic mind, sharp wit, a good grasp of language and the ability to write, and be a broadcaster. Gifted driver, and basic mechanic skills as well as being able to fly. The other gift was to being a leader.

However , to describe this easily, one must look at when a man gets married. You get married, you go to the motel, you carry your bride across the threshold , but if she doesn’t do anything the man might as well pleasure himself. She has to do something.

Likewise with some club members and associates and friends, I can tell somebody where to go find something, I can tell them what to do, but I can’t do it for them.

Friend of mine says he needs a radio, and a tire. I have told him to come to the shop of A1’s over on Osterlough, find what he needs, pay Charlie what it costs and done deal. Charlie has tires galore, and would make my friend a very good deal, same goes with the radio, most likely give it to my friend, but that’s the limit of what I can do.

It’s like that couple that lived next to me in Burley. They needed some tires for a utility trailer, told em it’d probably cost em $40.00 a piece, but to make sure said for them, pull the tires, put the trailer on blocks and put the tires on the back of my truck. I told them I’d bring the tires and all over with me when I came to see Charlie, that’s before I stupidly moved here to Tweaker Flatts, but any mile. Charlie would have had me dismount and mount the replacement tires, tell me the exact cost, and it’d be done. Those same people wanted me to take the tires off that trailer, come over here R&R the tires and haul em back and remount them, for $60.00 , really? But still could they not do something for themselves?

If you go poop, do you ask someone to wipe your butt?

God gives you brains and strength , USE IT!!

Any mile busy day Wednesday, so gotta hit the rack.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
1 Thessalonians 5:11“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
HCC BATTLE FLAG 2hcc billboard

knyte scarKNYTESTAIL

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dixie is rising

reaper crew journal phootenotes

So got online after trying to get some shuteye. Was supposed to be at A1, this morning but had such a headache I couldn’t see, so crept down to Wal-Mart, got some Goody’s powders, got some sleep amongst 5 people interrupting my sleep.

So then went online, don’t know what SpeedConnect was doing but all my load up pages needed to be reset. Seems that even as good as it is Google retains ownership of your blogger page.

No matter we are working with Abacast again, should have up online streaming and ours in just a few months.

Now that we have the model talent in place through our official agency out of Denver, should have everything right where it should be.

Saw that the Twin Falls Chamber didn’t return my emails to them, here’s the sign,>AYRE FINGER I plan on giving when they want our club and my business to be members of the Chamber as well as club members and their companies be members of the Twin Falls Chamber.

Again shame on you Twin Falls, glad the home of HazzardAyre is Buhl not Tweaker Flatts>TF WELCOME SIGNThis should be the sign coming into Twin Falls at all points of entry.

Dixie Toewing is on the rise, the Confederate rebel crew is gearing up for a launch unlike any time in our history. Complete with ads that include our infamous Toew Kiss>IJUSTLOVETOEWS Just like the ad looks now>PAPER ADthanks to our talent associate in Denver.

Until we truck this cyber highway again

my dixie sigdixie wings 1

Quote of the Day:
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
--Carol Burnett
1 Thessalonians 5:11“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Insomniac nyte

Good Morning

I should be asleep right now, dreaming of making sweet nothings to Selena Gomez beside my bike at Oster ponds just outside of Hazzard.

But no, I’m wide awake, wondering why technology at least in our area can’t get up to speed and bandwidth of some other areas like Salt Lake City or say Denver.

Several times previous night , my trusty SpeedConnect was shut down on its own, on two uploads and three downloads.

Then there is consideration of when we start streaming programming over SpeedConnect, will SpeedConnect be able to keep up, makes one start to think, should we have a backup or is there a better way to make this happen?

I have deep questions, but as it is SpeedConnect does do a great job, but there are hours it does better than others.

From 03:00(3:00AM) to about 05:00 hours no real problems. During the day its not so bad, but from 22:00 Hours until the 03:00 hour time frame, there are skips, in service connectivity, and like I said I’m concerned.

For the average user its not bad, for us at HazzardAyre Radio, a skip in service even for an hour can cost us a loss in ad revenue or billable ad revenue at the rate of $150.00 an hour.

Any mile.

Going to try sleep again, after reading my bible.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
--G.K. Chesterton
1 Chronicles 29:11“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

God is never a 2nd thought

reaper crew journal phootenotes

Have you ever done this? Walk by your Bible, or put it up somewhere and thought , “ Hey I’ll get to that later?

If you have , have you wondered what if God, said “ Ah I’ll get to him or her later.” When you pray for something or for God to intercede for you on some problem or stress situation your under?

God should never be your 2nd thought, God should be your main thought. In every step, every breath and making sure God is in your thing whatever it is, after all, no matter what your doing God is directing it.

I try to make sure of that, and all things I do has God in it. He owns, created and is my foundation of every thing I do, beit, HazzardAyre Radio, going toewing, riding my trike everything. And especially when I’m flying. God has the stick in his hands at all times. In life we are passengers and servants , its when we forget that, that we all are fixing to mess up.

I have learned and its been reinforced more by such people like Nancy and all those that I have gotten attached to is by and through God.

Example is very apparent. Nancy I met at a group at Church, thought nothing of getting into her circle, just another person at church, at first. Yet I can remember that jolt in the middle of the night, that God told me to reach out to Nancy and her family. Yet it seems I’m closer to her more than I have been with just about anybody. Including Charlie.

My initial thought that I asked God, was, simply that I asked God why do I need a housekeeper? Outside of me being as busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, all it takes is about 3 hours, and I have gotten off my lazy butt and cleaned the house. Laundry same thing. But God said, you need to have her clean your house, you need to get close to this person.

So I made it a point to do just that at our next group.

It’s been very nice and sweet ever since. In a way, Nancy is like having a wife without the fringe benefits. For me right now in my station in life, I can accept that and its great at least right now, I get together with Nancy a couple times a month, and 3 times a week at church, and occasionally a dinner or two, and yet get to go home and retain my independence. For a long time, I have needed a female friend and companion without the pressures of the he & she, thing going on. God delivered. More like God pushed and I responded.

Okay then.

I related earlier about Twin Falls should be ashamed of itself for being so dang smug. For not being able to hire any of these little young teasers to be on camera, for promotions of the club, the radio station and eventual TV station and our upcoming movie, of the history of the club and HazzardAyre. Kind of like what Howard Stern did to bump up his popularity for his radio show, through the movie Private Parts.

The fact that in just 8 more months a powerhouse of a radio station with a coverage area far greater with a ERP, of 250,000 watts is being built here in the Twin Falls area, granted the studios are in Buhl, since that’s the FCC allocation we have and where we will be licensed. Yet with Buhl only being 15 miles west of Twin Falls, 40 % of effort is for the not so smug , not so head in the sand city of Twin Falls. The new TV station we are building will also focus a lot of attention on Twin Falls, yet the smug little honeys running around here would rather run around working in Fast food, at a poultry $8.00 an hour or so, rather than work for the club in its video and visual work for a minimum of $75.00 an hour and usually being paid a good $100.00 an hour. Yet none can be found. Guess I’m the wrong gender for such things. The old thoughts of Red Ridinghood getting nibbled at by this big bad wolf applies. Its ludicrous.

So like a bunch of things that are of a creative mind, or effort, we had to go out of area.

Oh don’t think I’m ungrateful, or anything. I think having an official agency that can provide talent at a phone call, plus travel and other expenses is great, yet the talent does not live here. Most likely will not spend much money here and so it goes.

There was a big push, in the not too distant past about, spending money local. Buying local etc. Okay the club tried, I tried. But hey the area rejected much of it. Yet the same ladies who could not be bothered, said that HazzardAyre, and KDXB will in fact change the town, and lives. Hey we did it years ago and we’re doing it again, but now the task is much easier thanks to Mike and his agency.

Okay then , next time you walk past your bible , going back to the beginning of this entry, don’t just give your bible a nod and say later, pick it up , read a few passages, then go about your tasks, that way God knows your not putting him 2nd.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
--Robert Burton
1 Chronicles 29:11“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scarKNYTESTAIL

Out of Anarchy comes order.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Shame on you Twin Falls,


Just a follow up , and a puzzlement.

As many of you know for what seems as several centons or eons, now the club has been trying to get model talent for various visual and video projects. Results in Twin Falls has been lackluster to say the least. Too many teasers not enough pleasers.

What really stinks here is now we have an agency out of Denver Colorado, that is now the official talent agency of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and Confederate Steele Media of Twin Falls.

What does this mean? Well for Twin Falls, there’s a bunch of college aged gals looking for great paying part time jobs, that’d fit college and/or school schedules, that will not get our jobs. Meaning no pay , for them. The money goes out of state , and who looses? Twin Falls.

Kinda seems stupid don’t it? That a city of 50,000 with classy gals that could, but didn’t .

That is a situation that the club is going to solve in the future, but at least now, I can say, no more ads on Craigs List, no more midnight interviews, no more junk, we have our talent agency, trouble is and its sad we had to go all the way to Denver to get it, like I said, Shame on you Twin Falls.

A formal announcement of our agent and all forthcoming in weeks to come.

Just a sad shame, but this time its not us to blame it’s the stuck up attitude of a town that is trying to be a city, that still needs to grow up.

Shame on You Twin Falls.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
--Igor Stravinsky
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

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knyte scarKNYTESTAIL